Truth Revival- The New Beginning Begins Now

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Q&D Biograph; Lowdown on War in US, Ukraine, and Taiwan 2023; Restoring the Electoral College 1790 Style

Oh, my
Life has passed me by
The country I was brought up in
Fell apart and died

Oh, no
Ooh, love no longer there
Cold wind blew away the sun
That used to warm the air

Ooh, I'm feeling pretty bad
Feeling like I lost the best friend
That I ever had

I got to find a way
Got to make the people see
The way I feel today
Excerpt of "Lowdown" by Chicago (Peter P. Cetera / Daniel Seraphine) 1971

Short Sketchy Biograph of Key Dates over 1/2 Century leading to this post. Skip over, mostly boring. Real post is different color.

6 years old: This was first mentioned at the time of my Political Asylum hearing. I underwent all day combined ESP and Psychological testing at 6 years old at least twice. Having eventually studied such testings which were public in college, (nothing similar and no mention of ones done in that area or hospital I could find) only interesting because it was well funded, some of the ways of testing were advanced for that time, and of course, several attempts to hypnotize me before allowing me to go home. Not much luck with that, at least that day. Nothing suspicious there!

9 years old: At 9 I tried many times that year to test myself using same methods. My accuracy on Red vs Black normal playing cards to guess the color was 75%, at least for first 1/2 of a deck. Having studied statistics and ESP later, that was notable because it was somewhat higher than most published studies showed as the high end, and because it varied very little, only by a few cards either way. Not exactly a smooth bell curve.

Also at 9, I was approached by school to skip the 5th grade, which I was minorly agreeable to. However, and they may had been lying, they said if it doesn’t work out, you can go back or if you do well, you might be able to skip 2 grades. On that I was SOLD! Tried hard to get my parents to agree, but since I was already among the youngest in my class, they were set against the idea. I didn’t even really attend high school consistently the first 2 years and not at all the second 2. That didn’t slow me down at all. I was reading psychology textbooks at 16 left around by my sisters.

23 years old: Switched from Psychology major to Political Science major, and first took college seriously. Was bumped down from Sophomore level to Freshman because of transfer issues. For 18 months went DOUBLE FULL TIME (with fairly high GPA), while supporting myself with a cleaning business, Scandere Cleaning, which I was able to schedule jobs around my school schedule. When not taking 24 credits a semester (they only charged for first 12 if full time student), sometimes 18 or 21, I then took night school courses at a community college at the same time. In 18 months I was somewhere near middle of senior level. I took practically EVERY Political Science and International Studies course offered at UMASS Boston at the time.

31 years old: First year of Scandere Software. I vowed to go cold turkey on cleaning restaurants and would sink or swim on my ability to earn a living writing software. I had written some very good programs in my teens and early 20’s but didn’t try to publish until the previous year. I had some success under my own name on Compuserve and America Online, but only by sink or swim resolve via software writing, did I really get good. In first year had programs at top of recommended utilities lists, and before the end of the second, I had one featured in PC World, a nationwide magazine, with a full article. Shortly after I had 2 featured “Programs of the Day” on AOL, a brief mention in PC Magazine, and for awhile the recommended program for email attachments for all AOL users that didn’t decode automatically. 800,000 downloads the first month!

39 years old: The transitional year. I got very sick with what I thought was some type of intestinal cancer because it definitely was spreading. I was so bad that I thought if it was cancer (no insurance anyway) I was already too far gone and I would rather have stayed ignorant. Later I determined it was probably a parasite. In researching Leaky Gut Syndrome which I thought was possible, I learned of a juice diet, and after months and 1/3 my body weight later, I was on the rebound.

But then THE SPEECH. While subdued by the unknown ailment, the Iraq War Part 2, by President George Bush Part 2, he called for a boycott of everything French, or at least wine, because France (and Germany) had the temerity to ask sit out an illegal war (of aggression). I didn’t know how that speech had affected me until 2 weeks later when my income dropped 95% or more. AOL had removed my program (#2 for decoding attachments) from the list of MIME file decoders and replaced it with a photograph of a f#@#ing MIME! All the other programs were still there, #1, #3, #4, etc. but a big middle finger next to where mine was. That was too glaring and obviously to think complaining about it would fix it.

I have great sympathy for the plight of Russians and Russian Americans, Ukrainians, anyone with Russian sounding names, who have lost jobs, businesses, had concerts cancelled, lives destroyed simply for speaking with accents or having Russian sounding names, because of the ongoing War in Ukraine. I however am not the kind of person to let something THAT big go unanswered. Since I studied International Law, I knew the war was illegal, and intended to go to France and use a political asylum hearing (warranted because I was targeted quite obviously and clearly because of my ethnicity and/or name, DuBois) (and Scandere is Latin, which is seemingly French, when shown beside my name.)

