Saturday, June 9, 2007

Paul Craig Roberts Unglued: Dems Monster Too

Normally I look forward to Paul Craig Roberts articles as I mentioned before, as having shown courage, but now, I fear he is going senile. How old is he again? From June 8, 2007...

All of the leading Republican presidential candidates openly and nonchalantly endorsed using nuclear weapons against Iran unless Iran abandons its right to enrich uranium under the non-proliferation treaty, to which Iran is a signatory (unlike nuclear-armed Israel, India, and US puppet Pakistan).

What is moral degeneracy if it is not using nuclear weapons to murder masses of innocent civilians and spread deadly radioactivity over vast areas merely in order to force a country to do as we order? If this isn't barbarism, what is barbarism?

Do the American people realize that the frontrunners for the Republican presidential nomination are monsters who want to murder people who have done us no harm?... how can Republicans cheer for candidates who preach a wider war and the use of nuclear weapons against defenseless people?

Is the approval lavished on Republican presidential candidates, who are willing to use nuclear weapons as means of terrorizing Muslim peoples, an indication that that the American people have morphed into inhuman monsters?

Has he so quickly forgotten the Democrats recent bending over backwards to show their less than lack of spine when it comes to our nations security? Yes, they may cave on just about every other issue, but when it comes to protecting America, they can get down, swing, and jump jive with any Red Stater. Hit it Boris...

I was working in the lab late one night, When my eyes beheld an eerie sight

And I got to tell you, after standing up with them, some of these people frighten me -- they frighten me. When you have mainline (Democratic) candidates that turn around and say that there's nothing off the table with respect to Iran, that's code for using nukes, nuclear devices. (Democratic Debate 4/26/07)

For my monster from his slab began to rise and suddenly to my surprise

"we need to keep all options on the table."

He did the mash

"Let me reiterate—all options.”
- John Edwards

He did the monster mash

"no option can be taken off the table." - Hillary Clinton

It caught on in a (nuclear) flash

"we should take no option ... off the table." - Barack Obama

They did the monster mash

"We need to use every tool about our disposal including … the threat and use of military force. " - Hillary Clinton

It was a graveyard smash

"Let me reiterate—all options.”

It's now the monster mash

"Nothings off the table except peaches" - Creator

(Sorry for the last bit. Thank you
Bobby "Boris" Pickett for "The Monster Mash". Rest In Peace (4/25/07)(and hope we can learn to Live In Peace)