Friday, May 16, 2008

Alcyone Over Cristo Redentor: Like Jesus in the Sky, All Seabirds Across Time Lined Up and Flying In Formation

“I'll tell you, there’s more than a dream in Rio
I was there on the very day
when my heart came back alive
There was more, more than the singing voices,
more than the upturned faces,
and more than the shining eyes

But its more than the shining eye,
more than the steaming green, more than the hidden hills,
more than the concrete Christ,
more than a distant land..
over a shining sea..
more than a hungry child
More like another time
born of a million years,
more than a million years..”
From “Only a Dream in Rio” (Lyrics) – James Taylor (JT)

“A region mute with age, and peopled only
With the dead and ruined dust
Of worlds that lived eternities ago.
Man! when thou dost think of this,
And what our earth and its existence is,
The half-blind toils since life began,
The little aims, the little span,
With what passion and what pride,
And what hunger fierce and wide,
Thou dost break beyond it all,
Seeking for the spirit unconfined
In the clear abyss of mind
A shelter and a peace majestical.
For what is life to thee,
Turning toward the primal light,
With that stern and silent face,
If thou canst not be
Something radiant and august as night,
Something wide as space?
Therefore with a love and gratitude divine
Thou shalt cherish in thine heart for sign
A vision of the great and burning star,
Immeasurably old, immeasurably far,
Surging forth its silver flame
Through eternity;
And thine inner heart shall ring and cry
With the music strange and high,
The grandeur of its name
From “Alcyone” by Archibald Lampman

This is the second of the planned retrospectives (the first was the previous post, The Lion, the Phoenix, and the Serpent: To Renew or Revive, Looking Back on One of Five”) of which three are planned. Just one more “clip show” after this one before New, if not Higher, Ground.

"Precisely!" said Inventor back to his old usual self once given new ground to cover.
5.7 New Ground - 2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple

         "I would think this is leading us to bent time, as that is the way the story is progressing but if we are no longer to be in it, there is not really any point in trying to go in that direction," Assistwo said glumly. "Plus," he said slyly, "if World War III is about to begin, there would be no time or point in it anyway. Bent time or not, no time equals no time."
         "But never rule anything in or out," Inventor corrected. "Getting here once, and getting here an infinite number of times are one and the same thing. The new title of "Book Two, Infinities Overlapping: Two to One to Two" is more telling than you know, but I will leave that to my successor to deal with or try to explain, should she even have time. Sad to think of the utter waste and pointlessness in humanity in cutting everything short now."

         "Damn, out of time yet again, and all of this only to set up a stupid clip show for a stupid blog!" Assistwo exclaimed. "Foiled again, just when it was getting to the good stuff."
         "Don't forget," Inventor reminded, "if it weren't for that end appearing on the horizon, we would not have had something to move toward to have taken us to where we are now. For us, in our case, that end was literally our reason for being and beginning all of this in the first place."
         "True," Assistwo said looking bored, "but your name isn't Preacher so get on with the clip show already!"

         When working on the first update to the original page, I decided to take some paragraphs of the notes I was writing at the time and put them right up at the top, 6 or 7 of what I though were the most important or best done or timeliest of them. These paragraphs continued at the tops of the successive “issues” of In the latest version or issue, Summer 2008, I have combined them all in one big mess at top, 54 or so “terms” taken from the previous index pages of which had them at the tops, again, about 6 or 7 at a time. How they got the name and theme by which I refer to them, the Seabirds, I will try to briefly (not likely, but I will try to take a stab at brevity) try sum up now. When saving the original “terms” page, I mistyped it, which I did not realize I had done until after I had made the link and found that it did not work. Puzzled, I looked through the directory which the file should have been in, where I swore I had just saved it to only seconds before. When I saw how I mistyped it, I had to laugh and knew instantly my first thought would now be the title of the page. “Terns… :-) Like a seabird.”

         There are two record albums which each had made a very big impact upon me while growing up. Each had songs that as a child I would listen to over and over, both of which had one song which made it onto the tern’s pages as titles because each had lyrics about seabirds. The first I will mention would be Olomana’s “Seabird” album. Most people who know of the album erroneously think the album was called “Like a Seabird” because on the cover next to Olomana, (the band’s name) it said “Like a Seabird…” thus that being the cause of most people’s understandable confusion about the name of the album. (The other album was “Saturate When Empty” by Jackson Browne. Lyrics to that album’s “seabird” song are at the bottom of this post. (Footnote 1) (This looked to be and turned out to be a very long introduction, so mentioning that album in detail was never likely.))

         With the previous “original” index page of which I was now at this point replacing, I had at the very top of it a “Hawaiian Lyric of the Month” (not that it ever came out monthly, but I never got around to changing that affirmation. This current “issue” comes a year after the most previous, containing the last “lyric of the month”.) The connection was that I was working on the second index page to replace the first, which had a “Lyric of the month” from off of the Seabird album, which had still even then, basically completely summed up everything for me about my life. It was from the song “Home”. “I am staying, though I am leaving, I’m just hanging on, not knowing why. I found a reason for staying, I found the beauty in saying, this is my, my home.”
(Jerry Santos, Olomana, "Home")

