I have always been fascinated by words, with their capacity to not only let us express ourselves, but that they are the palette of how to frame what we have to think about. They spring up when an idea or event comes up which we feel the need to express to others. They are a paper trail, when recorded in a written language, of where we have been before, when new concepts emerged which needed short well-defined sounds of themselves, apart from all others, to be named as a single and separate thing, a word distinct, self-inclusive. ...
In addition to writing as a non-expert about words and my fascination with them, I have written about the danger of polemic thinking, such as good and evil, because this leads to identical actions of each side, supposedly for different causes or hoping for different effects. Step back far enough and you see they are the same thing, use the same methods, are two sides of the same coin, and ultimately the same concept. ...
My fascination with words has framed much of my life. In my teens I started writing poetry seriously and was taken in with the concept of using multiple levels of meaning with the fewest words possible, the swordplay of wordplay, the essence of communication. That is what religions teach as well from the earliest of recorded histories, using stories or parables to convey deeper meanings you cannot either say outright because of the unquestioning times you live in, or that they need to be embodied in people, real or imagined, to become relevant, fleshed out, comprehensible. And that is the essence of deeper levels of meaning to what is written, how different others might see it, for it is the diversity of perception and what different life experiences possible readers bring to bear which gives poetry and other types of attempted 'positive' double-speech, their supposed deeper levels. Saying two things at once, or more, or far more with the same words, requires these other minds and mindsets to speak to to give them these multiple meanings at once.
And you cannot speak to them without knowledge of them. The tragedy of America in these days is the 'writing off' of other culture's views, especially upon our own actions, as irrelevant and uninformed. To not want to see and know yourself from other culture's points of views, I have said before, not only makes you something ugly, something deformed in the light of general human development, it is to write off their perspectives as meaningless. They might as well not exist. And in that light as in so many other nations in the past, we are doing 'good' to 'remove' them.
It is a myth of the left and progressives that Americans are peaceful and would never advocate genocide. They, the left, are as wrapped in their own perspectives as much as the Neo-Conservatives are in choosing to see the world according to their own beliefs rather than see the uncomfortable reality of the situation around them. I know to a great extent neither self-delusions of the left or right is absolute, that both know their mindsets are false, but think by openly promoting them whenever possible as true will make them real, or at least more real. ...
In China, the obvious threat is of Western ideas of liberty, now ironically available in practice to their own wealthiest elite at home, to single party rule. Yet at least there is change going on there. America has become the dinosaur of political change compared to almost anywhere else in the world, China, Russia, India, the European Union (which most Americans know almost nothing about), and has become notable in recent political evolution changes only for its erosion of freedoms and increasing absence of regard for human rights. Secret prisons, kidnappings, torture, election rigging, funding and arming civil wars (all sides) and terrorist groups in countries it does not like, holding people without trials, spying on journalists, whistle-blowers, demonstrators, wrong voters, and on and on. And keeping Americans ignorant of how the rest of the world sees us now puts our own elites hold on power tenuous. Thus our "news" networks instead of informing us of our transgressions and slide instead mock the rest of the world for being 'uncivilized' and 'resenting our freedoms.' ...
And within that are the great lessons of Eastern thought, Taoism, Buddhism, and Zen: the need to recognize the limitations of languages, and by extension, of cultures, as contextual, limited in scope to those they were originally developed within or for, but needing constant expansion and having that past, that foundation, being put in new contexts through new experiences and greater histories which they cannot contain without constricting them. Constricted growth is as close to death as it is to life. Growth must be free of the limitations of languages, of single cultures, of single ideologies, of single types of governmental or economic systems, or it is not growth at all, merely attempted sameness, death of better ideas, preventing new words, new concepts, new systems from emerging. ...
I began my own philosophical search as a cultural relativist, have moved beyond it, yet am astounded and disheartened beyond measure to see my own culture, America, slam cultural relativism, as something trite, irrelevant, even a fashion without substance. It has become a victim of its own hyped up self-importance, a media preaching that ignorance is better than knowledge. There has been so much of a backlog of falsehood, misrepresentation, propaganda, and outright self-destructive lying to the American people by the Bush Administration of the 21st century that as it begins to get exposed, has the potential to point us, and because of our possibly undue influence or control over the rest of the world, to point the world on a new and better path as we begin once more to speak what we believe to be the truth. We need to try to know what is outside of ourselves, what lies outside of our bodies, minds, beliefs, mindsets and national borders, that is not irrelevant, not without truths of their own which we do not destroy without destroying our own ability to grow.
The truth will begin to be let out more and more. We in the West, we need to demand a media that shows us to us as the rest of the world knows us, so we may see what they do and we do not. To see ourselves from the most points of view. To see ourselves from the most points of approximations or representations of truth that may not be true in individuality, but in sum, in total, in the view we are purposely now kept from seeing, comes as close to the truth as we will ever get without retreating into our own unquestioning assumptions, dogma, propaganda, hubris, and self-delusions. We have become and have been led by the embodiment of such a dark path of willful ignorance. Yet a new path has already begun. It is young yet, this truth telling, and its fate depends upon the actions of millions of others to survive against the legacy we have spun, yet I have faith in it. I have faith that it will grow, that it will survive, and it will dominate the lies, at least in the short term, and at least of the recent past.
Wordplay - TruthRevival.Org First Post
Friday, April 6th, 2007
In defining the No Maas moment as when a new, more critical angle is taken by the press corps which threatens to add to, or fuel, the rising popular discontent, I have long ago decided that such a moment in the USSR occurred when the Lithuanian TV station was attacked on-air by Soviet troops. Not only was it a blow to the growing independence of the press under Gorbachev's Glasnost program, it was a threat pointed at the press itself, an outright desire for control.
At such turning points, which need not to lead to effective political changes or upheavals to be considered turning points, the press begins to favor the popular movements which previously were ignored, marginalized or demonized in their coverage, or simply shut out completely. It often involves journalists willing to put their careers on the line, their family's security, and even their very lives on the line. They, as much as they can, go off-script, say ìWe were lying to you before, don't believe what we were telling you. We were being used. Until we are fired or arrested, we will try to do better from now on, or at least for as long as we can financially hold out.î ...
Indeed,the abuses of this Bush Administration are so far reaching in their criminality even the Democrats can appreciate that exposing them would be a threat to national security and our image. What they don't realize is that that image outside the concentric bubbles of the Washington beltway and American ignorance of the relevance of other countries legitimate views of us as out-of-control, is long dead anyway. Likewise, our very national security is no longer served by keeping covered these festering and poisonous actions, treacherous when not treasonous.
