Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Please Donate if You Can - Time is Running Out

            This site is restarting. It was begun once I returned to the United States from Europe. Following my other site,, I wanted to start fresh with a new site dedicated to truth telling. It got off to a good start with many great posts in Early 2007.

            Though the posts here covered a variety of topics, a recurring theme in most of them was warnings about a potential War with Iran. I found it hard to believe that that was actually a possibility since the major wars the United States was fighting already at the time in Afghanistan and Iraq were not going well, and a war with Iran, in my opinion would have become quickly a regional war and possibly might have soon escalated to include the use of Nuclear Weapons. 

             During my studies in Europe, I first became aware that the Bush Administration was seriously considering such a dangerous and potentially catastrophic new addition to our already overstretched ongoing mistakenly ill thought-out strategic operations.

            Though I initially found it hard to believe that such bad decisions were actively considered to be put into action, this was confirmed later in books about that time by former members of the Bush administration, including by George W. Bush himself. Though I do not believe my writing constantly warning about the dangers of such a course of action necessarily helped in any way at all, I continued doing so to the best of my ability until the Intelligence Assessment of 2007 came out which concluded, against all the hawks pushing Bush to start yet another war, that Iran had ceased its nuclear program years ago. Former President Bush himself credited that Intelligence assessment for making it virtually impossible for him to start a new war with Iran.

            The world was spared finding out just how horrific that would have been. On my other blog at the time I mentioned that President Bush was coming under increasing pressure to start a conflict to offset a push to impeach him. Bad decisions are worse when made more attractive for political considerations.

            It is my fear that with President Trump already impeached, the hawks in his administration are probably already reminding him that had he done as they had suggested and attacked Iran previously, he would likely never had been impeached. As the crisis grows in Washington between the Executive and Legislative Branches, as well as between the House and the Senate, the situation is getting worse by the week. 

            I am finishing up posting things I should have posted years ago, and wanted to, but was forced by circumstances to wait until now. After that is done, I hope to devote all my attention to writing new commentary here. As I have mentioned on my Twitter account, I hope to write open Letters to be published here to several Presidential primary candidates as well as to President Trump himself.

            As I said in that tweet, now is not the time for normal political considerations or calculus to rule the day or we may find ourselves in yet another crisis situation, up to and included a war no one would want, and we do not need, because the cost in lives as well as strategic positioning would be too great. For too long now, those who have continued to push for new and expanding wars have been given the ear of the leadership of both US political parties. It is long past time they were given credible alternatives and that they would in fact see the alternatives as credible.

            I greatly curtailed my writing after that Intelligence Assessment in 2007 because I thought whatever good I may have been able to add to the discussions of such matters was no longer needed. However I find myself and the world in an entirely different place in 2019. Political discussion and sometimes even reason seem to be breaking down. The Rise of the Peacemakers was one of my most personal, intimate, and important posts, written at the time of the death of my mother. We need a rise of Peacemakers now or we may soon find ourselves in a greater war than we can afford, in monetary and human costs, and at the price of our future and possibly, our humanity.

            If you find I have a way with words, if you believe, not in me, but in the discussion I wish to recreate again 12 years after the start of this blog, again, one last time, please I beg of you to consider donating to help me write once again. Unlike other online writers, I desire no attention, grand following or lots of likes. I never wrote for money so I thankfully did not have to keep such considerations in mind. I wrote in pursuit of what this blog was named for, truth and hoping to see it rise off the mat one more time. If I had ANY other income at the moment, even a minimum wage job to possibly get by on, I would not be making this request. Whether you or any others donate I will try as best I can as long as I can, hopefully into 2020.

            It only took one person, I have no idea who, who kept a mirror up of when my site was down because I could no longer pay the hosting fee. That single person kept me going, knowing that at least one other person was willing to help me get the truth out when I could no longer afford to keep the site up. I hope again even one other person is willing to help. One may never know how even the smallest of gestures can make a big difference if done at the right time.