         This next part (of this setup for showing all the Seabirds paragraphs altogether) gets into things that I don’t understand well and many people, believers and non-believers alike, and even non-religious atheists have unchangeable dogmatic opinions about. Lets just for now leave it at the car accident, the head injury, and shall we say, something like a near death experience. Something needs to be said now though because it shows how I viewed what was happening to me at the time. Here is a paragraph I read around then which I had to agree with parts of it as seeming eerily similar to my own experiences.
         Loss of the fear of death, more spiritual and less religious, easily engage in abstract thinking, more philosophical, can go through various bouts with depression, more generous and charitable than before, form expansive concepts of love while at the same time challenged to initiate and maintain satisfying relationships, "inner child" or unresolved issues from childhood tend to surface, less competitive, convinced of a life purpose, rejection of previous limitations in life and "normal" role-playing, heightened sensations of taste-touch-texture-smell, increased intuitive/psychic abilities plus the ability to know or "re-live" the future, charismatic, a child-like sense of wonder and joy, less stressed, more detached and objective, can continue to dissociate or "separate" from the body, easily absorbed ("merge into" whatever is focused on), hunger for knowledge and learning, highly curious.
Aftereffects of Near-death States - International Association for Near-Death Studies
         I neither endorse nor necessarily agree with anything about the above organization as I still know nothing about them. I came across that article only by happenstance. Reading that paragraph struck a chord in me. Nothing I have ever read since then summed up so precisely the logic and the experience of how "Deconstructing the Universe" became redubbed “In Wonder”. After reading that paragraph above, I immediately reread the pertinent parts of the Introduction about Wonder which explained that “wonder,” as I have said before, better than anything else I have ever written or read. A big chunk of that Introduction is below.
          Many think that you must trade one for the other, that you must give up the freshness for the history but that is a misconception. By many measures the past does not exist and everything in existence must continually be creating itself anew, especially living things. We get jaded to the wonder inherent in things and begin to take them for granted, merely because we forget when we first discovered them and they were new. Even life itself can for some begin to seem tiresome since they can no longer look at it from the other side of discovery. The moments which come after or spring out of something can be wonderful and you might not wish to trade them for anything in the world but they are inherent within that first moment of discovery, and do not come after as time portrays it. They happen simultaneously or not at all. ...
         When our perceptions expand, our misconceptions about this fades. A mind is only as complex as the world it perceives. The more complex the perceptions, the more expansive the mind must become to try to explain, understand, or make sense of those perceptions. More impetus for growth is always there whenever one chooses not to close ones eyes to what is difficult to comprehend, accept, or explain. ...
         The way of seeing things as always new no matter how many times you think you have experienced them before I see as a different kind of intelligence, not a lack of intelligence. It is seeing everything always in wonder. I have been seeing this way for some many months now. It appears differently from the outside as I see it from the inside. It is like a 4D Tesseract by our perspective seemingly turning upon reaching its interior apex and only seeming to come back in the other direction reversed, though it internally is unchanged. A more common 3D example would be pushing a swing forward so many times always a little bit higher.
         Eventually you will reach the point where you can go no further forward without coming back from the other direction. I see the way I look at things now not as something different than the way I was going, just reaching the apex so going forward seems from another point of view as going backwards. It is being able to look anew at everything around you without expectations. To see a bird or a squirrel with an equal fascination as if you had never seen one before, not because you cannot remember birds or squirrels, but you know maybe not this bird or this squirrel, and that this time it not only can be, but has to be, a completely different experience. It does not mean wiping away the past but compartmentalizing it so it does not get in the way of the present which is always amazing and wondrous but we are constantly getting blasé about it, moving further and further away from really seeing what we see and experiencing what we experience. When we see a mentally challenged person repeating the same action or problem over and over again we naturally assume they should give up and move on once they know it will result in the same manner. For most people it takes only a few repeats before they think, “Ok, I understand this is predictable, time to move on.” It many not be that they don’t know it will happen the same way each time, but that they never quit believing it COULD happen a different way, and don’t wish to stop just one or two tries away from that point.
         Compulsive gamblers know that feeling, that this time might be the time the tide will turn and everything will change. Even though the odds are predictable with gambling and that gamblers, though always fighting the odds, at least have different though not as probable outcomes. When mentally challenged people do what we know to be completely predictable things over and over again watching to see if it will be different, it can also be because they never cease to be amazed at how it is coming out that way. Or maybe they understand it as you or I, but either lack our, if we truly understand why it happens that way ourselves, full understanding of the relationship between the cause and the effect, or seek or think eventually they could or might see the relationship in a new and different way. Too much wonder looks crazy. Too little wonder looks too much like death.
         The ability to constantly step back and try to see everything in new and different ways, without preset expectations, as I said, I see as a different type of intelligence. Carried to an extreme, it would appear as madness, just the opposite type of madness than those who believe because things seem to always happen only one way, there is no possibility of being wrong in predicting that they always will. That expectation based on experience is another type of intelligence. Carried to the same utmost extreme, it is also another type of madness.
         Obviously we must balance doubt and reason, wonder and predictability, in many ways. Gaining sight of the predictability, and the ability over time for convictions to become more rigid as we age is not a problem for most. Experience becomes predictable and the more predictability seems to match our expectations, the more entrenched our convictions seem to become, if not to ourselves, than to others of opposing beliefs we might express them to. Keeping alive the wonder and doubt, the “other” intelligence, becomes the challenge.
         The ability to be constantly turning experiences like objects to see them from new and different angles is the kind of intelligence most will trade for “knowledge”. This too is an aspect of moving through time. We tend to settle into our own “right” ways of seeing things and lose the fascination or need to turn them or try to see them differently constantly. Younger people adapt to changing and challenging times of history more quickly because they still are not locked into definitions of what or how to be as older people are.
         They have fewer expectations for the future to seem to clash with and by extension, see more ways of navigating around or surviving through changing conditions as others when they find they must throw out much of the old rules that no longer seem to apply and begin making or looking for new patterns or connections. Younger people are used to building maps of a maze in the dark, bumping into walls they can’t see. Older people have their maps of where the walls are and lose the ability to remember how they built them, for it is a skill they find they no longer need as they age. When environmental factors get changed dramatically, it is like moving all the walls around. The more expectations you have, the more they will eventually get in the way, and the more we have to relearn how to build new maps the hard way, step by step one line at a time, from scratch again.
         This books overriding theme, if it has one, is how to keep turning things over to keep seeing them from other angles. If not other angles, than OTHERS’ angles, or other people’s points of view. The sum of all viewpoints or all ways of seeing is what the universe, if it can see and know, would be what it sees and knows. Comprehending all of that in its entirety may seem hopeless, but we get there bit by bit not only from the accumulation of our own experiences and memories, but by trying to see and know from those other angles of others’ perspectives all around us. Not only to learn to see all the world new everyday through new eyes and new perspectives and points of view embodied in others, but to see ourselves differently through them as well. It is not always easy nor is it always pleasant, but it is always new and different, amazing and wondrous, to see everything and yourself from angles or perspectives you never saw from before.
         The first rule of found or empirical knowledge is that you tend to find more of what you are looking for than what you are not. It need not even be a bias, or tendency to discount non-conforming data as irrelevant or unimportant. The very fact that you have an idea of what you will see or find to be the case, means you will seek out or find ways to reach that end, by-passing other routes or ways of seeing that over the long run prove to be more direct and simpler. No matter how you wish to term it or slice it, you always find what you are looking for by having an idea about it more often than its opposite or alternatives, because in those opposites or alternatives you are not looking as deeply or scrutinizing as equally, or as equals.
         In this sense truths or viable alternatives to what we believe, we are bumping into all the time and simply not recognizing them yet as such. To see simultaneously and equally both with and without expectations at once is the only way to experience the Universe beyond your expectations or limits of just being yourself, or outside that bubble of reality you create around yourself to move into and inhabit. More simply put, never give up the wonder for what you will soon enough find you only thought you knew or understood. It is never a wise trade.
Deconstructing the Universe 1.8 (In Wonder) – Introduction / Note 2

         After reading that paragraph in that web page above about Near Death Experiences and seeing something left out of DeaconU which I wanted to add anyway, I figured I would try to take a stab at explaining that “rebirth” experience or mindset better. This final “addendum” to DeconU was written right afterwards, (January 2005 update) about those sorts of experiences, life changes, and greater understandings. This is an excerpt from it.
         My life really began again at the time of "Measure All Things Together" and it is to that chapter 2 years back now I look to compass where I have come from and how I got here. Though my memories run back much further and around many corners, as I said at the end of the notes (Raw Notes - Part II), "2 years in the twilight zone." In a sense I see myself in how I am now as 2 years old, and rapidly growing. I hate the term born again, but much of the lyrics of "Rocky Mountain High" by John Denver I can relate to, as well as near death experiences. I don't see that time, 2 years ago, as any more crucial than any other, and don't believe in making any breaks with the past, but my perceptions and identity continue to evolve, and some points seem to have lead to newer tracks or jumps of greater distance more than others.

         One of my favorite, most arrogant lines from my Notes pages was “If (I) didn’t invent words, why use?” In this instance though, that thought or saying is applicable because such events or experiences are not agreed upon or viewed the same by most people. And the words people use about them vary in meaning widely (to say the least), and this makes much useful discussion about such experiences/life changes practically impossible, (especially across different cultures which have their own dogmas,) and even “science” has its own very narrow views about them as well. Best to just say that common languages are not there yet in regards to having enough words which mean the same things (or even similar enough things) to enough people for everyone or most to understand what each other means in regards to those types of experiences.

         There was undoubtedly and quite verifiably an huge expansion of thought going on in me in regards to how I was looking at things, and not the least of which because it was required for survival at the time.

         This is from my blog (May 31st, 2007) still better explaining it, and what I just wrote above too… was born of some cross currents of this. It was to be political, it was to push things as far as I thought wise to take them at the time, things I would not have dared to write from within the US, but that would take shape according to circumstances. And it was shaped by my home, how I remembered it, how I thought it should be or is when it is doing things as it should. The first "Hawaiian Lyric of the Month" pretty much summed up my whole attitude toward everything at that point. ("I am staying, though I am leaving, I'm just hanging on not knowing why. I found a reason for staying, I found the beauty is saying, this is my, my home." Jerry Santos, Olomana, "Home")
         I still was. What that meant had to be redefined continuously, constantly, and sometimes exponentially. That is actually what life is when you don't think you know what life is. It is then that you know it more than those who think they do. You know its potential, they know its actual. The actual must give way to the potential. The actual is fleeting. The potential is forever.

