Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The World We Inherited, The World We Will Leave Behind

        So much for holding my breath (or peace) until Cheney resigns. I wanted over the last month to write on many occasions,about positive and hopeful things and sad things. I mistook today for Catholic Nuns calling on Bush/Cheney to be impeached with Sam Nunn doing the same. It is sad that that Nunn is more influential than all others of the habit wearing kind put together. This Democratic Congress following the previous Black Congress's example in dealing with of all this administration's violations of law with backdating things making it legal so the perpetrators, or victims if you believe they had some compunction about being ordered to do illegal things, credit them instead of Bush with their "don't have to worry about jail free" cards.

       There are 535 or so members of Congress, including the House and Senate. Any one of them, if they were serious about it, could trigger the chain of events that would inevitably lead to Cheney's resignation on Bush's desk, at Bush's insistence no less, and it would doubtfully be the love-fest of Turd-blossom's departure.

       It has been over two years now that I have been concerned and written about what was conveyed to me as the very real possibility of a massive, deadly, and mortally self-inflicted wound not only upon Iran but on the US as well, by our own leadership purposely endangering ourselves exponentially in a suicidal overreach. On this and my previous blog, I have wasted many words on the subject. Now that that moment is soon approaching and the rest of the world is finally catching on, it seems more and more unlikely.

       I am neither giving in to making predictions nor odds-making (and certainly not with something now considered the safest of bets). I have problems with both. Most predictions are self-fulfilling and odds in hindsight are nothing more than attempted fortune telling. Things either happen or they don't, or if you view time the way I do, they do and they don't happen. The question is which you will get to see played out.

       This is not the general view of time at this time, but quantum physicists are working on changing that, and if you doubt their influence, remember they are of the profession which brought us to the brink of the precipice of the dangers that this speculated confrontation will unleash. Slowly at first, but without breaks if that particular genie is let out of the bottle. That is not a prediction, that is an inevitably if that route is chosen.

       As I have said, any member of Congress can block that road if they were serious about it, but it seems none are. What will change the direction if they remain of that frame of mind, that is difficult to say. There are many co-sponsors to Dennis Kunich's bill to begin impeachment proceedings against the Vice-President, but I doubt any of them take it seriously. They all, if they care at all, are seeking to do what the resigned Russ Feingold seeks, simply going on record as being against criminal wrongdoing now too long to mention here, so that history, if there is any forthcoming, might not be totalling damning of them, their lack of intelligence considering the potential consequences, and their lack of courage.

       Dennis Kunich is another story. It is quite possible that his impeachment proposal is a desperate attempt at gaining support for his “unlikely” bid for the Democratic Presidential nomination as others have alleged. It is also quite possible that the Presidential bid itself was meant to bring attention to something he really believes, that the very existence of the US remaining a Constitutional Republic is endangered and running for President was one of the few avenues he knew of to fight to keep it. Like Bush, he may believe his own rhetoric in the worst view, or doing what he thinks is right, in the most positive view.

       I will most probably write only very little more either way things go. Without a single Congressional representative taking a serious view of the crisis and giving the nod, I will finally win in my battles to remain silent, and now without feeling guilty about not having tried to do more. It was a circuitous path back to here to Maui again in the end to do nothing but sit and watch how it all plays out. Like those “brainwashed” Communists who watched their leaders cave and give away a system they which really had no faith in other than a way to make themselves rich, I really did buy the whole “Democracy” propaganda I grew up on, and if this faux-democratic future we are headed for is what the whole Congress believes should be the case, and without any public bothered enough to mount any serious public opposition to practically any outrageousness being served up without end, there is little of the Constitution left to fight to defend. All would be already lost.

       So instead of being given a way forward, I have simply tried over the last month or so to tie up and together some strands of the past. PolSci.com 11, or X11 as I call it, Fall 2007 is taking a long time to finish, and is my little victory in that it will get done and released, but anti-climatic because all the “new” items have been put already here on TruthRevival.Org, which will most likely now languish and die a natural death.

       The world has been little influenced by my hopes as much as any others. People decry it as a machine devouring people's dreams but only because they dream weak and they dream small. In the end, people will go after what appeals to them, and hopefully occasionally acknowledging what would put an end to their partying and selfishness, and that I believe will kick in and stop the US from triggering “the end of the World as we know it,” at least this year.

       I am including the 60's quotes from the new index page for PolSci.com coming up as they framed the world as I saw it growing up. It was not a world of belligerent posturing, with countless threats being volleyed at other countries by us to do as we say or else facing our “shock and awe” bombing campaigns. It was a world in which we knew where it stood, knew the consequences of potential wrong mistakes, and knew that the consequences would be shared by all, rich and poor alike. The Lone Ranger, the Calvary, Jesus, nor God will save Mankind in the last reel. It is something each of us must do whatever we think will gain us a little traction against to keep it running another day before it all falls apart. Fall apart it will, fall apart it must, but hopefully not by us, and hopefully not because of us.