Yet instead, greed to those who make their careers and tax cuts, their access to power and all its perks and privileges possible, and even loyalty to that common grouping that politicians and those who cover them now can be thought to comprise, these have kept them from openly asserting that what they are being asked to put out they often know to be lies and disinformation. The backhanded 'corrections'about previous lies are meaningless, when they are even called outright lies, because it does not affect, or has not yet affected, the ability to put out new ones completely unchallenged.
America's No Maas moment this April, if it indeed proves in hindsight to be one, is interesting because of its timing in relation to the impending attack on Iran, intended not only to silence such quibbles, such as ìwho killed whoî or ìwho spied on whoî or ìwhich government leaders committed which felonies or treasonous acts against the Constitution,î but rather instead shift the debate to who is trying to undermine our leaders ability to manage his self-imposed World War III. Without nerve such a stand now is the ultimate brand of futility.
Yet when has honor had anything to do gauging the chances of success?
The Washington Press Corps No Maas Moment Approacheth
Friday, April 13th, 2007
I will write the Dalai Lama article soon I hope, the one I thought of on the bus not so long ago, and I will try to tone it down as best I can. I do not wish to offend anyone, least of all him. I will try to find the time to touch the most important bases of what I think should be said soon, as waiting too long, the muse dies.
Through the time until recently when I was forced to remain silent, not easy for me, I found refuge in these words I wrote. "Hesitation is a myth. You know somewhere inside yourself what you will do if you have enough time to do it by the time you are ready to do it. If you do not have the time to do it by the time you are ready to do it, perhaps it ought not to have been done."
If only it were always that easy. Too much left undone by myself and others has made the future that much harder and more difficult. While I am usually the first to say, "Yeah, right on, make it as difficult as possible," one does not have to look far to see how many near and far suffer the brunt of the pain our inactions, and the suffering it causes. Lucky are those can be detached from the sufferings of our mistakes spreading like wildfires, but for those who still have hopes invested in the future, detachment and silence is becoming untenable. Much now ought to have been done that wasn't, so being ready or not is becoming less of an issue everyday.
Little time to write for now, not the Dalai Lama post
Friday, April 27th, 2007span>
It is a spiral that has its end when one realizes that those being repressed now will write their own histories one day. Every one of the hundreds of thousands, soon to be millions, of innocent deaths done, "collateral damage," by our present criminal wars of aggressions, any one of them could be that nation's Christ, that innocent victim of barbarous injustice to rally their culture for generations upon generations against what we have put them through, that hell, while we literally piss on their graves when saying it we were doing it to ìhelpî them. They are waking up. Their sense of history will show their truths, truer than the ones we try to plant in their media, stronger than the leaderships or types of governments we ìapproveî of for them, and they will prevail where they should, in their own lands, as hopefully we, the self-critical ones, will one day prevail again in our own.
The Power and the Mana: Repression Vs. Human Spirit
Sunday, May 6th, 2007
The courage of the weak I have seen, those who stand up to the strong, not by confronting them, just trying to live without being unreasonably taunted, yet never willing to do what the majority would, to be complicit in that wrongness, to me I know this as the strongest strength. By what I went through, at times by choice, cannot compare to what others more unable to blend in, unable to protect themselves, have gone through with a dignity through their worse taunting, their greater humiliations, and though shaming all those who laughed at them in ways the crowds could not see or would ever admit, outshone without measure those who mistreated them, the 'stronger', the 'popular', the ones everyone wanted to be with, if only to be left alone and not taunted or abused by them....The only question was which way to lose which would have kept the most pride intact.
... You cannot make a wrong battle, an unjust fight right by 'winning' it, for that is a contradiction in terms. There is no 'collateral damage' in this war. There are no 'accidental' civilian deaths. There is only murders, being done by them, being done by us. Children no less valuable than our own, no less sacred, no less worthy of every opportunity this world has to offer being killed every hour in a conflict which could be de-escalated the moment we as a people, through forcing our reluctant and cowardly 'representatives' simply to admit it was wrong. Not that it was a bad judgment, not that it was poorly executed. It was wrong, morally wrong, inexcusable, reprehensible, and entirely for the wrong reasons.
Fearlessness, Courage, Weakness and Strength
Thursday, May 17th, 2007
To this America must rededicate itself to, to creating such a future democratic order that codifies the values in practice that we still mouth in rote, yet have been as of late abandoning in droves. We must reaffirm that freedom of thought, of expression without fear of being labeled a terrorist or of recrimination, the rights of citizens to oppose governments, even our own, when they think they have erred, and one that curtails any rights only when in the most extreme cases imaginable, and never without debate and consent of those who lose or are asked to give up such rights. Such orders and world governments will come about one day, and if this dark present is any guide, they will come about over our objections and not by our examples, or with our aid.
America has become like an old king, unwilling to pass on the kingdom to our heirs, forgetting that it was only given to us as a loan, was not and never to be ours to own.
Empire Needs Redefinition & Transmutation, Not Dangerous Collapse
Friday, May 25th, 2007
It was one of those times I picked the right battle at the right time for after trying to punish me at the Principal's Office (4th grade), it was determined I had that right and she had to back down and allow me to wear it in class. There was no being dragged off in hand-cuffs and charging a child with disruption of the peace for wearing a symbol of peace, no need for lawsuits, no suspension needing to be appealed to the Supreme Court. I had rights then. I had the right state Peace was a better path than War, and I had a right to wear it proudly around my neck at school if I so chose, and no one, at least at that time, could take that right away from me, at least not succeed in that attempt.
Times have changed no doubt. The President of the United States of America himself had no compunction against going on national television and telling people they ought to be careful what they say in public from on now. Those who publicly question an illegal war of aggression, even great-grandmothers carrying posters of peace symbols, are monitored by the police, and if one is in the army, one can be suspended or imprisoned for speaking out against even an illegal war. There is no one backing up those who choose to rebel in the name of peace today, at least not at the highest levels. The higher up you go now, the more insanity and suspicion and fear rule the day and the minds of the new 'deciders' on what is and is not proper self-expression these days.
Perhaps I was hoping for someone, if that was the case, if they are not so apolitical to not even think, to every last man and woman or boy and girl, to make a symbol of peace on their own poster or placard on their own graduation day of their own values, maybe just one might have tried to sneak one into the picture. Or spontaneous peace signs of the fingers if that was not possible before each and every picture was taken. But I fear that that has been taught out of them, or not taught to them. It is more likely they could have made such symbols, and simply thought not to, or even more likely, did not think of it at all.
