Intercepted Emails, Russia/Ukraine Loggerhead is Poison, Antidote Needed Soon, For US and them
When I think about, it is pretty amazing. There is probably over 7 billion people on this planet. At least 5 billion of them go online.
14 years ago I tried to get political asylum turning the tables on who or what was trying to make it impossible for me to make a living. One of the things responsible was a speech from the President of the United States calling for a boycott of French products, which led within hours (I didn't discover it for 2 weeks because of a 2 week trial period lag) or at least a day, my program getting delisted from AOL where almost all of my orders came from.
I saw an opportunity in this to speak out against an illegal war, not to get even, but to make the best of a horrific sudden turn of events. I may have had over $50,000 on credit cards alone, but I might be remembering it as somewhat larger than it really was. If I had to guess on the low end, it would have been at least $35,000, to the best of my recollection.
Still, the reality of the situation wasn't that important so long as I kept moving forward, which I did, to even greater problems. Since to me, and legally speaking when your own government singled out your ethnicity for discrimination (French, not white, but that would bring up a lot of other problems if that was the case) and that led to a company delisting your program which they had been heartily endorsing for years, at one point above all others for all of their tens of millions of customers to download to read their email attachments, right after that call for a boycott.
It seemed the thing to do at the time, even before I got hit by a car and wasn't really up to how complicated that would have been to actually try to do and not get silenced one way or the other. I was going to use that to talk about everything my country pretty much wanted to be sure no one ever wanted discussed publicly: Torture, Rendition, going completely against International Law (which I studied at an under-graduate level), and other FUN things no one else wanted discussed or willing to come forward about.
After a year of going to college, I felt up to it and did so. On top of that I discussed other things, in case those things weren't enough, like some of the worst things the United States Government had been caught doing, at least that I was aware of, going back up to 30 years.
Luckily it was a Western country close enough to the one I had intended, Sweden instead of France. Sweden would hopefully pass along what I wrote to the CIA because of course it was supposed to be confidential and against the law for the CIA to get ahold of what I told the Swedish Government. But to go around these laws would present them with a problem. I am just kidding, they only would have had to ask.
We saw from the Julian Assange case, really there is nothing Sweden would not do if or when the US simply asked. Two Swedish permanent residents were given over to the US to be tortured simply because the United States asked. This was public knowledge.
What I was doing was well telegraphed. The first time I tried was at the French Embassy in Estonia, so they knew, or at least should have known, what I was going to do when my student Visa ran out. When I simply had no choice, no way out, and no food (I was malnourished for weeks), I did again what I tried to do 10 months earlier.
Now one can speculate why, knowing or at least having a pretty good amount of clues, such as using the school computers to print out here to there routes to get to Embassies for Venezuela, Switzerland, (I could't go the Swedish Embassy like in Estonia because I was already in Sweden), and other countries, why they allowed it to go forward anyway. They could have asked, hey why are you trying to do this?
Some Embassies I did go to, and at one some guy was in front of the Venezuela embassy whose sole purpose was seemingly to keep me from going in saying they were closed, even though I kept calling to the people inside who said they were open. I said in 2007, that was probably for the best especially since I did not have to the Embassy thing to get asylum, and I did not get stuck in one, in the worst case scenario as happen to some people. I didn't even get stuck in an airport. I got to go home within at tops, a few hours.
Now I could get all worked up over how this is a similar situation now, and I have a little since it is leading to a public starving to death, or making me homeless and then have me killed since after all I have gone through, the idea of living on the streets and sleeping public does not seem to be a rather particularly attractive option for me, and most likely to prove fatal rather quickly. This is somewhat predictable in my case because of things that happened before and would most likely happen again if I were to be put in that situation which is become increasingly unavoidable.
Again, I am being made unable to work. Most people who want to hire me stop just before hiring me, and in some cases just after I did get hired. Either way I don't get hours. UPS won't even pay me for the online training before having me wait over 3 weeks, every day waiting to be called to work insisting I was still an employee, and that I would get called up to work any day now.
As I said I had been through it before in 2003. But back then I had indications of who or what was responsible, like the speech Bush gave suggesting a boycott of French products and my items page in the download store was taken over by a photo of an asinine grinning French Mime. Subtle it was not.
As far as the hackers who kept going after any computer which I logged into to check my email, that was looked into by me until it was no longer a problem. I was lead to believe they were Russian or Ukrainian so I went to Russia too.
I never made it to Ukraine but would have liked have gone before Obama and Victoria Nuland may have helped start a civil war there. These days most would rather avoid going there until that's over. Maybe that was inevitable for Ukraine to have those problems eventually, and maybe not.