         Back about 9 months previous to writing that quote above, I wrote this below is about those changes as well, in the Fall of 2006 (Parts of it became “Driving Home,” “Driving Home” being the final one, the last of my Seabirds.)
         Seeing life as the drive to do things, to create events which others and yourself will re-experience at times in the future creating new events which is a doubling-back of those later times upon what you do and say and think now, straining to create relevance in what you do now to yourself and/or others in the future. Without those drives to create and experience, life fades to something else. My pinnacle when I achieved contentment, did all of what I thought I ought to do and say, fulfilled what I thought to be all my drives and purposes, freed from all wants and desires and designs on future events or would-be events, something else came to the forefront and said, no, its not over yet, this is not all there is, everything is not done yet. Thus my “rebirth” of sorts.
         To say this was contrary to my previous aims of what my life was about gets into messy ground both for those who take a strictly biological view of life grounded in the laughingly simplistic psychological models, as well as to those who view things in some spiritual models, that I somehow became tainted away from my original intents and purposes and began to seek to destroy what designs or intents I had on and for the future my whole life previous to that. Those are all “outside” views, ones in textbooks or religious books which go back long, and try to spin or bottle what people think into these prescribed patterns.
         While not knocking these templates of how things can be interpreted, they are limited. My new directions are not contrary to previous ones, merely adapting as the world is adapting outside myself putting me where I hoped not to be, thus wanting to do more than I hoped I would want to do. Limits are a good thing and ought not to be completely thrown aside lightly, yet something else emerged and needed to be acted upon because external events required it. The physical changes were extreme. Vastly improved health, mind, and reasoning abilities, and overall health and metabolism sped up over months to levels surpassing when I was 16 and peaked. My 'aumakua stage began. I could remember things which had not happened yet as if they had. It was really weird.
         Now I can reread many things written in my life over the years and see the drives motivating me to have written them which I did not fully understand then, what I was trying to convey to others, what I was trying to work out in my own mind at the time, what knowledge or insight I was grasping towards as defined by and adapted to the current events and experiences of my life and others lives I knew at the time.
         It was an outside view of all I was thinking and how to project that onto future times and tie them to past times of things I had read from what others also read (and thought in the past before), expanding the common ground of different authors and different cultural sources, and try to make them relevant for different potential cultures and outlooks people might take in the future.
         I can see that from an outside perspective now because I can stop it, step outside of what I had thought to achieve with my life, everything I had been taught to and wanted to believe and achieve, and literally try to spin or put all of that in any other potential new perspective by how others in other cultures and other times might view those intents and drives, those perspectives and “truths” in relevance to their own lives and times. Even though this outside view is interesting, it is ultimately irrelevant to me. We need drives to wish to act upon our environments, to need something external to us to try to shape and mold to a form we choose, yet neither the “before” states, the “after” states, are ultimately real or relevant. …
         Projecting that blindness upon future generations, by not opening the debate, throwing tradition to the wind to see what might fall to the ground vs. what might fly, this is why most of what most do, we are lucky if it is worthless and not worse than worthless, and best if abandoned by others in the future. Forced undebated “educations” equals ignorance. Teaching others to know the past, to know their own drives, to know and to let it go and step outside of it from time to time is to let them know the “ground” of reality, but also to fly and keep their sights on the times and worlds beyond those limited ways of reasoning and seeing that which we have not, those of us who have not learned to always surmount our own pasts and drives, within and outside of ourselves.

Raw Notes- Part 5 (and “Driving Home”)

To better explain that ongoing at-the-time “redefinition,” or “rebirth,” I will include 3 short paragraphs (early 2004 around the time of the first Seabirds pages) from the “Growth” recompilation of the notes.
         The human body and mind are constantly adapting to meet and master whatever goals are set before them. The more they adapt or grow today, the more they will be capable of being and growing tomorrow, next week, next month, and so on. The more they hold to not changing, adapting, and growing, the less they will be capable of changing, growing, adapting, and evolving tomorrow, next week, etc. Knowing what and how to be is important but you must always find a way not to let that stand in your way to becoming something more than you can expect or even think possible only today. All limits are in the end, illusionary, and all boundaries made for the sole purpose of trying to travel beyond or be surmounted again and again and again.

         Existence is a bargain or a partnership. It is a mutual agreement or a deal, but hopefully only for a limited time. Fools want to extend it indefinitely. Other fools would trash it without learning what it was. It is agreeing to be or become something in a world which for the moment agrees you can be that thing in it. That definition is not set in stone and changes continuously. Sometimes you feel a need to become something more or else, sometimes your environment dictates that you must. It is sad to be something for so long you can barely remember what it means or is like to be anything else. That static nature of reality is only one side of it. The means and requirements to keep moving to stay afloat makes all boredom and monotony really so hard to achieve requiring so much effort, such feelings are disingenuous. We either see the change and (the) inevitability about it and embrace it, or we hide our heads in the sand and clutch to the past keeping it seemingly in place and unchanging until we loose hold of it completely all at once, and lose any hope of building upon it. To remember the need to constantly change and be something new can make anything recyclable, and nothing exists that has not been endlessly recycled or will not be forever more into something new, wearing an old face or a new one.

         The question "what are you" and the answer, "growing", I understand now far more fully than a year ago. "What" needs to be open ended and undefined. "More" is sufficient, and all that can ever be (accurately) anticipated. ... I am defined by that past yet I am what is supposed to build upon that past and reinterpret it into the future. I am that past yet I am not that past, more than a sum of it, more than a continuation of it. I am something new determined to make that past and any future it may be up until now seemingly headed toward in a sense have to revolve around and make sense to, and contend with, whoever and however I am now...
Raw Notes – Part II (and “Growth”)
And from December 7th, 2005...
         The accident was the final major piece of the puzzle. It was enabling and debilitating at the same time, but the debilitating things were key to how it was enabling. I could not remember everything. I could remember other things which happened many many years ago as clear as if they happened yesterday. As far as work goes, I was a basket case. I could not understand my own source code. I could read things I wrote and not remember writing them. I would get emails of people asking questions about my programs and I could not remember how to answer their questions any more than they knew. … But head injuries are weird things. Wiping the slate clean a bit is like a clean desk. You can start to build again, find new ways to reorganize things. That is what happened with me. I lost things but my brain started to rewire itself…. After the accident, closer to it than away from it, I was getting very smart again but in a way completely uncontrollable. Nothing of the semi-conscious ideas which I had begun writing down got its teeth into me more than what became 2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple (not in this case a shameless plug because it became integral to setting up everything that followed as much as outside factors did), something I woke up writing and continued obsessively working on literally until and after I was thrown out the door for not paying rent for not doing anything else except working on it. … but I knew that somehow someway that whatever-it-was was going to be important later. On one hand, it was a symmetrical logic puzzle of dimensions, and it fit in with what I was remembering, how to think 4 dimensionally.
         And from the notes (early 2005) (a little freeformed (read “embarrassing”)) shall we say)
         Summary. Got hit by a car. Could not do math for awhile. Brain began working differently. Could think 4 dimensionally, again. Relearned or found rewired ways of doing math. Began remembering different (possible) futures, time roads. One seemed wider or could see further down it than others. Lead to interesting places and events. (Most of which have already happened, running out of track again, fortunately ;-) Figured WTF, no plans anyway, why not go that way. More preconceived than what I like but time has to become something anyway, in that way at least, that time must be made into something, in that there is no choice. For the moment what (that is) is defined, but as always I like the parts that are yet to be defined. More interesting.
And FINALLY… (yes, this is getting long and stupid but necessary to set up the next few posts)

         My initial “visions” or “interpretations” were also founded in Revelations, so I have much in common with the maniacs now in power today. Like I have said above, I have been fighting against that view much of my life, how to push it, change it, amend it to limit its potential for damage. Yet also to not interfere with the democratization of a future that should be decided by all together when the time comes. But time, at least for me, is running short. What the future is heading towards now, while some sort of twisted torturous double-think monstrously selfish yet preachingly the epitome of virtuosity, even far greater in scale and absurdity than is now manifest, yet it is a future to which I must yield must be allowed. Though I can fight to the death to say it ought not to be chosen, agreed with or upon, and fought against whenever possible. That fight when engaged is always won. That environment of things needing to be fought against will always be there, yet it ought to be engaged not with some “other”, some “enemy” but the shortcomings within yourself and to alter your own society that defines you, makes you something better or something worse.
         As I have said, I know things besides what did happen, at least within the context of my own life and potentials. More than what can happen, more than what did. The best analogy is an infinite number of new universes appearing every second depending upon choices. All exist, all can be known, yet time requires the choosing, and that provides the definition. What there is to choose from, that is not always part of the choice, not under direct control, but to submit or not to the choices offered is a limited way of breaking the rules. That is what alters the mix for those who seek to yoke humanity, to restrain the human spirit for the purpose of political power today and greater influence and power for their heirs tomorrow. I have been motivated since earliest childhood to stop what is being done in research to control people, break them, yet I know this is impossible to stop because of the potential power and profits behind it make its desirability irrepressible. Yet such abuses can be mitigated, delayed, pushed into the future a year at a time, for more reasonable persons and societies than we deal with now to grapple with the implications of this drive to turn thinking humans into programmable machines.
         The “taught” past has always had to vie within me against this future desired direction. The past for me is ultimately a tool to be used, a ground to stand upon to go in the direction one chooses through circumstances you create and which create you, combined, inter-dependently. My memories are more complex than most peoples, and I have had more reason to doubt them than most can comprehend. Yet a past drives me and a future guides me, and when in sync, it is effective enough, hopefully, for the moment and its requirements, both in what I feel the need to do, and hopefully, what ought to be done.
         Though this is not RCP3, (the time and need for that has passed), as I said in RCP 2, I *KNEW* Tartu before I went there, every street. It was all familiar to me on first sight on a TV screen in a way I cannot describe, but that is not the only place over there I knew beforehand. From this present, it makes sense, that feeling of deja vu about Tartu, as I was there in that town longer in continuous duration by far than anywhere else previously in my life. Yet I also recognized then another place I had not yet gone and knew in another sense. Both of these “recognitions” combined to make going to them predictable in a way too great to really reasonably be able to stand up to, but it was more than that. To know for certain a potential for future events when the present is endangered and unmanageable, tempts one to take it. Because I did not know the source of these potential precognitions, the potential implications of the far away nature in time and distance, and interfering with things I swore to avoid, made me constantly have to double-think not only the future and what I was hoping to achieve, but what events past which might have contributed to creating that path which in effect would not have existed without the perception of it. Marching off to Moscow, trying to “enlighten” the CIA about a treasonous President, flirting with disaster on a much greater scale than normal, and all because of some dreams, or supposed dreams. It was a situation that demanded constantly trying to get perspective on where my perspectives where coming from. But if from myself only, then those actions would have had the intended effect of increasing the interest of those required for that road to succeed, or at least exist for awhile.