No Mercy: The Cheney Bush War Generation Graduates
Friday, June 1, 2007
.. Television, society at large, so many factors make people think they know what people would or would not say or think about many things, often asking them seems superfluous or unnecessary. Worse yet is when we are so caught in believing in a culture's predispositions that we do not even question to ourselves what we really think about things because we think that there is no need. Its what we should think, ... and never reflect on why or how we came to settle into such perspectives unquestioningly in the first place, or never realize consciously we have done so. ... When we get caught up in that, we become blind to those standing right in front of us, and unfortunately only even notice those people whom cannot be pigeon-holed because we can tell their experiences or perspectives touch upon things we cannot readily say we know or understand, those are the only ones that stick out at all as being noteworthy or memorable.
When this happens, when the unusual or unexpected cross our paths, when the time is right, they are the best means of growth we will ever get, not only to learn about something new, but reawaken that connection in yourself to asking the most basic of questions, ìwhat happened to you,î ìwhat did you think about it,î ìhow did you get here,î ìwhat did you learn from it?î If not to tell you, believe it or not, they live to tell and communicate that to someone, and we honor them not by remaining silent, but by occasionally risking getting our heads bit off by letting them know whenever they are ready to tell us, that we are eager to hear that.
For Two Soldiers
Thursday, June 7, 2007
What is interesting about the above quotes is what "would happen" "if" without mentioning or sufficiently imploring that such is already the case. The fact is it is the official position of the government of the United States that says all of these "terrible" things they write about as if in hindsight or as if it can be avoided, is already the law of the land and is indisputably going on, and that no one has to fear arrest or accountability on doing or having done such things on behalf or the adminstration, ever. The US openly has stated the Geneva Conventions do not apply, and that while it does not "torture" or "kidnap" people, it does "alternative interrogations" and "extraordinarily renders" people for such treatment, (and sometimes to places where they can be "legally no mincing words about it"... tortured, though it is usually conveniently out of our hands at that point ("they promised they would not "torture" them" beyond somebody's definition of the word)). It is not that the President asking for such rights, legal or not, because they are ongoing, recognized as policy with the full sanctioning of the Justice Department and the Congress, and despite some rare exceptions, even the courts.
The "political system" of the United States, with few squabbling and ineffectual protestations considered "partisan" really has no problems with these things. And the American public and the Military are getting used to it as well, for the more such things are exposed and nothing is done to stop it, the more "legal" it becomes, rightly or wrongly. The fact is the full weight of the US government will be in trying to appeal the Al-Marri decision, and it is the official position of the acting authorities that despite whatever misgivings this or that lower courts or even the Supreme Court may have, such things will continue, have continued, and will be continued no matter what the courts throw up as roadblocks.
What We Factually Stand For Now Like It Or Not, Face Up To It
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
The problem is, for those whom these are more than just stories, they are heavily indoctrinated or raised to defer to those who play such super cards of unquestionable authority. He is God, he is Jesus, he is Superman, he is the President, he is the King, he could not possibly be leading us astray / taking advantage of us / trying to wreck our economy / country / reputation. Such blindness makes it so damn easy, no matter how much you warn people about it, they just never are willing to wrap their little heads around the concept.
EVERYONE has good and bad in them, possibly in equal measures. These can be brought out in numerous ways under extremely varied, and sometimes extreme circumstances. And to those who think they are above or beyond such mistakes or transgressions of their self-image, it makes it that much more tempting and fun to do to them. Even the most holy god-like people among us can be broken, and Lord knows there has been enough studies done on torture to know which buttons to push in people to bring out the worst. Others are intuitive and can sense weakness in others, blindness, and can zero in on how to manipulate them without even having to torture large numbers of people in their cultures to know how to do so.
The wisest people in the past knew this to be the case. No one is to be trusted with vast amounts of power. It is not the man (or woman) but the position itself which corrupts, corrodes, and destroys their very souls. Trying to obtain that much power is weakening and suspect in itself, holding onto it for long is fatal to the goodness inherent within anyone.
The stronger or more immune one is by office or social structure from the rules that govern others which do not apply to oneself, the longer one can go on making mistakes and not paying a price for them, the more people one can harm or destroy with lessening guilt, and literally the weightier the misdeeds grow, the more able one becomes to shrug them all off and deceive oneself more than it is possible to deceive others, no matter how great their ìpowerî.
That is the moral which has ceased to be passed on. It needs to be embodied in others, it needs to be played out endlessly from one generation to the next. It is in the cards so long as people defer to anyone. The greater the prostration, the greater the havoc wrecked by those who claim a title no one should hold, a sole decided, savior, judge, juror, and executioner.
For awhile, America, for all its many many faults, did push back against this. The king and even the notion of a divine right of kings was overthrown, and the President was subservient in power to the legislature. This new model was held up to a world ruled by claimers of divine right to rule and pass on that right to their heirs or chosen heirs.
Now this has reversed itself. America itself has asserted it has a divine right to rule given to it by God. Though it speaks of ìdemocratizingî the world, the ìdemocracyî it entails is one subservient to Washington more so than to its own people, and even the best PR firms of Madison Avenue cannot make the complete lack of legitimacy of the Iraq or the Palestinian governments to do what its people wish against American interests look ìdemocraticî except to the most ardently mislead and uninformed about the reality on the ground. America has now permanently poisoned the very word ìDemocracyî for many all over the world, by such unthinkably flagrant and destructive misuse, far beyond any means to see it in any other way than intentionally. We are the ultimate bad Superman destroying our own reputation inestimably.
Though many have rightly claimed that this destruction is not limited to this present Bush Administration, that it is merely continuing policies begun by both Democratic and Republican Presidents and Congresses, the idea of democracy, what vestige of it still remains at home, is that a change of administration can herald a change of direction. ìThat is not us anymore,î a new President is thought to be able to proclaim upon taking office. ìI will undo these mistakes or at least try to make them right,î one can hope a new President will promise. The bad Superman has been vanquished. The good Superman has returned and we must look to the future and give back the trust.
But the trust will not return. There was no bad Superman from an alternate Universe to blame our mistakes on. No Democratic candidate currently running is advocating anything drastic enough or different enough to justify belief in any significant course change to how the US has conducted itself these last 6 years. The lies will continue, either from a different Republican or Democratic white man or woman, or from a Black man or Hispanic President. Pre-emptive war will not be ìoff-the-tableî, threats of regime change of countries that displease us will continue, arms races desired by the corporations which control both parties will increase for the state subsidized guaranteed profits they will generate, and the world will not have much more reason to trust us later than now.
