Thursday, December 20, 2018

Where the Winds of Limbo Roar

       Well, hasn't the Trump Administration been dull and uneventful!

       There's much to write about, probably on Christmas or in 2019. Lots of notable anniversary's coming up for me. 15 years since.., 20 years since.., 30 years since.., etc. Lots of things lining up and lined up regarding truth's past, present, and if we have one, future. 

       Mostly I have not written outside of my Twitter account, @JaredDuBois, and most of what I have written these last 15 years has been on my other blog, except when time permitted putting them all up together on, but time has not been permitting much as of late. So has been neglected but not nearly so much as the truth in general has been.

       A lot of fake "truth telling" to power as of late. But hey, trying to find hope in the major assaults on truth and reason lately is not as easy as it use to be. This is more of a test post, and hopefully a light on better days to come, at least for those who still value truth. Truth is not something more valuable the scarcer it becomes. The more there is of it, the more good it can do and more people can do. But the more there is of darkness, the brighter even a faint glimmer can seem.