         Now that the “back story” to the Seabirds and all they cut across, the Notes (from which they were taken while the ink was still fresh) and mostly, is finally finished, I will mention a short bit about how they are different than any other pages of my notes. From the first recompilation, All Good Things, intended for Tibetan Buddhists nonetheless (but any Buddhists would do in a pinch :-), to the last and sharpest of them all, Fearlessness takes back power, Fear surrenders Freedom for “Security,” those others were all compiled at one point in time looking backwards. The Seabird paragraphs, as I call them, were streaming. They were the best to me at each moment in time, the strongest language, and what I thought to be the most important and relevant. And they were good. The growing confrontation (which was averted) is shadowed there, keys to why, what futures I saw as worthwhile to hope to achieve or work towards, and why I bothered at all. From trying to comprehend or recomprehend what life what was about and for, some of the best things I wrote came, and why the “Seabirds” were, to me, the ones which for me rose high above all of the others. From the first page’s “Truth” (renamed “Obligations” later) and “Legacies,” to the last one’s “Symbol of the Soul” and “Driving Home,” they were personal and universal at the same time. The language was sometimes harsh, like “Get Over It,” yet I was always trying to grasp a new perspective which was always just around the corner. Here is hoping there is more for more people around more corners, as there are more corners to space and time than most know about. I for one, hope many more get the chance, free to waste their time, and hopefully their times will be their own to waste, and will be inspired, sooner or later, to beat their heroes at their own games.

[In the ( ) lines, (Date of Issue) Title of the Terms Page
(Title of the Index page of that contained the Terms)]

1 (Spring 2004) Like a seabird

Obligations (Originally called “Truth”)
Each person in every society has a moral obligation to try to see how their own society and the international structure as a whole affects each other person in every society, the good effects we like to concentrate on and are often told about almost exclusively, as well as those who are negatively affected by them and whose suffering has earned them the right not to have their viewpoints as well as their very lives marginalized as simply the unfortunate price that must be paid for the greater good. If we do not try to be better than that, to try to incorporate their views into how we might prefer to see ourselves, we are in a sense denying their truths, their experiences, their lives and their realities, and diluting the validity of our own points of view.

People's lives are attempts to transfer something, their experiences, their potential, into something concrete which will have existence outside of them or beyond them. A book, a painting, a formula or theory, a philosophy, a monument or sculpture, a building or park, their children, an heir philosophical, spiritual, or biological, all of these are attempts to pass on something inside yourself to exist outside of yourself for others, and which may survive beyond yourself. To see it as attempts at immortality is unduly coarse and vulgar. It is not wanting to let something good within you die with you or be forgotten unnecessarily. That is how to view it in its best light, though maybe not realized or always thought of in that context at the time by everyone, but equally how it can be seen by anyone toward anyone else's attempted achievements. The irony is that which is wished to be passed on can never be forgotten or lost anyway, nor is any externalization of that potential any more real than the potential of itself.

Philosophers & Kings
Take the view of philosophers all throughout history. Those who run the world always have been and usually will be the most corrupt and amoral bastards humanity can produce at that given moment in time. If you want it ever to be any other way, get over any illusions you have about how it should be otherwise now, and do your best to work with what you have got and make them see a little beyond their self interests and easy indulgences. Don't believe Aristotle liked Alexander, but liked the opportunity to make him slightly less of a bastard, and by extension, many others lives slightly better. And whenever possible, choose the lesser of two evils. Rarely are any fairly presented with even that limited amount of choice, and rarer still given any good alternatives. Not choosing at all when given the chance means the worst will ALWAYS prevail.

Elections are the parts of democracy people get to see and convince them they have a say in their governance. How those choices are selected to be put before them are determined by non-democratic means by economic interests. Which choices are given as well as how many inevitably frames their outcomes. Those who can influence these without having their hands being seen directly control governments. Leaders are reduced to personalities who can best push an agenda, and those personalities know they will only get to act the part, unless they dare to believe they got there on their own merits alone. The more willing they are to follow "advice", the more inevitable their rise to power becomes.

Cultural Bubbles
Cultural bubble (- that) of nation's mass media diets of information narrowed focus of awareness of what is considered of the "outside" world to be important or relevant, as determined politically or by their owners (' influence over choosing editors of like mindedness)

There is an insulating effect or a temperance wall people build around themselves in how they view other peoples' problems in relation to their own. They refuse to accept on an emotional level that others can be significantly worse off than themselves, for that might minimize or trivialize their own problems. Whatever position or level in a society they possess, though they know others have it worse and would not wish to trade places with them, they also on the other hand, say "but I have it bad too, and no one is looking out for me either, so I am just as needy as they, and probably just as deserving of help, if not more so, than they are." Not avoiding falling into that trap is where humanity, the humanity of humanity, always fails.

2 (Winter 2004) Like a Seabird 2 - Midflight
(For those who have lost it, for those who never had it, hope for them as you would for yourself)

Life passes from one person to another in more means than just sex and birth. Life is the connections between living things, not the individual things themselves which are only to make life possible. Literally "only between life there is life". It is not in you or in the other, but in the empty space and the time between. The relationship. The separation is illusionary in a sense, but experiences are NEVER less than they seem, even if from a pessimistic point of view, they are never more. See the plus.

All truth matches experience. If beings could perceive the Universe differently, they would have different experiences and different notions about truth and how it operates. It is not that our views would be inadequate or even wrong, just not applicable. This does not mean our views are perfect either, even in our limited contexts. There are countless things we purposely leave out of our thinking and reasonings to build up what we wish to do. We can see further, but only when convinced we should. Seeing further is simply not omitting relationships between different parts of our environments and experiences. We are parts destined to see and experience only other parts, but our minds are attempts to build wholes again. These wholes can take almost any form we choose to give them and that form is always determined first and foremost by the purpose we wish to achieve with it. To make people want to learn to do and to be more, you need to give them a greater sense of purpose and the rest will follow as a matter of course.

People look without seeing what seeing is. People think without knowing what thinking is. Without an outside perspective upon perspective, people are as programmed as birds migration, fish to where they must spawn, whales to where they hope to go to die.

People are controlled most directly and without their knowledge by what ideas they are exposed to, by how they are presented to them as to their "correct" interpretations for them, and what they ought to aspire to do or to become. Nations have been given control over all these, free to brainwash all within their borders as they see fit, and hypocritically criticize others for doing the same. Most people, especially poorer and less educated but not solely, eat up propaganda and love it while at the same time are brainwashed enough to think they have no taste for it or it does not exist. Tell me who to hate this week, give me a clue what's right to think so I can find and bash anyone who says differently.

Countries or people of ethnic or religious groups who hate those of another, and if they admit it to themselves, would not mind waking up tomorrow to find all of their enemies had magically disappeared or dead, must be made to realize such feelings (hatred) are worse than any human beings could ever be. By believing those feelings in the other group, are stronger or more common than in people in your group towards them can be thought to justify such feelings or even acting upon them, they will find they are breeding that which they tell themselves what they despise. No matter which side wins, that feeling of hate will always control them until everyone else is dead or they understand it and come to grips with its power to eat away at themselves, and each other is merely an excuse to let it keep doing so.