But they will have to, we think. Our musical chairs, feigned course changes or slight alternations deemed to give to our home population that hope that the future will get better, we think will still spill over to the rest of the world. We do spend countless billions to plant positive stories in foreign press about ourselves, and they get to watch our own propagandized channels and ìentertainmentî shows (which praise our armed services / CIA / Presidency, etc.) without cost to our government. It is inherent in people to want to hope though. They want to give us the benefit of the doubt that we will not be overthrown completely and plunge the world into a hellish power vacuum, though every day we are inching toward making more and more of the world think, ìhow could that possibly be worse that what we are offered now?î
To much of the rest of the world though, they have it bad enough that that end, the end of American hedgmony, cannot come soon enough. Among the richest countries, though our image is tarnished, they remember how we took the heat and did the dirty deeds during the Cold War to keep their economies safe. They may not be grateful and they may realize more than our own citizens how we were getting rich off of that conflict through raping most of the developing world through puppet governments terrorizing their own publics, but they have much stake in keeping the US-based economic system healthy. They want to believe the myth if not the reality of the good Superman is not dead, or at least that a less psychotic one is on the way. Their continued positions as higher than the rest of the world in comforts and economic advantages depend on it. But to more and more of the rest of the world every year, they see only the benefits of our continued implosion.
The problem is, and I have tried to emphasize this as much as the dangers of attacking Iran, the unpredictability of weapons development. New types of weapons are evolving in ways that will not only put current ones to shame, but will be cheaper and more widely available. Every system of government may soon come apart at the seams. Russia has recognized one avenue pending with trying to limit the availability of its major ethnicity's DNA, but that is simply impossible and even laughable with so many diasporate Russians. America, other than sort of having a ìruling classî of whites which its government might seek to protect, is less at risk, but China has both the greatest vulnerability and is the greatest threat for developing such ethnicity based DNA biological weapons, and also was the first to unlock the code of human DNA as well. Yet biologicals and other types of weapons we can name today are merely the tip of the iceberg of what is in the works for the next 50, 20, or even 10 years.
Neo-Cons and generals unfortunately have deluded themselves enough to think that having enough weapons pointed at every corner of the earth, even from space can protect American hedgmony but that is beyond even the most wishful thinking. Other than mass liquidation of populations so massive that a word stronger than genocide will have to be formulated, in the end it will as now only create more hatred and more unacceptable risks to all but those profiting from making the weapons systems. Armistice, the most hated and feared word of those running America today, at the tops of BOTH political parties, is the ONLY course of survival that has even a negligible chance of long term success. The only question is how many will have to die before the real discussions begin.
How the Bad Superman's Reign Ends
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I have seen countless reasons why and how the police and courts have been used now to target people for investigations who have been deemed inconvenient to powerful people or interests, and once the police become used as a weapon, you no longer have any semblance of living in a fair and just society. (I see something you bought used may or may not have been stolen, You may or may not have known that email attachment / download link may have let to illegal software or other material (easiest way someone can be set up or to scare the shit out them just with spam because even trying to erase it can be a crime) (I was in Florida when a judge blew his brains out in his office when arrested for pornography legal in most of Florida except for his town, gotta love Floridaís sense of ìjusticeî and ìmoralityî), Voters on your list may have given false names / false addresses (especially those non-entities called homeless people who rank right up there with felons) and your candidate / employee / volunteer may or may not have known about it, Your article / post may or may not have incited or may or may not possibly incite someone to commit a crime if it was critical of the government / President / police / courts, XYZ Corporation, a millionaire, billionaire, rich people in general, anyone powerful in general, etc. and been read by someone prior to committing a crime, and everyoneís favorite reason for a criminal investigation, You might have lied about cheating on your wife). Once investigations of ANYONE can be launched on spurious grounds because of questionable reasons, once selective enforcement of laws is used to political ends, or powerful or rich people are excluded because they are more able to fight back and have the dubious nature of why they were targeted exposed, or have connections which would make such charges or sentences go away later, you do not have a country or legal system which is not ultimately controlled by a gang of criminals.
There were two things relevant to this which I learned from studying Russia and the Soviet Union recently in the FSU. One of which is how the Communists took control of Eastern Europe. Most Americans like to think it was violently, though force and the threat of force were obviously factors. Unlike Iraq or Afghanistan, the occupation forces in Eastern Europe were already on the ground and in their countries. A compromise was worked out with the newly reconstituted governments, through intimidation but ìlegalî that because a significant number of the people were legitimately Communists, and since the Soviets were there, that a power sharing arrangement would be worked out. ìJust give us control of the police,î was basically what was requested. With that, obviously, they were able to steal everything else. A few questionable elections later, and low and behold, everything was safely in their hands.
Another is how criminals now outsource their protection enforcement to the police. Why kill someone or try to destroy their lives if the cross / displease you when you have a corrupted legal system which will not only do it for you, but which includes its built-in insurance against police questioning? It is the ultimate criminal one-stop-shopping. When innocent people routinely die in jail awaiting trial on obviously set-up or bogus charges, or when merely the threat of being charged with a specific crime is so damaging to ones life or would devastate their families financially, and when asking the police for help is basically dealing with the same loose knit organization of cooperative actors, criminals and police and politicians are all on the same page and profit from the same convergence of interests.
But that is Russia, you might say. Big Bad Scary Russia. That could never happen in the good olí US of A! People have a sense that the attorney scandal was the tip of a greater manipulation of the legal system. Some even suspect that it could be part of an overall strategy that includes illegal wiretaps and databases that log all phone and computer activity cross-referenced by things like race and voter affiliation.
But say how these leaked blatantly illegal programs still ongoing might fit together and not be just a happenstance string of random ìbad applesî and still yet, though far more probable that just being ìaccidental coincidencesî and you will still be written off as a ìconspiracy theoristî. There is a pattern to what is going on now in terms of illegal activity specifically directed at key people, and the US attorney scandal, the ìTerrorist Surveillance Program,î and others which were leaked BY THE PEOPLE DOING THEM who were chosen for their LOYALTY TO BE TRUSTED WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF THEM because it was inconceivable that they would leak such information because of political and psychological profiling, they are the least of which could be uncovered by any uncorrupted legal system. Unfortunately, we know we donít have one.
ìObstruction of an investigationî is no longer a crime if done by the right people. ìBlackmailî is no longer a crime if done by the right people. Countless other crimes, can be, are, and will be excused if done in the name of covering up other crimes done by the Executive branch or any other actors they have contracted to do things on their behalf if contrary to the law and/or Constitution. The commuted sentence of ìScooterî Libby was a message just like a Mafia hit is meant to send a message. Cross us and there is no means to which we will not go to cover our tracks.