While en route from Hawaii, I had the bright idea of going through the motions of going back to college first. If asylum was granted, that would had been my next step anyway. So I grabbed some recommendations from former instructors in Boston, switched to online credit card processing, and went to France, but I also applied to colleges in Eastern Europe and lived in Vilnius, Lithuania for 3 months awaiting the results.

40 years old: I got accepted to the University of Tartu, at one time one of the best (and oldest) universities in the former USSR. The political asylum had to wait a few years while I graduated from UMASS Boston (that prior 18 months gave me at least the 60 needed in house and the remainder was transferred back from Tartu), and began a Master’s Program about Why People Revolt, and Ukraine was my focus, at least until the political asylum began. At Tartu I focused on the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the “Frozen Conflicts”. Ukraine wasn’t technically one of them but was always close to a civil war at the time, and the “Orange Revolution” happened at that time as well. So at both graduate and undergraduate levels was studying the colored revolutions before they were called that.

41 years old: The Political Asylum becomes a real thing. Rather than simply stick to what was going on in Afghanistan or Iraq, war crimes, torture, kidnapping, and so much more, I switched it up and at first talked about 2 things from many decades ago, written like a college paper, yet covered the things the US most likely would never like to have talked about, and called it The RadioActive Cereal Principle. Not only did I write that, certain death for any career and for most would had been fatal, but kept it up on the Internet for the next 17 years at (not that anyone has seen/read it or maybe it never shows up as a domain. But I tried. The key point of the paper was once the government does some horrific crime that would bring down the government, it then classifies the whole thing, destroys anyone who would bring it to the pubic’s attention (people were killed, sent to mental hospitals for trying to bring light to the things which were reported back then), and makes it disappear from the headlines, and later, even the archives.

But above all, it was a passionately written “arrow” aimed at the politicalization of intelligence.  Congress people were being mislead and outright lied to about the war (sound familiar in 2023?) and probably even the President, and I had the temerity to call it out loudly and fearlessly. One of my instructors had been high in State Dept (Nuland’s old job) and saw that paper as the best that could be made out of being F@#KED royally by the policy of that unnecessary and disastrous war, and war policy. However, many others lost lives, limbs, entire families and more. Sometimes wrote about it at, especially in "For Two Soldiers" in 2007.

Within hours of the hearing and the second half dropping, the US admitted to using white phosphorus for “non-illumination” purposes and that shut me down good. It wasn’t the White House or the State Dept, nor was it a leak but a statement by the Defense Department. Obviously I could not go forward after that as would risk going backward. Unlike others, no lawyer would be provided, no hearing or appeal after that first memorable one. (“You mean like kid’s cereal?” still rings in my ears.) But then I was offered a “safe” return to the US accompanied by Swedish agent. First (and only time) I flew like a diplomat, no security checks or lines. In Germany I was surrounded by many police during plane switch, but quickly ascertained they were nervous about something other than me, some kind of bogus threat probably. Sweden months later had said they had made a determination of the case, but they could only tell me in person in a Swedish Embassy. Julian may had been able to waltz into the Ecuadorian Embassy in London but I doubted if it was positive news, I would be allowed to walk into the Swedish one in D.C.!

54 years old: Within a year of the whole Political Asylum thing, I was working for the County of Maui for 9 years. I still wrote programs but doubted any would see them and pretty much none had, but I still made innovative programs. I may not had gone double-fulltime with classes in Estonia but I still wrote programs. Also I wrote one while working for Maui, and another one after being pushed out by a new mayor for unknown reasons. I would have enjoyed getting back into software again but since so many of the companies are either linked through funding to the US government above or below view, Defense vs CIA, pretty sure I am unemployable in that industry in the US (plus it would make me financially able to travel and write).

The Burn Notice pilot had some good lines, keep you from earning, can’t take away your skills but can keep you from being able to use them. So I figured to make one last program after being let go from the County, a game which had maps. Lots of hours making maps. But my maps featured Donetsk and Luhansk as separate from the rest of Ukraine, as well as Scotland, Barcelona, and one throwback to the Frozen Conflicts. At the time, and I said so more than once, if the world may be destroyed over this conflict, it would be nice if people could find them on a map. I made other faux pas, it was built around a giant letter Z, and colored Crimea same color as Russia on the Europe map. On the world map, it filled in with the rest of Ukraine to be balanced. For the quiz or instruction mode it said Crimea was claimed by both Russia and Ukraine.