Peace is hope
Peace is hope and hope is the child of life. War is despair and despair is borne of hopelessness. Despair serves no master and knows no chains. It consumes all before it is satisfied. Hope is all that can defeat it. Killing hope, whether yours or someone else's, is inevitably the same thing. Self-destruction.

Idealizing politics
The most ideal forms of government are not defined by what they are at any given point but by their willingness to completely rethink themselves and, if necessary change accordingly, even to something else entirely but keeping and advancing the means to communicate on new changes and preserve that adaptability. Like everything else, its value is in the search, not the actuality. All forms of government will always be flawed, incomplete, unfair to many, and ultimately are provisional upon sets of circumstances always in flux. To keep all variables to change itself, or even most, under control or accounted for to preserve any present form, it ultimately is totalitarian, however benevolent its face may seem. If change and adaptation of structures are necessary, the ability to rethink things, even everything, is like a release valve for discontent which leads to extremism and even ultimately to terrorism. As long as the means to achieve autonomy are structural and real and realizable within ones lifetime, and one has faith in that chance for positive change being more likely than what can be achieved through violence, peaceful change will always more often be preferred eventually when passions have time to cool.

3 (Spring 2005) Like a seabird flying off into things that could be (Footnote 2)
(Seeing through the box, Pandora's third try with eyes wide open)

Identifying yourself by, in, and through everyone's desires to achieve, be, or experience anything equally. To be is to want to do. And to sympathize all the more when even their simplest most modest dreams are limited, frustrated, or obliterated. That is worse than even their deaths. Killing their hopes and dreams can be to kill life itself more than just individuals, and justice is finding ways to make the most overlapping non-mutually exclusive ones to one day be realized for one and for all.

People believe what they want to believe and merely sift through history to find the "proofs" to justify their wants. Once in power, they make sure opposing "proofs" for other beliefs are discredited, and as much as possible, removed from history, and as opposing ideas. If that is not possible, too many recent facts to remove, the PR machine kicks into overdrive on how such unpleasant unremovable clues are to be interpreted, laws on how they can be discussed, and savage outright ostracism and financial ruin of anyone who may think to voice a dissenting opinion.

Higher ground
Most people are captive to their notions of the past and who or what their lives are about and staying true to that. There is nothing wrong with that. I am pulled by what I wish to have be in the future which is in many ways a part of my past, but I do not do so blindly. Some parts may have to happen to connect the dots and tie up a few loose ends, but only so that other branches not determined yet can begin in new directions not yet a part of any pasts, not predictable, and that is the path of life, into the unknown, pulled up by hopes of what is most important to achieve, peace in ourselves, peace within ourselves as individuals as well as peace between nations and other groupings. Like it or not, people will soon see the past is little to stand upon and that chair will be pulled out constantly and without warning more and more as we go along and must only look up to where we need to climb, paying less attention to what we are currently resting upon because it will not hold us up anymore, and must constantly be searching out yet higher ground.

Pinnacle achievement
Humanity is best described as apes which are very good at building things and at blowing things up (destroying things). The atomic bomb is really humanity's pinnacle achievement. Millions of man-hours, scouring the globe for resources, inventing and utilizing the very finest technologies (spending billions of dollars) all for the sole purpose of blowing things and people up. It combines the two best things people like to do, create and destroy, into one item (both ends, creatively, destructively, on scales beyond imagination).

Faking freedom
Freedom and an enlightened intelligent society do not always go hand in hand harmoniously. If people are really free to believe whatever they wish, many will choose to believe much illogical twisted shit. That everyone will naturally automatically believe what is "right" or even agree what is "true" is a fantasy. If people to some degree must be lead to believe things for any social cohesion or agreement, it takes pains to keep the notion of freedom from being completely overrun in the process, and the current solution, the illusion of freedom without the substance, is not an answer, only a putting off of trying to reconcile these often conflicting aims and goals (of expectations and organization).

Power of secrets
Power and freedom are opposite ends of the spectrum. Freedom is people doing whatever they want to do. Power is people doing (only) whatever the one who has it wants them to do. Worse is when people can be made to do things against their own interests, through suggestive manipulation, media control, or outright blackmail with no avenues that care. Until people can be totally manipulated without their knowledge covertly, the middle stage to getting there is the well worn path of secret police who are not so secret, just their methods and the public's lack of ability to keep check on their activities as even knowledge about it is criminal.

The real rules
Groups forming to gain more control over their lives, seemingly gaining it only to lose it a different way. New groups forming to gain more control over their lives, seemingly gaining it only to lose it a different way. Infinitely repeat. Whenever something is written down, there are innumerable ways of getting around it and the race is on to find loopholes, gaps, or new ways of getting people to do only what you want them to do. Broad principles of human and civil rights become selectively enforced and new orders, new rules sometimes not even written down become the new rules of the game. Constitutions cannot weather the onslaught desires of others to control others and quickly become moot for whatever one could not think of to guard against, someone else will find a new way to exploit that and make everyone only able to behave as they wish and make all written rights meaningless. Freedom in any sense is provisional only while on the move or in motion. Once you rest, once you think you have it, it is already as good as lost. The desire to control others is in everyone and some will always have abilities more than others to achieve it. That push will never go away or lessen, so the counter push to constantly search how your freedoms are being undermined and gains unknowingly stripped away must also be a constant force just to keep them steady or intact. Conflicts only develop when those with power are too ignorant of the rules of the game. Give people what they demand, find a way to make it worthless. Give people what they demand, find a way to make it worthless. Infinitely repeat.

4 (Summer 2005) Like a seabird gliding in one place (Footnote 1)
(All must see and inherit it as a whole or all will see and inherit nothing)

While living any life, whatever weirdness you come across, if it becomes constant and lasts long enough, it becomes normal. Normal is just what your past expectations make you think each new moment can be and ought to conform with or match those expectations. If you think you know life, what is normal, you will constantly be in for as much of a surprise as you can handle once you even cautiously admit you might not know after all. Expectations spin the ball in play.

Moving rivers
You can't change things if most don't want them to change, or have been convinced they don't want them to, or that things cannot be any other way. That is like a stream which merely moves around whatever obstacle you put in its way. What people want or expect from life can be changed though. Changing that moves the whole river in a different direction.

Layers of shit
The psychology of interaction of cultures is based upon whether the dominant, more powerful one is self-sufficient in its needs. When it is, advanced promotion of aid and interaction of equals is possible. When it isn't, exploitation will be couched over under as many layers of bullshit their culture needs to prevent them from acknowledging it as such.

The psychological merging of identity with different groups mimics the biological bonding of single to multi-cellular forms, yet occurs not in a single way or group at a time, and all combinations of mixed simultaneous pairings with multiple groups shifts over ones lifetime. The fusion of identities is more complex than one lifeform combining or adapting together with another, yet the purpose is the same. The need to do so is inherent in the biology.

It is within each individual within every group to want to control all else others need to survive so they depend on you and are willing to do whatever you say to survive. Every group around them are means to gain that end. The more ruthless and powerful the group, the more people will want to become members of it, because even if they cannot reach that goal by themselves, by backing the right horse, they believe they have obtained that objective through the group, and that will satisfy them for awhile, even if they will never be able to influence it and must conform themselves to it more than other groups which would allow them more freedom. They think that while that group lives and dominates, their life, even if not remembered or honored, its meaning will live on.

Rather than trying for a universally accepted definition of terrorism, they ought to include more voices from around the world for a commonly accepted idea of freedom and independence, voices not listened to now. That would actually do more to end terrorism than any number of weapons or mass killings could ever hope to achieve.

The world
If not what you want, the world is what you want to react to and with, always. When you understand why the world you want to interact with is less than the world you want, you are well on the way to understanding everything else, or even more, understanding yourself.

It can be said that humanity is still savages beneath a thin veil of hypocrisy. My job is to make them strip the veil and force them to look at themselves naked for what they are. It is only that veil which allows them to become what they cannot stand to look at in the mirror.