I had mentioned in the previous post how the former Speaker of the House considered Alberto Gonzalesís actions amounting to blackmail or intimidation. People have recently alleged that the Vice-Presidentís office has been trying to blackmail or ìpressureî not only members of Congress and their staffs, but members of the Presidentís staff as well. The level of criminality festering under the surface is incalculable while instead of creating the means for these crimes to be exposed, quite the opposite is occurring and new means are being devised everyday to retaliate and new threats of retaliation upon those who might wish to try to come forward. They not only would be abandoned by a President who would otherwise be their saving grace for crimes they did at his direction, but they risk being set up for things they did not do, or have to fight false allegations they know or fear, with overwhelming reason, would be thrown at them by the police or by the press, depending upon their level of importance and visibility.
I said in RCP2 that things are changing, and they are. Ground has been given to letting out the truth, and if it were not for many brave people who have been willing to put their lives and careers on the line against the machinery of their own government and police being co-opted and used to illegal ends and to cover up illegal activities by the heads of their own agencies and of the Executive Branch, and I am certainly not one to say it has not been enough. You cannot ask people to do what you know will bring the wrath of illegal retaliation against them for speaking out and doing what is right, and that ultimately they are correct by almost every rational view for remaining silent. For me, I had a glimpse of where that road leads, of where remaining silent will take us. If others cannot see it, or pretend not to, that is ultimately their matters alone.
For that reason, I will not say that the ìFamily Jewelsî was not enough. It was something, and something is always better than nothing, which was what we had before, and reason to think would always in the near future be the case. But something far darker is on the horizon and I must now venture into the Iranian topic.
During the Cold War, it was convenient that if the world was destroyed, no one would know who was to blame. It made it all so nice and simple. If anyone would be thought to be responsible for an Armageddon that could be trigger by simply a computer error or human error, most around the world would have assumed it was the Soviet Union, at least by the West, which to most in the West, IS the world.
Now the tables have turned, and for good reason. Most the world outside of America knows the US has been launching wars of aggression which our own Nuremberg lawyers have said were no different than Germany or Russiaís illegal invasions, but Americans, those who bother care share the Presidentís same contempt for International Law. Why should we be ìboundî by what may not be in ìour nationísî best interests? ...
How much more close could any country be to saying the truth does not matter. That we will do the most grave and serious things, up to and including actions that will cause thousands of innocent deaths, based upon faulty and questionable ìevidenceî which we will not even allow to have contrary verifiable evidence be submitted into record by our legislators, even if it is accepted as potentially true by a press always sympathetic to misinformation the other way. For them, even that bending of reality was too much. For our Congress, it was just fine and completely unquestionable, regardless of its accuracy.
They have learned much from the President, and we as a country have learned nothing yet from the last 6 years of how the truth has taken a backseat to police, press, politicians, and pundits who can be pressed and made to dance like marionettes to things everyone knows to be based upon lies and political manipulations, yet no one is allowed to complain about safely. Yet what or who is really safe in such an environment?
The Truth Is Never Off-the-table In Any Redeemable Society
Friday, July 13, 2007
There is a difference between being able to win elections and being fit to rule. Especially nowadays when it is technological technocrats, spin-doctors (liars), Madison Avenue admen, and blatant propagandists that have the most influence during political campaigns which have become so much about gaining and spending obscene amounts of money in a cycle of corruption that makes direct kickbacks to mobsters look circuitous and complex by comparison. Money is raised by making promises to corporations, often those most ìinfluentialî who control the media, for the purposes of their help which both parties fall over themselves to improve their stranglehold and monopolies on the airwaves which are given to them freely by the state, raise millions of dollars which they give back to these companies in purchasing advertising for campaigns. Then there is the political ìtechnologistsî who prune voter lists of legitimate voters for spurious reasons, disrupt the campaigns of rival candidates, put out fabrications to the medias they are purchasing ads with and allowed to make unsubstantiated or wholly fictitious claims out during campaigns which receive little scrutiny if they are ìmajorî or ìseriousî candidates in the eyes of the press who judge relevance by the size of their campaign chests.
Were it not bad enough for these people whose job it is to bend laws and break rules, being given free reign once every two or four years to do their duty and wreak havoc, trying to ìpurchaseî and ìcontrolî the democratic system, blur the facts and tilt the scales of justice to get their man into office, but they now have put up their feet as the ìmanagersî of government themselves. Since leaders are now constantly required to run for reelection almost on the day they take up office since the price of elections is so high, campaign managers and media advisers become chiefs of staff, presidential advisers, able to fire and marginalize career diplomats, government lawyers, FBI and other law enforcement agencies, all for political ends. Those who run the elections, most often by the most dubious legal means and methods possible, now run the government itself.
And when this comes out as a ìbad thingî, when this penchant for law breaking and public manipulation by constantly lying and leaning on those media corporations they have an insidious if not incestuous relationship with becomes public by those who know nothing about governing but everything about manipulation and deceit becomes let upon the light, when it is finally coming out how the courts and police have been corrupted by political apparachniks comes out, what does those who have any ability to rectify it do? They have party line votes with their own campaign managers advising them how to proceed based upon their own calculations of how much they can ìspinî what is going on to provide them with votes or more influence or more campaign contributions for the next election cycle of course! What else would they do, conduct themselves according to their duties under the Constitution? No, they ask themselves what would Karl Rove do far more than what would a statesman do. ...
Not only that, but Congress would be complicit in the deaths of all who might die due to a Gulf of Tonkin type incident for failing to respond to that threat which has been pointed out relentless to them as of late as a real possibility. The US, democracy, liberty, and our military are now dying a slow death, and Congress seems content to due little else besides non-binding resolutions, meaningless censures and contempt charges that will be openly ignored by an administration that not only holds the President above the law, but anyone he that works for he or that he designates too is above the law, and that all rights under the Constitution given to anyone else, he can revoke at his discretion. If Congress cannot find ìhigh crimes and misdemeanorsî in that, they no longer have eyes to see, no longer a consciousness with which to think, and have already surrendered to the President any authority to decide anything they previously thought they might have had. In that case, I would agree with the President if he suspends Congress completely. They will have become a costly illusion of democracy and a waste of money.
People have come forward against this administration's wrongdoing and it may as well have been to a firing squad. The press has been threatened when doing its job correctly, uncovering illegal programs, and other times has been rewarded for raking over the coals anyone who profoundly displeased the administration. Whistleblowers against Bush have been told to go to hell by the Supreme Court. And Congress, by not beginning hearings on impeachment has told them don't bother, no one will watch your back. Silence your conscience, it is ok, make your deal for a pardon, the Decider will have your back, and Congress is just one more entity that will throw you off the pier if you try to come forward. Their hesitation has made their immunity and protection worthless in the face of a 'unitary executive', and the President's favor is beyond measuring in cost, it is literally your life and the lives of your children at his discretion, and sole whim.