In 2007, it appeared to me, and my body especially, that my coffee was tampered with because a man tried to walk off with it when it was still half full. Four hours later I was violently ill, and days later I still had nerve damage and could not hold a pen in my right hand let alone write with it.
Not to sound prejudiced against Russians or Ukrainians but, it seemed he fit the bill because the strong accent I remembered but could not place it to either country, because the languages were so similar. My Russian instructor at University was Ukrainian. The accent sounds the same. The "languages" are virtually the same but with some differences in words and other minor regional variations. Classifying them as different languages was at least partially a political decision.
At some point up until today, I assumed I would eventually be allowed to get a job and this would all go away. But then again I myself said I would post more everyday, and that was not helpful for bringing this standoff to an end, because it was me who set a deadline ahead of time.
It would be better for whatever might be behind this, or my government which is definitely allowing it to go on, to wait until I am done doing this writing and simply then either hit me with some probably bad demand or arrest me for something I already said or might say since I said I would keep talking until it ends or until January 1st.
If it were to be some kind of test, how poor and close to being killed could I get yet still not talk about what I know would get me killed or locked up, and force me into that situation intentionally and not let it let up until I do, I am good at tests but prefer to study for them first. Then I do well on them.
This time I can't get a clue about who or what brought about this situation or why now, but I was aware it could occur and that if it did, I was hopeful I would learn something from it. All I learned is that Kauai is a rather nice place and that Oahu may lose up to 30% of its tourists because of restrictions on stays for tourists in private residences and short term rentals such as AirB&B. I have not heard that such problems in booking would affect this island but I did hear talk of the same self-destructive policies being considered for Maui before I left.
Pretty much, I have no clue why this is happening but it has been fun, or at least as fun as it could be given the dire circumstances.
But about those 7 billion people I mentioned. Not a SINGLE one had EVER mentioned I did that, not that I wanted it talked about if possible because it was more of a private message from me to my government to please stop doing that kind of thing, and to me especially (but not the torture stuff, at least thus far).
They didn't stop completely, but they did slow it down a bit after that and I felt better that I stopped doing what I was doing when I did. Instead I went back to Hawaii, got an interesting job and with only sporadical flare-ups like the worst Starbucks experience you could imagine, life was good. Stopping was good. Being left alone was good.
But I don't think that only just the Men In Black were aware of what I did. The wildcard was the emails. I had known my emails could be intercepted from my experiences at University in Estonia. People I emailed who I said not much but "How you doing. Are you still available when you said to meet," and other normal conversations.
And then things got weird. I didn't know who or what was interfering or what messages they got, but I quickly learned, it was not a good idea, even before the political asylum pending was known to anyone but me, to try to email people because then they stopped talking to me. Kind of like now, when places I get hired at suddenly stop wanting to put me on the schedule, and without me even needing to send them an email first. It just sort of happens on its own.
The last time of course, I had clues and pursued them even across halfway the globe and into Russia, and very limited funds. This time, maybe I am just getting old but no longer like playing such sort of game. Plus my passport expired.
So emails, and if they were intercepted or tampered with, were interesting to me long before they became controversial when private emails became public via Wikileaks or other organizations because I saw it potentially happening to me. And I knew they could be intercepted.
Because I knew how emails worked, I knew that they were largely unencrypted at the time (this was 2004-2005) which meant meant that any number of people who knew your email address could intercept and read your emails too. And even Hillary Clinton's email server used for much of her State Department emailing supposedly for the first few weeks of service until encryption was set up would have been too. Almost anyone could have intercepted and read those. That is how unencrypted emails work, bouncing all over the Internet from computer to computer showing its contents to everyone of them until it finds the right one to finally give it to.
Because the server I used was tappable, I never knew what was intercepted and what was not. Lets just say I became skeptical of what I was seeing and had no idea if other people were seeing or getting what I was sending. Other than maybe they did my messages, but also got a shitload of other stuff not from me which was made to look like it came from me. Both hackers and intelligence services are able to do that and get away with it for different reasons.
When it came time to give the second paper I wrote to the Immigration Board of Sweden, the Radioactive Cereal Paper Part 2, I did something perhaps not expected. I emailed it a bunch of places rather than just posting it to POLSCI.COM like I did the first time with the original one. I had no expectations any of those emails would get through because my internet connection might not have had a clear a path to the outside world as most peoples' given what I had written about in Part 1. I sent it to at least 2 US Senator's office (where there they could have been deleted ahead of getting to those offices or after, but also US and foreign newspapers). It wasn't for years that I had any indications that even one of those emails got through but my best guess is that at least some of them did.