5 (Fall 2005) Like a seabird in the wind (Footnote 2)
(Debate, change, and make just the world's 'civilization' or give up on the word or the world)

Just about everything in a society published is censored by at least two groups, publishing companies and its government. Publishers first and foremost censor what they wish to have associated with their name and reputation for. Is this too controversial or just plain badly written or done? If so, releasing too much of that type or even one notable exception which gets too much attention and they might go under (bankrupt, sold, hostile take over, or shut down by the government), and with them that work would vanish anyway due to rights which would fall into others hands and kill its publication. Governments wish to control what people are exposed to politically, though they call it protecting their culture, which is basically for good reasons and bad, the same thing, a political decision. Basically cultures are overtly attempted to be shaped and molded to what those currently in power wish them to be, or be thought of as by the people. In this sense they are the same thing because a culture simply is what most people believe it to be. The move to clamp down on the internet and self-publishing ought to be seen as a defense of fewer groups to keep from losing their greater power to guide in a positive sense, to control in a negative sense, a culture to be thought of in THEIR terms first, foremost, and preferably exclusively. When dissenting opinions get exposed to the general public, it enhances their potential to be believed and the current views of the leadership and mainstream media to be questioned or be thought wrong. That is why the internet will be harnessed like a plow horse, because open debate is not beneficial to the current policies or leaders.

Patriotic nationalism
The present leadership in any country in the world has neither the imagination nor the political base nor the will to do anything bold or unpredictably good, what I call good, for the equal benefit of all countries (or even for the equal benefit of *ALL* of its own citizens), setting the world off on a more stable and more sustainable direction. They oscillate only between trying to keep everything the way it is to appease the rich and powerful who gave them that position, or doing something they think is unpredictable, what I call bad, sudden movement to enlarge their power base at the expense of others. Since all countries plan to do those things equally, start wars, become more nationalistic (more "patriotic" when its your country), trade wars, disrupt each others economies with sanctions or boycotts, it hardly ever is unpredictable or comes as any big surprise to those who choose not to believe the lies of the rhetoric. We are like riding in an elevator that can only go down or not at all, a world civilization that for the moment can only get more greedy, nationalistic, and dictatorially militaristic, and to cover trying to profit from the situation rather than caring how to make it better or go away.

Fearing questioning
When people are unwilling or afraid to take a stand against laws, rules, guidelines, or requirements they know are wrong, that only encourages lawmakers to make more of them. The more that happens, the less it is thought the laws must make any rational sense whatsoever, and they become free do to with the law whatever they please. Injustice becomes gospel because of the precedents they set which are all their is that guides them when morality becomes whatever is profitable and the law, merely then a tool to use against those you do not like. That is power gone mad. That is our reality.

Divide and conquer
Democratizing societies is often an excuse to divide them. Once different groups are made to give preferences to each other, make rules which benefit one subsection of that society at the expense of another or all others, it becomes easy to pick that group of society to give support to and buy influence with. Even if not giving money directly to the parties, rich outside countries can easily identify who belongs to which group when deciding who to do business with and thereby legally make them wealthy in the process, and businessmen within the country begin to take the hint as to which parties or ideologies are the most profitable, and will make them the most powerful because of outside countries preferring to deal with those.

Silence thy neighbor
Give people, almost any group of people, more freedom of speech and they will ask their opponent groups to be silenced. Give them more power and they will use that power to weaken or control others they do not like or care for. Give them autonomy and they will work to suppress (often at any cost) others drives for more autonomy within their new regions. When people are this predictably bad, how can anyone help them work together as a whole? They see no whole, no commonality, only look for the means to take more from others so they will have more for themselves. No political party is ever able to benefit all of society equally as a whole as its first aim, always their group of backers first who put them there (in office) to increase their own standing over others within that society. Since even societies within themselves are crippled to treating their own members by their own governments truly and always equally, what hope is there that all societies might ever try to do so in regards to each other, especially (towards) weaker countries they can make dance however they wish at the drop of a hat?

Ignorance is bliss
Peoples' perceptual worlds are limited to what they know about. If everyone in a foreign country or even a continent you would never have any interaction with or knowledge about it were all slaughtered, it would not be a source of perception or affect your life as long as your government can keep them (knowledge of it) from coming toward your metaphoric house's window and telling you about it, even if they died because of your government for your or its benefit, you are free of guilt as long as kept ignorant. This is the power of governments lies, to create an artificial reality where nothing bad happens that they can keep who matters (usually not you anyway) from learning what they are doing. All realities are artificial as long as ANY information is purposely suppressed from ANY public. That is only half the story though. People not caring to want to know is the other half.

Get over it
People turn to violence when they know their concerns or suffering will never in their lifetimes be addressed or tried to be made right. Our pat answers for everything are "GET OVER IT!" instead of trying to think what you would do in their place, give up and accept what should never have happened which not only may never be made right, but never even be made to stop happening if it is still ongoing, and they are still increasingly being victimized. GET OVER IT! Actually I agree with that. Too many wrongs now have been done to too many people by how the world is for us to be able to make things right. To the African-Americans who must work for people made rich by buying, selling, trading, and treating their recent ancestors as a cross between cattle and prostitutes, we say GET OVER IT. To the Native-Americans whom we committed genocide on, broke just about every treaty and promise we ever made to them and literally stole everything they ever might have had, we say GET OVER IT. To the Native Hawaiians who had an internationally recognized state we basically stole outright by force, we say GET OVER IT. To the people of former banana republics who lost all the land and wealth of their countries their ancestors had lived on for centuries because we backed military dictators because they rewarded us by selling everything in their country for a song to us for their own personal bank accounts, thus making it all *legal*, while the people of those countries got nothing for it and more recently had their livelihoods stolen from them, we say GET OVER IT. They all f***in' well should get over it!!! Thinking we can even begin to address that growing list of wrongs our world societies continue to add more to everyday is absurd. Yet we should only expect them to get over it, or even have the right to ask such a thing, when we can prove to them that to their children or anyone else's, that we will finally stop doing such things that they will soon need to be told to GET OVER IT.

6 (Winter 2005) There's a seabird above you (Footnote 1)
(Turning the Universe inside out (Full Circle) But I found it that way, honest, maybe it's supposed to be like that...)

Goodness vs. DNA
Time, events, and natural aging will force the biology and DNA to control their behavior, to think of themselves first and foremost, and often paramount. Goodness is a struggle to hold onto, not naivete, but innocent wide-eyed wonder and belief of a future that will and must always be better and better in the face of all that would divert it to aspire toward something lower than the sky (the heavens), how those in power will convince us how things must be, must remain that way because they are or were that way, and away from that higher level we need to constantly work toward and to keep our focus on, to reach the highest and best potentials of all humanity.

Governments now are routinely bribed to limit business sectors down to a few "competitors", only large corporations that charge hundreds to thousands of times the cost of production because competition is limited through regulations, licenses, and other means so that only the wealthiest can enter and sustain the markets. All others must get bought up, bought off, or shut out by obvious attempts to drive less deep-pocketed competitors out of business. Anti-trust laws are a joke. Governments cozy up to those who break such monopoly and price-fixing laws and are on their payroll as much as the police and judges are on "other" payrolls in the former Soviet Union. The little game of getting rewarded after or in-between government positions (with exorbitant salaries) fools only those who don't give a shit about how their corruption and favoritism-for-sale isn't corruption at all because they write the laws to exempt it and themselves. Uncorrupt high elected officials in the US are becoming non-existent. The high paying jobs after leaving office, sweetheart deals, are just too easy and the public too clueless to know how to demand they stop. And the press too much a player in the game to make much of a fuss over it. They are well rewarded not to, and in turn reward the politicians back. They all share the same bed.

Social Darwinism
Real people dying, starving, forced by circumstances into economic slavery, prostitution, selling their organs or children, that is truth. Why the world must be that way, why we turn a blind eye to the fact that these things happen only because of the way the world is structured which hypocritically says "oh these things are terrible", those are all interpretations often having no truth. Change to keep all such things from occurring is always at hand and only kept back by all those with power telling us how much they hate such things, but what can be done? And all their cures, privatizing their peoples resources, selling them water where before it was free and raising the price of their food to "world" prices suited to imports and exports pricing them out of affording their own local grown foods, the "cures" we prescribe for them always profits our companies or the rich in their countries and leaves them more screwed than they were before. Social Darwinism is alive and well and is now the real mantra of the world. Change is inevitable and more than likely the global geopolitical model will change often over the next 500 years should humanity in any form of the word survive. Sometimes to more economically just models, sometimes to ones even more socially Darwinistic because more openly (less hypocritically) committed to injustice than the one today. To takes stands for and against these if fine and necessary to some degree, but some like me must remind people they (the global political/socio-economic models) are only what can be achieved by what most people can imagine and aspire to, balanced against what the most powerful are able to take, for they will always be willing to take more than they need.