Kangaroo Congress in Contempt: Decider alone "shall" be "serious"
Saturday, July 28, 2007
I am including the 60's quotes from the new index page for PolSci.com coming up as they framed the world as I saw it growing up. It was not a world of belligerent posturing, with countless threats being volleyed at other countries by us to do as we say or else facing our ìshock and aweî bombing campaigns. It was a world in which we knew where it stood, knew the consequences of potential wrong mistakes, and knew that the consequences would be shared by all, rich and poor alike. The Lone Ranger, the Calvary, Jesus, nor God will save Mankind in the last reel. It is something each of us must do whatever we think will gain us a little traction against to keep it running another day before it all falls apart. Fall apart it will, fall apart it must, but hopefully not by us, and hopefully not because of us.
Quadranine is moved up on the site because it is the best one I did and it is now restored to its original form. In the last thing written in that notebook was the following line, ìA survey of the belief systems people have and the courses of action these beliefs impel them to take.î It says little to others perhaps, but to me, that sentence speaks volumes. We are set on courses of ìfatedî destinies because of what we have bought into, and cannot reconsider while moving. The faster we are moving, the less perspective we have and eventually those movements and those ìendsî are all we see and know. I know nothing is fated and all ìendsî can be changed. Ideology is what makes us human, separates us from other species, but it is ultimately to be chained to past ways of thinking at the expense of the future and of freedom.
Like planets on a collision course, the United States and humanity itself are going to reach a point to have to choose to rethink everything and alter and postpone the ìinevitableî collision of cultures and countries, economies and armies. That sidestepping is easier than anyone thinks, and even if it not successful, it will probably begin soon because otherwise it would be unlikely to be meaningful. And as anyone who has ever contemplated dinosaurs trying to dance, win or lose, succeed or not, it is at least good for a laugh, and hopefully for all others and for our own sakes, life itself will remain good for a laugh, and not a Greek tragedy.
The World We Inherited, The World We Will Leave Behind
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I know that whatever his motivations, the environment is the big issue, probably the biggest issue which will define the even bigger issues of the economy and of wars, and how they interrelate. For now the worlds economies are based around war as the solution for environmental problems, and those wars will further destroy the environment, if not completely destroy it. It would make far more sense to give an environmental prize to a peacemaker than it would to give a peace prize to an environmentalist. ìCitizen Goreî is no peacemaker. Whether ìCandidate Goreî is more than just a hope of meddlesome Nobel selection committees, and much else of the world outside the United States, that is in the hands of the other Decider, or the Great Decider (or the Great Pretender (ìWho started out so young and strong, only to surrenderî-Jackson Browne).
This is a difficult time for me personally. I was abruptly awakened from a deep worried sleep by a phone call, only to find my mind was stuck on a phrase I wrote many years ago. Its strange to find that your mind is still working when you are that tired and out of it. Stranger for me to think it is going over things as seemingly as unimportant as words. Now, on a more personal level, words are less important, but what they trigger, or fail to, or fail to prevent, they are never unimportant. The conceptual and the actual are intertwined, always.
The phrase was ìour nature of cherishing borders.î It is to me key to many things. The dividing lines between us and them in ones own country and between other countries are always the flashpoints, they are as conceptual as the walls which make us feel free to make fun of and see the person next to us as ìthe otherî. And they are lines in the sand, and lines on maps. The "border" it was about though, is the border between life and death, the dividing line my mother is crossing now. All that that has dredged up positively and negatively, images, memories, and moments in time, and I discover when getting a call in the middle of the night with news, my dreaming is about... words. The full stanza I had to look up and finally decided to write this post out. I put that one and the one after it below.
The past is a mask
hiding the face of the present
as it tumultuously shakes all present order
leaving us to gape
and assign values to its fury
attesting to our nature of cherishing borders
What is is the facade
of forces which enable it to be
and this effrontery of seeming irrefutability
lacks the definition of tangency
and the perspective of eventual ends
stripping all our understandings of credulity
The Rise of the Peacemakers
Monday, October 15, 2007
I do not mean to dwell on the dark pasts of these religions, but for many many people this is not the past at all, this is still how they frame and interpret the world around them. Torture, human sacrifice, they are inseparable from these faiths. They, inadvertently or not, teach them. They may say they are bad, but that even God does it, or allows it, under ìcertain circumstances.î
My first ìtaughtî exposure to torture as a child, the earliest Gold Standard of torture, besides the Crucifixion, was the whipping of Jesus, acted out in glorious Technicolor, to enlighten three and four year olds (as far back as I can remember) like me of the world I now inhabited. It was not long before that standard was surpassed for me by my own government, but the earliest impressions still remain.
But it is not the past that concerns me. The future is all that I think of because within that, the future, the past is given whatever value it might have, could have, but only when it is looked at honestly. I have gone on more than a few times about how Revelations has NOTHING to do with Jesus, not what he said, not what he taught, and it was added onto what was otherwise an attempted ìBuddhist-likeî spin on a Middle Eastern religion. It was added later, it was antithetical to the whole point of Christianity, and it was done to terrorize people as much if not more, than to ìenlightenî them. And that ìadditionî to the New Testament has led to genocides in the past, and if not corrected, will lead to more, long after the current one contemplated, if that one doesnít eliminate the possibility for more by eliminating humanity itself. ...
To know how the Christian faith has evolved (another word Fundamentalists hate) over the centuries, to think that this kind of darkness, this kind of ìpositiveî possession, is the end result for millions of ìthe Faith,î this is almost unbearable. For those who truly have loved Christianity, have seen it grow, it is as heartbreaking it is for Americans to see the United States becoming the worldís largest promoter of torture, of torture without charges or trials, of potentially lifelong detentions, and of a leader who is not only above the law, any law except what he chooses to recognize, but also can be a judge, juror, and executioner for every other living person on the planet. They are the same kinds of heartbreak, the same sort of endless disappointment.
As much as Christianity has called any other type of faith, heathens, pagans, devil worshippers, they have through the diversity and growth over the centuries, become such a wide brush, it in many aspects has become in many measures and from many angles, infected with the worst of what they accuse others of. Knowing this, seeing this, ACKNOWLEDGING THIS, is the only path to rid itself of this, the only means of redemption possible.