       Quadranine is moved up on the site because it is the best one I did and it is now restored to its original form. In the last thing written in the notebooks was the following line, “A survey of the belief systems people have and the courses of action these beliefs impel them to take.” It says little to others perhaps, but to me, that sentence speaks volumes. We are set on courses of “fated” destinies because of what we have bought into, and cannot reconsider while moving. The faster we are moving, the less perspective we have and eventually those movements and those “ends” are all we see and know. I know nothing is fated and all “ends” can be changed. Ideology is what makes us human, separates us from other species, but it is ultimately to be chained to past ways of thinking at the expense of the future and of freedom.

       Like planets on a collision course, the United States and humanity itself are going to reach a point to have to choose to rethink everything and alter and postpone the “inevitable” collision of cultures and countries, economies and armies. That sidestepping is easier than anyone thinks, and even if it not successful, it will probably begin soon because otherwise it would be unlikely to be meaningful. And as anyone who has ever contemplated dinosaurs trying to dance, win or lose, succeed or not, it is at least good for a laugh, and hopefully for all others and for our own sakes, life itself will remain good for a laugh, and not a Greek tragedy. Mahalo and Aloha.

       "The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting
the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies
it. Through violence you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the
lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater,
but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So
it goes. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper
darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out
darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love
can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness
multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction.... The chain
reaction of evil — hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars —
must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation."

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
Click here for more of Martin Luther King's words.

       "The problem is not the death of one man--the problem is the life of this
organization. It will either grow to meet the challenges of our age, or
it will be with the wind, without influence, without force, without respect. Were
we to let it die, to enfeeble its vigor, to cripple its powers, we would
condemn our future. For in the development of this organization rests the
only true alternative to war--and war appeals no longer as a rational alternative.
Unconditional war can no longer lead to unconditional victory. It can no
longer serve to settle disputes. It can no longer concern the great powers
alone. For a nuclear disaster, spread by wind and water and fear, could
well engulf the great and the small, the rich and the poor, the committed
and the uncommitted alike. Mankind must put an end to war--or war will
put an end to mankind. ... Today, every inhabitant of this planet must
contemplate the day when this planet may no longer be habitable. Every
man, woman and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by
the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment by accident
or miscalculation or by madness. The weapons of war must be abolished before
they abolish us. ... And men may no longer pretend that the quest for disarmament
is a sign of weakness--for in a spiraling arms race, a nation's security
may well be shrinking even as its arms increase. ... Such a plan would
not bring a world free from conflict and greed-- but it would bring a world
free from the terrors of mass destruction. It would not usher in the era
of the super state--but it would usher in an era in which no state could
annihilate or be annihilated by another. ... For peace is not solely a
matter of military or technical problems--it is primarily a problem of
politics and people. And unless man can match his strides in weaponry and
technology with equal strides in social and political development, our
great strength, like that of the dinosaur, will become incapable of proper
control--and like the dinosaur vanish from the earth. .... The events and
decisions of the next ten months may well decide the fate of man for the
next ten thousand years. There will be no avoiding those events. There
will be no appeal from these decisions. And we in this hall shall be remembered
either as part of the generation that turned this planet into a flaming
funeral pyre or the generation that met its vow "to save succeeding generations
from the scourge of war." In the endeavor to meet that vow, I pledge you
every effort this Nation possesses. I pledge you that we will neither commit
nor provoke aggression, that we shall neither flee nor invoke the threat
of force, that we shall never negotiate out of fear, we shall never fear
to negotiate. Terror is not a new weapon. Throughout history it has been
used by those who could not prevail, either by persuasion or example. But
inevitably they fail, either because men are not afraid to die for a life
worth living, or because the terrorists themselves came to realize that
free men cannot be frightened by threats, and that aggression would meet
its own response.... We cannot expect that all nations will adopt like
systems--for conformity is the jailor of freedom, and the enemy of growth.
Nor can we expect to reach our goal by contrivance, by fiat or even by
the wishes of all. But however close we sometimes seem to that dark and
final abyss, let no man of peace and freedom despair. For he does not stand
alone. If we all can persevere, if we can in every land and office look
beyond our own shores and ambitions, then surely the age will dawn in which
the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved. Ladies
and gentlemen of this Assembly, the decision is ours. Never have the nations
of the world had so much to lose, or so much to gain. Together we shall
save our planet, or together we shall perish in its flames."
John F. Kennedy, September 25th, 1961

Click here for the full speech text and audio