When people think their society has a genuine interest in helping them achieve their own modest goals, they are more likely to work for the benefit of others and feel a sense of belonging and brotherhood with them. When a society works against this, breaks down the sense of obligation to help one another, people become less likely to be concerned of the welfare of others and answer it more and more truthfully with "Why should I help them when I know I cannot count on them to help me?" This deteriorates the foundations of societies, sets everyone eventually against each other, and benefits the worst people (in that society) and plays to humanities worst instincts. That this is being most forced upon other nations (to think in those terms) by the "Christian" right, should have by now made it apparent that labels mean nothing to the truth of what is being done. Evil is most effective when done in the name of Heaven and God. Anyone knows most often there is the selfish thing to do and the right thing to do, but now those who hold the most powerful positions always benefiting themselves and their friends convince us that it is also the right thing to do, not only by appealing to our logic and compassion, but bribing us that they will enrich us while screwing those less fortunate than ourselves and offer a place at their feast off of those weaker will be made for us if we go along with it.

If you were too bright relative to others, what almost any government or society would use you to do, 99% of it would be bad. How to advance or enrich them or those in control of that society over other groups or limit your ability to help other groups to become nearer in wealth or power to them if they are the ones with the current advantage. This is all the knowledge people in large groups value, and all they really understand and reward their members for advancing. Those who advance a few are given wealth. Those who advance the many without much to become equals destroys the power base of the current system and to the degree they can achieve it more than any other, become eventually its greatest enemy simply because of wanting to help those whom your society hypocritically says it wants to help too, but truly doing so is the last thing on their list, and helping themselves over all others is always the first and highest priority. The brightest are subdued to help only them, harnessed, or extinguished.

Law vs. Justice
Law - rules written and agreed mutually between the most powerful and influential within a society for the benefit of governing their interactions between EACH OTHER to prevent constant gang wars over each other's "territory" or "interests". Weaker are not consulted except perfunctorily because 1) they do not matter, and 2) they are what is divided up for influence and traded between the most powerful groups or members, the goods or spoils of who gets to exert the most control over them (to sell to them or to control them outright) to keep the ones who make the laws be able to co-exist with each other in relative peace by not directly challenging each others bases except in regards to divvying who gets to control the trade with the weaker ones, whether in above markets (international trade) or black markets (of city streets). When one party gets substantially stronger, the other powerful groups must more and more admit that party is now in a better situation, no longer (their) equal but has now moved to a higher orbit where they are able to transgress the rules more often (than) the others who defined the laws before, because they are as much above them now as they (the others who did not move up) are above the weaker groups. Examples: M$, USA foreign policy.

If you know what you write will inevitably be erased or purged from others view, that to me is ammunition to make it so good and so important, that it shows absolutely clearly and without any doubt that those who would do such things without thinking about it and without shame to be what they really are, the spiritual heirs of the book-burning Nazis, and the fathers of future firemen everywhere. Their profession is old and future prospects growing every day, because of what they do. It is a circular loop and getting wider.

7 (Spring 2006) In the wind (Footnote 2)
(Inverse 4D Horizons: You can reverse-spin anything, even insect dictatorships)

Those with the power to have people accused of things no matter their innocence, no matter sometimes the amount or veracity of evidence, these are the groups beginning to assert control all over the world, especially in the US and Russia. Mostly they are influenced by intelligence and/or criminal organizations. Where evidence is unchallengeable or the police powerless to look into how it got there, where the accusation or pretrial incarceration alone will destroy a person's life, those with the power to have someone charged with something effectively can blackmail almost anyone and not only have them by the balls, but increasingly the whole of society as well.

Torture - nothing going to happen that you would like or wish to be a part of, events wholly external to yourself and (your) wishes. You (then) live solely at the whim and desire of others, taking your will to live and everything with it (that follows from it) from you.

The potential for feelings and desire for retribution or vengeance is within everyone, even the most enlightened or meek. It can be kept under control and restrained by other feelings, but still the potential is always there. It need not be negative though. It can be to invent or create an environment where past misdeeds are far less likely or impossible to occur. That can also be seen as a way to get even or even the score as much as harming or punishing others can be. One is to create suffering, to cause it in the name of "justice" for some, the other is to prevent it from occurring or lessen its potential. When an individual seems prone to such behavior, we think just getting rid of that individual can prevent or reduce misdeeds. When it is institutional with their job description or societal, it is a lot more challenging on how to go about lessening such misdeeds from occurring. Not impossible, yet needs an impetus such as positively channeled retribution to keep one from sliding into the much easier course of defeatism, acceptance, and apathy.

Human cattle prods
Those running the world now see people as cattle, horses, beasts of burden, something like Man sees all other species, made by God to service our needs and purposes. What goes around comes around to bite us all in the ass, ideologically speaking. Only breaking that mentality will make other people be treated like equals again. No kings, no saints, no pedestals, just people equally needing to be fed, to be cared for, and always above all other things, to be shown, given, and entitled to equal respect in their lives, their dreams, their goals, and covet each individual's approval and respect as you would from any God or gods.

We, all who exist, whoever existed before, whoever will come later, were all born slaves, even its rulers, to whatever system existed which lead to our creations, however just or unjust, and are raised to propagate and continue that system. Few ever have the power to even affect it substantially, never mind to remake it into anything better. Yet that is the dream we have, the big lie we are told in all movies, government propaganda, education programs, that the machine (of society) responds to us, that it cares what we think, and we can make a difference. No machine or system really provides that (ability to change itself) for long. All are dependent upon selling the illusion that it changes when it never really does. The truth of the matter is the most power usually lies with the most barbaric peoples and policies, hidden behind the most elaborate smokescreen which can be afforded, invented, or devised at the time, to make everyone cheer their lack of ability to influence it (if they find it does not really ever change) and that perfection (in the type of government and economic system) has arrived and complacency to just accept it is finally warranted, no matter how many other billions are suffering just outside your sight. The machine cares about them, it always claims, yet it admits it cannot truly help them, ever. They are a necessity to be helped forever ineffectively. (Most development aid is aimed at making the richest in a poor areas richer, controlling their peoples better, then to send in our companies to collect what the local bosses reap from their "human" harvest, not to aid those who are the most poor there to instead not to have to work for them, ever, (where would be our profit incentive in that?) for usually it is the most barbaric people who rise to the top in the horrible conditions to be found there in the chaos, and have become rich off of it. They are who we will aid, and they will reward us back with a cut of their profits from their "harvests" which we will give them the means to let them reap them. Without limiting population growth, it not only will always devolve to this, it will only find new ways of getting far more barbaric than anyone living now can imagine.)

Puppet Congresses
The subversion, marginalization, and (increasing) impotence of elected legislatures. The "business first" models of America, Russia, and China. How to make your people do what you want against their own wishes. Can be as simple as blackmail or as complex as MKULTRA style brainwashing. But since that is most valuable (knowledge or ability) , it cannot be wiped out or forgotten and is traded (between countries and even more powerful organizations than ANY country) as the most valuable of currencies.

One's strength should not be judged by the power of ones (self or) allies, but of ones potential enemies. They forge you to be stronger, sometimes at the expense of being (becoming something) better. That is too high a price for any with integrity to pay. Integrity is almost a forgotten concept to those who revel and are prideful of their strength. Those who see the survival of anything as paramount, they forget it is most always at the expense of being willing to change into something even better. That is the blindness which accompanies power and the ability to control what would otherwise encourage you to evolve into something better and more just, and hold onto an increasingly unmanageable present sinking ever lower to hold it together. That is the eternal dilemma which the world must soon look squarely in the eye and face up to.

Full Force
Advancing on a collision course with possibly the most powerful and corrupt government ever, with what its Senators called the President's nearly unlimited means at his disposal to manufacture reality as he sees fit, hold any US citizen "protected" by the Constitution or any foreigner in prison without trial or even charges indefinitely for life on his say so alone, able to intimidate any press to recant any story no matter how factual (true) under guise of "national security" (Newsweek) and against this unrestrained mass-production machine of limitless lies capable of being tailored instantly to fit any case of anything I might say, all I have to cling to is truth even I can be made to recant, and even be made to cease to believe, with the sole assurance that once spoken and recorded, if humanity survives, someone someday must eventually be able to verify that it was true.

8 (Fall 2006) Like a seabird...
('Aumakua born, Mana built without Fear of the Sadists who Rule this World. They are my Glove.)