These posts and "Open Letters" I have posted I also tried to send many different people around the world including the people they were addressed to (except Trump, the White House does't give an email address anymore). I had no illusion that any of these emails would get through. And I had no belief that they might get through, nor have I had indication that did, though I did get an auto-response to one.
Simply put, I would not be bothered one way or the other, if not that one of those ways is this rather public execution I have in store if I am continued to be preventing from working for unknown reasons, and my government does not care to ease up or do anything differently other than stand by and let it happen, in the best case scenario that it actually is a third party.
My job got taken away without cause or real explanation at the tail end of the Obama administration. Lots of things starting getting weird across the government in Washington after June 2016, but I never thought being forced out of that job, from pressure from higher up, was to be a permanent thing.
I had a few more things to say if that was to be the case and for the most part I have already said them this week. I did the "Open Letters" to Tulsi Gabbard and to Donald Trump. I emailed them as best I could to their respective campaigns and I still will probably write the third one to the campaign of Michael Bloomberg because I said I would. It is just as unlikely to be read, pretty much by anyone, but I will still try to do well with it anyway.
Just before Snowden did his thing, I had sent another email which I had assumed would or could be intercepted which mentioned my political asylum and in that or recently online I had stated the only people I had assumed were reading anything I wrote anyway were the gatekeepers, those whose jobs it might had been to monitor my communications (maybe now all US citizens are in the same boat, but for most they just go to the backups because they back everything you say and do up in case they don't catch it in real time) because they were the only people that mattered.
In the USSR if you were a dissident your main audience was the censors. If they let some of what you said get through to reach the people, you did your job better than those who wrote propaganda garbage (what most MSM is today) and better too than those who wrote things so important and relevant that no one would ever see or read them. You had to know or focus on that select few who would hopefully be swayed by it to let it get through.
But unfortunately though those emails were pulled and stopped, the forwarding let some get out. I was given a written warning but I owned it because I did it, however less than completely intentional. What I was eventually fired for had nothing to do with anything at all which I did, and quite the opposite.
So in this case I continued to send the "Open Letters" out simply to see if anyone would respond, not knowing anyone would or could see them anyway. If my appeal for help go unnoticed and this is to be unending until I expire without being able to do anything effective about it, like how I was boxed in before I was fired, I can say well done. You got me.
Whoever or whatever, its withstanding anything I can throw at it, at least until the first of January comes. And I will decide where to go after that. I definitely would never kill myself and may not keep talking about things the government might not like until the rug is pulled out. Like I said, I never thought that far ahead. I
I said most of what I wanted, and have no idea if anyone saw any of what I wrote this week anymore than 14 years ago. The reason why my government is letting this set of circumstances continue is as mysterious to me as why they let the political asylum thing go on. As I said, online is a controlled environment and things can be faked. Most people are unaware of such things and just believe what they see has not been messed with. Things can be redirected, intercepted, changed around and then sent on there way with less ability to know about it as in the past.
I have written in the past about the "compartmentalization" problems in the way the CIA is structured. "The left hand now knowing what the right is doing." What they see is sandboxed which mean they think they know what is going on but corrupt people higher up can use that to their advantage whenever and however they wish. It makes for good and thrilling spy movies. It does not make for a good way to run a country.
I said before on Twitter, the people who really run this country were upset that the President of Ukraine might meet the President of Russia without them present or being told what was said. Not even the President of the United States is allowed that. Both have their minders, and if the minders don't like what they say, they leak it to whoever can hold it over them to either toe the line or be thrown out if they can't or won't stop. Trump could not stand up to that pressure. Bloomberg migher or might not, but probably wouldn't ever test the waters to see. Either way we'll probably never find out because unlike Gabbard or Trump, it isn't that clear that is his goal in why he is running. Like people thought of Trump, he may have no desire to win.
I will still keep emailing what I have previous written towards the Trump or Gabbard campaigns in case any of those emails might get through. If they don't get through, or do and no one reads them or cares, at least I wrote them well.
A letter to Bloomberg campaign I will at least most likely still write, and might not write anymore after that. Then it will be a new year and hopefully things for me will let up. If Trump were to be shown what I wrote, it might be helpful. I wrote even better things in the "Open Letter" to Gabbard about Russia and the Ukraine. Being publicly starved out I cannot do anything about, but can at least end the "publicly" part of that as best I can in early 2020. Who knows, I may even be allowed to work at a job after I get hired to it before being taken off the schedule. Fourth times a charm.
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