My Favorite JFK Speech is the one he never gave but had written out, temporaily at Substack, & Old at
Most of my writing these days has been at Substack, which is for now also where points to. Once before in 2007 or 2008 I posted an entire speech a politician gave here, Ron Paul's "Torturing the Rule of Law" speech before Congress, about Torture and the Rule of Law.
I decided to do the same with John F. Kennedy's first speech as President to the UN General Assembly in 1961, but also cover a different version of that speech that was floating around at that time, more what JFK wanted to say, but was not allowed to.
It compares well with the far more tame, but to many controversial and daring, American University commencement speech of 1963. That speech was good, and from what I have heard, unlike this speech which he was not allowed to give the way he might had wished, as it was originally drawn up, far far more disruptive to the cause of war, that 1963 speech he just gave and did not submit it for approval like what became of the original version of the 1961 General Assembly, cut out of all the best bits.
So he learned to try to get around the 'powers that be' that did not wish him to talk about such things as in this original speech I have excerpted, by not asking for permission first. If that was the tactic he used which allowed the bold 1963 Speech, which altered history because it was heavily rebroadcast and quoted in the media in the USSR and Eastern Europe countries, calling for an end to the Cold War and rapprochement with Russians and other Soviet States, and their allies.
But this speech, if he had been allowed to read it in full, would have also altered history, perhaps earlier and perhaps better. Or he may had been killed by the same forces that much earlier.
Either way, I have known of this alternate take for many years, and had forgotten some parts of it myself, so I thought now, with relations with Russia nearly as bad or worse, and having tried to warn as good as I could how dangerous this is and has gotten, it would also be a good time to mention this warning as it should had been given, by JFK in the first year of his brief administration.
JFK certainly had input in putting this speech together, so many of its points were shocking to the establishment, or would had been, had he been allowed to read an "unredacted" version of it. It is available more fully in the JFK Library archives should anyone wish more information on this speech, which is both a better look at what the Kennedy Administration really was, and a brief glimpse at seeing what might had been. If only...
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