Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Torturing Color Coded Terror Mice

        What precedent do we set by not moving to impeach? If this president does not deserve impeachment, no future president ever will. By failing to act, you and the rest of the Democratic leadership are giving a blank check to all future presidents to act as they will with little or no regard for the will of the people. Your inertia will condemn the American people to the fate of hoping for the next benevolent dictator.

        Polling data of this type can be used to "demonstrate" that substantial numbers of virtually every religious group within America holds similar views, and in many cases, views which are even more extremist and, one could say, rather deranged. A 2005 Pew poll, for instance, found that large majorities of Christians believe in torture -- not "enhanced interrogation techniques," but torture:
        Note that majorities of white Christians want to torture not merely actual terrorists, but they also want to torture "terrorist suspects" as well, i.e., a group that almost certainly includes perfectly innocent people.
        And majorities of white Christians -- Catholics, evangelicals and protestants -- believe in torture not merely in the improbable-in-the-extreme "ticking time bomb" scenario; rather, they believe in torture as a matter of course (i.e., more than "rarely" -- either "often or "sometimes"). (By stark and revealing contrast, "secularists" oppose torture in far greater numbers). Think about how depraved that is: what kind of religious individual affirmatively believes that people should be routinely tortured, including people who have never been proven to have done anything wrong?

        A curious state of fear prevails in America, but it is a governmental creation, a calculated manipulative Disneyland. Perhaps soon we will have Terror Mouse....
        Add the continuing presence of police in the schools, the arrest in handcuffs of children of seven, the expulsions for drawing a picture of a soldier with a gun. Something very twisted is going on.
        How much of the public knows what is happening, or even knows that something is happening? I don’t know. But I don’t think that it’s going to go away. In ten years it will be an entirely different place with the same name. Almost is now.

        I meant to write something very long and involved today. I set aside time, went to a library, did a little research online, but got tired and ran out of time. Oh well, always another day, or at least supposedly for now there are at least a few more on the way anyway. So I figured to instead put up the above memorable quotes I saw today online, and include also the headline that screamed in large enough letters to signify (as if they are news anymore) the start of a 4th invasion/front in Bushs' groundhog wars (stop one war here (not that they can even manage that) and then another one pops up over there).
        The size of the headline was no doubt intended to jar us out of our complacency and to put into us the fear of God, or if atheists, the fear of random horrible acts of 'chance', or at least fear of bad weather. In giant letters we were informed that 'MAUI IS NOT IMMUNE FROM HURRICANES'. My God, you might think, what can we do! We are not immune, and now everyone knows this too!
        We ought to consider consulting Las Vegas odds-maker's about our chances of surviving each day sans this new menace God (or Satan, or even Neptune if you are Greek) might throw at us AT ANY TIME and print our odds of surviving it right next to our horoscopes. Or better yet, have a color-coded combined hurricane/terror chart right at the top on the front page so we can skip all the details about the weather or the news and just know at a glance of our chances of dying today. I wonder how many shades of red there are for if one wanted to make a similar chart for any Iraqi peoples' chances of surviving each day. Any other color would be a pipe-dream for as far as Bush can see or admit into the future.
        I did love the line above about the Terror Mouse. See Terror Mouse and his sidekick Scaredy Cat take on the Dogs of War, or at least torture some blindfolded poodles helplessly locked in cages, for your viewing pleasure.