And for America, this too is the only path of true redemption. When is America going to give guided tours of its (hopefully soon to be ìformerî) torture chambers in Eastern Europe, Guantanamo Bay, and elsewhere as Russia and its ex-client states torturerís apprentices have done? Are we even on track for such a truth awakening? Do we even conceive it to be possible anymore?
In the very same countries where the Soviet Union tortured people, we have set up shop, though doubtlessly ìrenovatedî and ìtechnologically improved.î Is there a single credible candidate for Congress or the Presidency that would say we ought to educate our public of the torturing done in their name, done supposedly for their benefits, so they might have a REASON to ask that we stop this decent into inhumanity, or will they all continue the farce of denial, acquiescing that what people donít know wonít hurt them (but will kill many others)? ...
I also remember around that time reading of a person who was ìquestionedî in Afghanistan in the presence of a CIA ìobserverî who, the interviewee, was hung in mid-air by his arms tied behind his backs for days and on occasion beaten until he finally died from the pain as his arms separated from their sockets. The kicker is that the CIA observer noted that he was most likely completely innocent. All without so much as being charged with a crime, never mind convicted of one. Compare that to Jesus, who by all measures, perhaps inadvertently or on purpose, inspired people to revolt and was given at least a trial before being tortured to death. This person by admission was mostly likely innocent, not with evidence to be charged, and still no crime was committed in torturing him to death since it was the "good guys" dishing it out. "Rudy would do it" as the bumper sticker saying goes. Many people were turned over to them simply to get the reward money, or as a good way to say goodbye forever to someone you did not like or owed money to.
But according to Rudy's logic, if we had done that, it might not had been torture.
I am not pointing fingers at anyone. It is a dangerous world we live it. Torture being done, scientists perfecting it. People have been promoting it here on TV or making it palatable to the general public and are getting multi-million dollar salaries in return. But others have silently, and some no so silently, rebelled against this. It is in them and in their lives the hope of any bright future is to be found. Some when asked to torture, to murder unjustly, to go on TV and say how it is debatably reasonable to do such things to people who quite possibly are completely innocent to ìpossiblyî ìsaveî others, namely yourselves from some threat, real or imagined, they quit.
Others, they do something else. If they are not brave or secure enough to quit, they do what they are asked, but they do it badly. They, though purposeful ineptitude, choose to leave behind a record for the day when a new leadership is in charge who would wish to right the wrongs (or at least recognize them) of the past. It is apparent to all the world now and to themselves, the Democrats in America are no such people. They, in the equivalent of terms of the USSR, would shoot those who would come forward just as much as the previous dictatorship would, they would build towering structures over the mass unmarked graves, and they would bury the past crimes completely and forever.
Where others saw the ìmost incompetent administration ever,î I saw a group of people seeing the atrocities going on all around them and did the best they could to try to walk the middle ground, those who did not quit outright and those unlike those without consciences, they did what they were asked as badly as believably possible, but so far, to no avail.
It probably does not matter if Rudy ìif we do it, it is not tortureî Giuliani becomes the next President, or Hillary Clinton, or Dick Cheney. The mantra is the same. The bodies will stay buried. Torture will become more mainstream. Trials, when allowed at all will become more farcical to the greater ratings and laugh tracks of the Daily Show and Colbert Report. Those who did the unconscionable will watch their superiors who ordered it all go not only unpunished, but becoming more wealthy and respected than ever because of it all, and they will only have what remains of their own consciences to be propped up by the fact that they, at least, did not do it well, and that if anyone of power ever had cared worth damn, it all could have been exposed and stopped.
Open House at US Torture Sites, If We Do It, It Is Not Torture Giuliani
Friday, October 26, 2007
For people (Congress) supposedly reacting out of constant fear thrown at them, fear of their constituents thinking they are weak, fear of a right wing press that even Republicans lawmakers admit being terrorized by, fear of terrorist attacks, but seemingly completely without fear of handing over every last scrap of power the mythical magical wondrous ìFoundersî gave to their positions and legislative bodies.
Seemingly their jobs now are to tear the Constitution to shreds, put little pieces of it into things called ìbillsî to send to the President so he can veto them and make its destruction the new law of the land.
Habeas Corpus? A bill not a writ. Congressional approval needed to attack Iran? A Constitutional mandate or directive, and a foundation of our Republic? No, sing it from School House Rock, ìIím just a bill, a little olí bill, but I might be a law, Ö someday.î Smack down veto threat, and little olí bill (and Separation of Powers) goes away. Not today thank you, canít tie his hands. Canít let a Declaration of War make the world an unambiguous place without undeclared wars, unrecognized occupations, and unmentionable, literally, US war crimes.
The fear that motivates Congress and America these days is not even good fear. What are good fears you ask? Good fears make you act to eliminate what you are afraid of. Common sense you cannot eliminate terrorists if terrorists can become anyone or anyone can become a terrorist.
You cannot spy on everyone all of the time (though they will make a ton of money trying), you cannot control every countryís government (though they will kill a lot of people trying), and you cannot make everyone afraid of your weapons, not even while you are using them on people. You can, when you are done with an orgy of death, that attempt at making the world submit to your non-existent authority, ditch the fear by trying to make peace with them. That is how you kill fear, at the source.
The source of fear is not people. The source is, as many have countlessly said before, and will say later, fear is created by what you do not, cannot, and choose not, to understand or acknowledge. The fear we have is real and warranted because somewhere, in the back of our minds, we as a nation are aware of the truth of the terrors we are giving the world while claiming we do not see it ourselves.
The greatest fears we have, and rarely as Americans will we admit, is that our fears are justified. That just because our Washington Press buys the fact that if the White House does not admit something, it never happened, or is left in a less-defined gray zone between what is real and what is not. That there are things we are doing now, things we are responsible for, which we should not, but will not doing stop either. And that it will come back to haunt us if it is not already on the way.
... Waking up and confronting THAT fear, that good fear, that can inspire people to wake up and do something to counter it, that is always just around the corner.
... Yet reality is never shut out completely, even in the most extreme instances referred to above. One must know and constantly be workings against what one knows but is choosing not to acknowledge. This knowledge becomes fear, becomes dread, becomes the dark recesses of where we choose we ought not to look at what we as individuals or as groups, societies, countries, or cultures, are doing to others. And worst of all, that knowing or acknowledging that we have surrendered our right to question it openly and effectively without fear.
Dying is easy then, when having to live daily in denial at the obvious and increasingly frequent greater and growing injustices, and with the ever changing definitions of the official Newspeak insanity, and still yet choosing to think or consider oneself a rational being. It becomes then, the living is what is hard. Unless of course, you batten down the hatches, forget about any or all possible consequences, and try to let out on (what you think are) the right occasions what you know that others, by choosing not to acknowledge will get themselves, and possibly yourself too, killed.