58 years old: Before Russian troops moved into Ukraine, I began to look into going back to school to study the Taiwan situation. This was twofold. On one hand, that potential conflict is the most logical progression in the things I have studied and specialized in: International Relations, Minority/Majority Relations, Independence Movements, Revolution, and Supra-National organizations, and peace treaties/new Constitutions. Studying in Estonia I got to study the expansion of the European Union and NATO to Russia’s doorstep, the new EU Constitution (then a thing), right in one of the only 3 countries to have been both in the Soviet Union (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) and also in the EU/NATO. And I got live in two of them. But then there’s the issue of how it ended in Sweden. Regardless, I do still have a passport, wide skills in software, wide knowledge of both the current war in Ukraine roots far more than most US policy makers and diplomats, and also some knowledge of how Taiwan may go. I have studied both Mandarin and Russian, though both decades ago and mostly useless now. But Master’s Programs are taught in English often.

That is one half of the two-fold reason for expressing interest in that route. The other is to have had a reason to shout TAIWAN TAIWAN TAIWAN while the media was screaming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA! Why it is unlikely I would be allowed to go and study in the neocons up and coming conflict, or even studying it at all before they wreck it like Ukraine, this was plainly, obviously mentioned on my Twitter account (invisible mostly by the US &/or previous owners of Twitter, Musk at least in this way was irrelevant) to try to shake some sanity into the debate about Ukraine. Even if NATO doesn’t get its ass handed to them over the Ukraine mistake, simply wanted to draw attention to the NEXT shit show planned, to “weaken China” as they have admitted, whereas now the current goal is to “weaken Russia”. But after Pelosi went to Taipei, that other reason fell away. That Neocon intention was now apparent to all.

Realistically, to hope to be independent financially (never would I be allowed to be live normally via a living wage in the US regardless of my skills : Czech Window Washer Jobs only for those who know the reference) at programming or my desire to write the truth when and where I see that it is needed. That the US has heavy handed censorship should not even need to be pointed out anymore, as much as that Taiwan is in the cross-hairs now. Back then I could write anything in a term paper and have it seen on the Internet immediately.

To give perspective, what I wrote about voting machine “errors” in previous elections (back in 2009), if that were written today it would be considered grounds for being considered a domestic terrorist. And what I wrote about Georgia, how even Colin Powell said who fired first matters, also would make me a “Putin Puppet”. Since he’s even older than me, there’s plenty I have written about his administrations, both positive and negative, that such a label, often libelous anyway, would certainly be off the mark in my case.

Yet schools in Russia and China seem to be the only or best places to study the Taiwan Issue objectively in 2023. Sweden (I may be welcome, I may be banned) would had been good if it were still neutral but the push to suddenly join NATO makes that hard place to consider. Not only would I have to worry about CIA who obviously would not have a positive opinion of me, but like the rest of Europe, if I were to be set up, it would be by local law enforcement or courts ala Assange. Even if not possible, and I didn’t think all that was possible necessarily in 2003, just moving in that direction or looking into it I thought could have a positive effect, hopefully. I tried balls to the wall twice to cockblock an Iran War and swore arguing against a war with Russia or China would be insane, since no one would ever think it was necessary, yet here we are. Welcome to Dystopia. No flash photography please.

         And now for the real post:

    Besides living on the edge over imminent destruction most of the time since losing my software company, at least as a viable money making interest, I have made attempts to write new software and I have tried to use writing to solicit funds. Each time in appeals, 2005 and 2019, I got zero response, because it always was unlikely to be read, or even visible. Substack seemed like possible revenue source but since I was not able to even add payment options for Zedlam, it became a free program, and getting any form of electronic payment for writing seems still out of reach. I have not always had a good opinion of Microsoft but somehow Zedlam has stayed up as a free program, though with no reviews and probably no downloads except me. It is also the first time absolutely no other software or shareware distributor would list one of my programs, though I still had accounts with them and previous programs of mine were still listed on them.

    As far as self publishing, within hours of Biden’s inauguration, after over 8 years, Amazon declared me an extremist, said they would keep all my earnings with no appeal (I had not logged in for years so I neither knew nor cared if any money was involved but would had been appreciated), and was banned for life. I tried to respond but got no response to any emails and thought it was probably a joke. But everything I wrote for sale or free to Prime users, had really been delisted. I did get reinstated after about 2 weeks but all of the history, including stats, was wiped. Also I got no response to inquiries about that.