RCP and Two Years After, the Very Changed World Continues
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Yet it is an irony, (not that we do not have rights to other things like say papertrailess electronic unprovably rigged elections, or papertrailess (warrantless) searches and off-the-books investigations of anyone), that we expouse the concept of rights in the first place. We clearly have no idea of the definition of the word, which makes it easier for us to completely misuse and misunderstand it completely. To most Americans, as taught by our media and fictional TV shows, our rights are not really rights at all.
Oh, we will say if we have them, they are ìrightî and if we do not have them, they are not ìrightsî but beyond that myopia, we think that rights are rescindable, and therefore, are some new form of animal not yet living in a dictionary. Rights are not for everyone. ìRightsî are things that do not belong to terrorists, terrorist suspects, or other people deemed by us to be ìbad guys.î Countless numbers of our television shows, fiction and news, pose the question, ìwhat about the rights of the victims?î This escapes the logic, as we usually do, that those who took them away from others, victims, were CRIMINALS, and doing so, taking them away is or should be, by definition, A CRIME. ...
Europe for instance, can berate Iran for ìinterferingî in the government of Iraq, by supposedly sending in weapons and occasional troops, while in the same breath completely ignoring our illegal invasion, hundreds of thousands of troops and ìsupportî (mercenaries, cooks, drivers, and on rare occasions, even interpreters), gigantic (semi-(must stick with Newspeak))-permanent bases, an indefinitely long planned occupation regardless of local opinion about it, and oh, arming both sides of a civil war there without limits or outside checks and balances on who we give or sell arms to. No irony there in the least.
Europeís hypocrisies pile up as quickly as our own, but they do it to support Europeís being allowed keeping the ìclassicalî definition of rights, those that apply to everyone. Well not everyone. They can protest potentially blatently rigged elections in Russia, but not Florida or Ohio. They can condemn attempted outside influence over Ukraine but not Mexico. They know the rules, and generally keep their strict adherence to the antiquated "quaint" notion that ìrightsî apply to everyone, get this, ìall the timeî, basically to their own citizens without demurring to our looser, more fun definition of being for only those who we say have them. Unless of course, we select some of THEIR citizens to not have them. Then they can, must, and have done, quickly forked them over to us to ship them off to some third world hell hole to be tortured indefinitely and without charges. Their ìrightsî definition does not come on the cheap you know.
To say that rights are not absolute, that they are not "all the time" and certainly not for all people, means basically, they are not ìrightsî at all. As any American, European, Canadian, Australian, British subject, (or worse, someone without any of the ìlike usî cover) who has been rendered by us to another country to be tortured can tell you, what they were told THERE is the truth. ìYou have no rights.î ...
Our concepts of ìrights,î as more like privileges; the privilege to be not tortured, not to be kidnapped, not held without charges in secret, these now will spread more and more because basically we, at the point of gun if need be, have redefined them as being subjective and optional for the entire world. General Musharraf in Pakistan can say he will keep Martial Law (declared last week) going while he puts together hasty elections in less than 2 months time. President Saakashvili, President of Georgia can and has said the same. The unprecedented Soviet-like ìState of Emergencyî (declared also last week) will stay in effect until he sees ìa requirement to lift it,î possibly not before new hasty elections also in less than two months time. And that is just in American defined or supported ìDemocraciesî in the last week!!!
Add to those a collapse of the ìCedar Revolutionî we supported in Lebanon, our supporting of the President of the Palestinian territories in completely suspending its Parliament and declaring Martial Law after the elections which we had triumphed as proof of our democratizing, but did not go as planned so this was justified, and you get the gist of how our ìdemocratizationî of the world is going. (And those are just in the areas we claimed to have been our ìsuccessesî. You literally donít want to know about Somalia and a few other places things went far worse than we saw fit to talk much about, never mind brag about.) And Europeans will cheer the presence of these new, if under martial law elections, if we say so, as being progress and how praise much democracy is blooming around the world, on cue.
And not the least of which, how swimmingly our democratizing of Iraq, the crown jewel in our efforts to give the world our wonderful new and improved definition of ìRightsî has gone. No where else on Earth, literally, has seen our new definitions of ìrightsî and ìdemocracyî played out so fully to the shocked silence of Europe and anyone else trying to keep off of our ìshut up or we will democratize youî radar or list. Not only our President, but even those who just want to be President and have a chance, can and do openly talk now about how the leadership of that ìsovereign countryî whose ìlegitimate governmentî wants us there, had better shape up, privatize its oil resources to our oil companies, or see that it ìought to be replaced.î Not to mention that that government must continue to ignore the 66%-75% of its own public that wants our troops out of their country immediately or as quickly as possible. ...
... I have no illusions about the brutality of Iranís current definition of ìrightsî or its regime, nor what they do to people there who do not agree with them.
What is at issue is our definition of ìDemocracy,î the real dictionary definition, that nations are free to determine their own system of governments, say things we donít like, even do things we donít like, even if it seems to us as evil. To claim that Iran is ìinterferingî in Iraq is a sick joke compared to what we have done there and are continuing to do there daily. To say Iran is a threat to us or to a nation, Israel, which has already stealthily developed hundreds nuclear weapons of its own, is also untrue. Iran is no threat to us, nor to Israel, nor will it be anytime soon. We want to take out, as we have said repeatedly in other venues, any nation which might soon reach a position to challenge our increasing control over our ìnew backyard", the Middle East. End of story. The true one anyway.
Attempts at redefining languages to permit us to do everything we say or believe to be wrong is inexcusable because it is not our RIGHT to do so. Meanings of WORDS, HUMAN RIGHTS, they are universal concepts, defined among and agreed to by a MAJORITY of ALL PEOPLE or they are LIES. No one nation is their guardian, much less one that evades such definitions or tries to redefine them according to its own liking or its present circumstances.
Torturing meaning, torturing truth, is as bad or worse, than torturing people, and that too is inexcusable under EVERY regime. And the greater one nationís supposed ìpower,î one would think goes with it their greater ability be able to adhere to the laws, international laws written by and large BY THEMSELVES, literally, and in their own favor.
The greater too, with greater power, would be their increased responsibility to set an example that international laws and human rights are inviolable under ANY and ALL and EVERY POSSIBLE circumstances, or they are LIES. And if you donít know the meaning of inviolable, look it up, because neither apparently do the present US Executive Branch, its Congress, and often its Courts.
What's Different: The New Norm, Your "Right" to remain silent while being Waterboarded
Monday, November 12, 2007