    I had assumed I might have had a normal quiet life, an American Simas Kudrika (though he eventually was allowed to emigrate after a few years) but I am pushed to ever more lately to an ever more precarious perch. If I am able to write, get what I write out and have it seen, and have reason to continue, I will later write about my adventures under lockdown, but for the most part, my car recently died of mysterious circumstances, I can’t even sell it with my JARED vanity plate to millionaire or billionaire resident’s of Hawaii named JARED for its BOOK VALUE (in Hawaii the plate goes to the new owner) and the car was my sole asset. Appeals for funds, I went that route and didn’t help before because it would never had been seen. So all I can do is put enough in this post to risk upsetting the apple cart of my strained relationship with the still Neocon dominated/ruled government. But I hope that this, like the Zedlam program itself if would not be seen, the ideas might at least be copied by others. For Zedlam, because it was a very good educational program. I also made an impressive language program for Tartu University. I doubt it was ever used though. Pesona non exista for now and probably always.

    But there is one thing I wanted to write about in case I don’t get another chance. Usually it would be good to find someone else saying it, and then simply report what they said but people are increasingly idiotic beyond measure and we are at least obviously, for those whose ass isn’t completely up their behind, close to a war with Russia, and therefore a nuclear one. And if we get past that, Taiwan looms over the horizon. I have been tweeting more about 2 months the danger of this situation, and though I was never banned, I am probably way beyond shadow banned. At least I was able to warn about the Covid “vaccine” in real time which might had been helpful for many, had any actually been able to see it.

    Saying, hey what about this, without hiding behind “I’m just saying what I heard” is never a good idea, and if it is something likely to be immediately attacked from all sides for doing so, no one else is likely to. Therefore, waiting is not really an option. They shoot down the idea by going after the messenger. Putin made headlines recently for saying Political Science is useless and despite many years of (okay, maybe intensive more than many) study I tend to agree. Everyone is chicken shit more than brave. Most never will take a stand and as most US sciences, Pharma, medicine, environmental science, they are all “bought” by the industries. Political science at least in the US, is think tank, DARPA, MICIMATT, “owned” and anything new or innovative, or even true, is verboten, almost as much as in “journalism”.

    So after years of pointing out how US voting machines enable election stealing, and that being mentioned at one time or another by each major party in the US (when one didn’t go their way) suddenly like Ukraine not being corrupt, an epitome of Democratic values, suddenly you can’t talk about elections being stolen without fear of arrest. Worse than anything is that they are using that uncertainly intentionally created BY THEM, to cut off debate on how to fix it, and now they are going after the Electoral College altogether.

    The biggest lies about this subject is that “the Constitution makes no mention of how elections should be run”, and that “the Electoral College is undemocratic.” Two parties took control of state laws regarding elections and basically said only they are guaranteed to have a spot in the finals. This varies from state to state. In my home state of Hawaii I know the system well because not only did I work for the county, but also ran for State Senate. It was nearly impossible to be on the November ballot without being a Democrat or Republican. It is like that in many states. For comparative purposes to other countries, it is like two crime syndicates diving up territory.

    Not to get too much into early American History but there was a logic to how selecting a president was conducted and that WAS in the Constitution though like the salami slicing tactics to enrage Russia or China, each piece of that puzzle was slowly removed leaving only a vestige, a facade, of what they intended, an Electoral College stripped of any agency, a token ritual.

    As designed, in the Constitution was the very blueprint, every bit as important as the structure and powers of the branches, of how the leader was chosen. You didn’t vote for the president. You didn’t vote for the people who would choose the president. You voted for the people who voted for the people who voted for the president. It may seem anti-democratic but it had is purpose and that purpose was to make the kind of corruption which is the lifeblood of the US government today, impossible, or at least as lessened as much as they could figure how to lessen that potential.

    You as a voter were 2 steps removed from directly picking the president because then, as now, the average voter would not know the people, would not understand all the issues, and most couldn’t even read or write! You elected someone of your region, and then those leaders would elect someone whose job it was to find the best possible leader, as members of the Electoral College, and they would vote for whoever they thought was best. Parties were not mentioned because parties were NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE ANY INFLUENCE or say. It was democratic in the sense that those selected were hopefully knowledgeable leaders could nominate and vote for anyone THEY choose, because that was their SOLE FUNCTION.

    We are told directly electing Senators, making the Electoral College more of a ritual rather than a group of ELECTORS was an advancement of “democracy”. These same people are the type who decry popular leaders winning as populism and therefore is bad, something to be avoided. These poisonous revisions, giving illusion of powers to voters, meant less and less ability to influence the process because that is what every new and more corrupt generation wanted, to find a way to tilt things in their favor by (still) mostly illiterate masses thinking their vote is what may decide it. This as most know, in practice leads to only two choices, by parties often with indistinguishable goals and policies, who through having “in house” elections of their own devising and rules, to decide who those two names are, as we saw in 2016 leaks, means they are allowed to rig their primaries however they wish (Sanders vs Clinton), and its all “legal”.

    The original blueprint had the public 2 steps removed from electing the president because at each step, those qualified most to have a say would be selected, not whoever big business wanted. There were no formal campaigns. They had the sole power to choose who to select out of anyone in the country and that power was given to them by the Constitution.

    That was two steps away or removed for a country of 3 million people. By comparison to have or create the same system of corruption control or protection, with a hundred times more people, a hundred times as many steps would be needed to have the same type of “democracy” today, or at least more than the original two steps. And it WAS a democracy, and the idea was pretty brilliant which is why they want to remove the last remaining clue to what it was, even though as 2020 showed, the Electoral College has become a farcical procedure, even though recently as a few decades ago it still had some teeth and a vestige of its original power and purpose.

    It wouldn’t take 200 steps to have the same level of control today, maybe just 20. Back in the kind of democracy as it was, which was laid out in the Constitution, almost anyone could run. You knew or got to know well the people you chose. You were allowed to question, debate, and argue with them and force them to answer or at least engage with them. Our current “reformed” system is the direct opposite of that and the only surprise is that it took this long to devolve into the tyranny we are seeing today, in greater and greater doses everyday.

    For a similar system, and unquestionably more democratic one, imagine precincts of 100 people. ANYONE CAN RUN, as long as above required age, and any method of non-electronic voting. Hands, standing together, paper ballots opened on camera the same as the Scottish Independence Referendum and Brexit votes. 100% transparency and anyone can film the debates on how these people were chosen and uploaded online to an uncensored (except for obscenities) server anyone can see. Your candidate from the first round, or even you yourself, would have the chance to make it to the final stages if they can convince each successive groups of Electors, that they are the best to judge and to stand further. And definitely better odds than with a national lottery. And not as blind, because human judgement would be they key for advancing, as well as reason, debates, and discussions. And each round done in person in a closed room over a few hours with everyone present and their phones as witnesses to the process.

    And for each successive election, those chosen would decide who among them gets to the next stage. As you get closer and closer to the final round, if the majority are not idiots and botch the first round, more and more knowledgable, and more qualified, groups would emerge. Eventually they would require police (if there’s any left to be trusted) protection to keep them safe and not blackmailed by powerful monied interested seeking to put their thumbs once again on the scale and interfere with the process.

    This kind of system can be the basis for a type of government but it can also be used in any country or region as an election procedure for electing people into their current existing Constitutional power structure. Zero parties needed, though they could be freely allowed as in the beginning of our Republic, they just would be informal associations while the voters could ignore them as much as they want. Heaven or Nivana for sure, compared to the bribefest we must silently endure now.

    But the beauty of this is it doesn’t require losing a war to Russia or China, or to be imposed at the barrel of a gun by someone coming to “democratize” the US. It’s a direct extension of the system the US began with, as integral to the original blueprint that gave us the Supreme Court, Congress, and the division of powers. This is what you have been robbed over little by little over centuries with big business “democratizing” power away from the public to simple tweedle dumb or tweedle dee choice, or as I put it during my political asylum, Coke vs Pepsi democracies.

    Democracy can be real, but only if anyone can run and the best and brightest have a means to filter up into leadership roles. You don’t need me, any honest former politician (they are a few but more they’re plentiful to current ones) can tell you, the current system has been corrupted from top to bottom. Our leaders are seemingly craven, sociopathic morons because that is what those who took over our election processes want our choices to be limited to. And so long as they control those puppet leaders and puppet parliaments, they are happy with what they mutated the system into, and will destroy anyone daring to offer a less corrupt alternative, even one based on the original mold they tried like hell to destroy.

    Only by trashing the Constitution bit by bit, trashing the Founders, trashing the Electoral College in a completely corrupted whorish media, can they keep you from seeing, the better way was already put in practice at the beginning. The ENTIRE FREAKING United States operated under a version of this same system made for a country 100 times less populous. Just like how they removed Glass-Stengal to turn our economy into a corrupt Ponzi scheme that makes debt instead of products and proclaims it good, that lies ever more blatantly and declares the lies unquestionable truths, they took over a system designed to limit corruption and made it into vehicle to form a more “perfect” form of corruption and you have the unfortunate “privilege” of living under their latest 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 of that corruption. Not a newer better version of the original system they wanted to create and tried like hell to give you. Like the people I am speaking to, as the recently passed David Crosby sang penned by bandmate Graham Nash, all that got wasted on the way. Find your way back.