Symbol of the Soul
To have a sense of self, you need time to look back on what you experience to remember it and (you) alter the experience by building up a newer revised identity out of what you remember and (by) the new act of remembering (it) (connecting them to new events you did not know at the time you were experiencing them which came later.) Without these new times stringing together multiple times, there can be no "reflective" self to be aware of beyond current perception. In regards to other people in your environment, it is inverted. There is only the current perceptions of them and experiences of them without directly accessing their memories (or their own sense of identity built up through their past memories of events), or sense of self they tell you, or you learn of them to attempt to gain predictability to their future potential events based upon your own remembered experiences of their supposed pasts. Ultimately without gleaming insight into their pasts via your own (building) past memories of them or of other similar people and events to associate them to, others in your environment exist only in the now, in relation to you, as you would exist only in the now if you had no memories of your own. By not having recollection of something’s past states, it becomes more externalized. The more memories and knowledge of the past (of it) shared and in common, the less distinctions between the "otherness" between you and others in your environment, or of the objects and the environment (as a whole) itself.

Most inherent evil
Everything actualized now and yet to be is inherently made of potential. It is manifested differently, potential for experience and knowledge at certain points in time for different consciousnesses. Limiting others' abilities to know and interact with parts of their environments to control them by what they know is the most inherent evil in this system I know of, and what by censorship and culture, not only do all governments attempt but is verily what they are built of and feed on to keep (their members) (seeing themselves first and foremost) as distinct and separately defined as (apart from) the others ideas and values which its own (members) might otherwise one day prefer (other cultures systems or values), and decide many of these other attributes make more sense, are more just, or are preferable, more ideal, or just better suited to now compared to their historical baggage used often to weigh them down and keep them in "patriotic ignorance" of the outside world, and away from those ideas which might be better suited to who they might wish to one day become.

Paperclip kids
Just as one could say Bush is giving the world a taste of what it would have been like if the Nazis won WWII (one could say through Paperclip they did, the government or ideology it adapts to is merely the host which enables it to survive and mutate, is "progress" too and the countries and peoples are irrelevant and secondary to the "research" and "advancements" which are more important than even their own people are), we are also getting a taste of when Germany decided it no longer was bound by international commitments to the League of Nations, merely because it was in a greater position of power. The main difference between now and then is the US remains within the UN, though it says it is not bound by any rules or laws, procedures, courts, or enforcement mechanisms (against itself) it does not like, and all other major powers are either afraid of stating this obvious truth of what is going on, or are simply on the US payroll, willing to go along with anything so long as the money, directly or indirectly through contracts, trade, and business interlinkages, keeps rolling in at a greater rate than if this was corrected. It is for most countries a combination of fear and greed, and the US plays it well, both carrots of lucrative trade deals to make their leaders friends and supporters rich, and sticks of regime change, electorally (with boycotts and disrupting the economies of administrations it does not like) or by force of arms. But what happens when as now the treasury is emptied by corruption and we have only nuclear sticks left to keep the rest of the world in line to how we wish them to behave? That leaves only fear, but fear when persistent enough breeds people who grow up without it, and all the psychological warfare and conditioning cannot prevent it. The greater the downward push of new forms of oppression, new generations will learn new kinds of bravery and invent new methods of standing up to it.

Disposable people
Skimming over superficially the tops of most peoples beliefs and types of thinking and organizing thoughts, beliefs, goals, and values, is important to an overall view of human consciousness and direction. It need not be that inaccurate if gleaming accurate synopses because too much detail in any field of study inevitably puts one into traps of babble and irrelevance which furthers the discipline into further more marginal sub-sections which literally can be expanded and further divided infinitely. One must always stick to the most basic of questions: who is benefiting from this, who is being harmed. Anything else is superfluous. Turning the tables and saying more are being harmed than the number of people benefiting is good depending on who they are and how they are in a different group than they are who benefits, is to alter ones appraisal of the value of some human lives as greater and lesser than others. That is constantly what societies do without staring at that uncomfortable truth. One of our groups lives, survival, or even just comfort can be measured higher than millions of others' lives, discomfort, suffering, or even outright exploitation and torture. Once you get comfortable moving the balance away from the middle, the slippery slope gains speed which is progressively harder to stop or even slow down.

Psyche of scandals
The only reason what they did illegally yesterday is talked about today is so they can inoculate the public to prepare them for what they want to do which is even worse tomorrow, advancing the conveyor belt toward making more unthinkable crimes less shocking, then debatably reasonable, and then ultimately legitimate, and even a necessary component of the world they have built up around such once "horrendous" unthinkable deeds. We are not only being trained to think the unthinkable by degrees, but to accept it as inevitable and just.

Parrot suits
The media stranglehold likely to get us all killed, the public debate in America, when existent at all which now even this is not, is which party's "different" "Bold Ideas" to get us out of the world crippling downward spiraling situation, with machine-like unthinking polls and pundits alike whose thinking processes are limited to left, right, and now the "neither left nor right" neo-con neo-fascist "majority" ideology, which of these ideologies' jockeys, these cookie-cutter prepackaged types of ideological state-approved islands of thinking embodied in parrot talking suits, out of whom which one of them should try or can bring about a stable world in light of constantly escalating weapons of mass destruction, both present ones and damningly new types to come? The blindness and myopicness of it all is both frightening and hilarious at the absurdity of it all. Cheers.

Fake history
The more a political party says it stands for life, the more people it can kill. The more it says it stands for democracy and promoting it and enhancing it, the freer it is to erode it and consolidate power to itself. The more it says it stands for liberty and less government, the more it can pass draconian laws, monitor what you say, do, who you associate with, and take away whatever civic rights you might have had, publicly admitting to it, or behind your back you never know about until they want something from you. The only thing that keeps the government's lines, the rhetoric, in any relation whatsoever to the truth of what is happening, is the Press, the Media, and they have now lost all compass and credibility. Truth, journalistic truth, now belongs to the highest bidder, and the liars, the most hypocritical, will always have the most money and the most power without a referee. The media is no longer a referee. It writes whatever it is asked to write and accepts payoffs, knuckles under to corporate or political pressure, and puts out one-sided government press releases as "news", and shamelessly distorts, swift-boats (the modern equivalent of tar and feathering) anyone who dares to interrupt the feeding frenzy at the trough of money and power. Journalism is now creating false histories purposely.

Driving home
Seeing life as the drive to do things, to create events which others and yourself will re-experience at times in the future creating new events which is a doubling-back of those later times upon what you do and say and think now, straining to create relevance in what you do now to yourself and/or others in the future. Without those drives to create and experience, life fades to something else...I can see that from an outside perspective now because I can stop it, step outside of what I had thought to achieve with my life, everything I had been taught to and wanted to believe and achieve, and literally try to spin or put all of that in any other potential new perspective by how others in other cultures and other times might view those intents and drives, those perspectives and "truths" in relevance to their own lives and times. Even though this outside view is interesting, it is ultimately irrelevant to me. We need drives to wish to act upon our environments, to need something external to us to try to shape and mold to a form we choose, yet neither the "before" states, the "after" states, are ultimately real or relevant. The only thing that is truly real is the experience of the attempts and experiences that result in ourselves and others, and finding out or searching why we try to do or experience these events now, and more importantly, why we wish them to remain as templates for experiences of future potential others when what we can imagine for them is flawed and limited compared to what they can imagine and do better without knowledge of us. 99% of 99% of what we know, think, and believe, the "justice" and "rightness" of our (governmental and cultural) systems, is purely flawed, yet we try to strangle future generations with these limited and lack of perceptions, with these unjust and hypocritical "institutions" without daring to throw open the doors and say go for it, beat me, show me why all I know or believe might be wrong, why what I think or these present institutions and types of educations might be irrelevant to or in the future. Lacking of the capacity to do that is why what we think without that in mind becomes truly irrelevant.

(1) Footnote #1

“Oh people look among you,
its there your hope must lie
There’s a seabird above you gliding in one place
like Jesus in the sky

We all must do the best we can
and hang on to that Gospel plow
When my life is over, gonna stand before the Father
but the Sisters of the Sun are gonna
rock me on the Water now.”
From “Rock Me On the Water” lyrics – Jackson Browne

(2) Footnote #2
“Travel far and wide my friend
I know it won't be long
until you find the words
to write your own sweet song

Look into the eyes
of those you want to see
and reach out for every hand
that calls you to be free

Until you find your answers
I will wait for you my friend
gliding like a seabird in the wind”
From “Seabird” lyrics - Jerry Santos (Olomana)

(3) Footnote #3
Alkyone (3) Alcyone
The by-name (nickname) of the daughter of Marpessa and Idas, Kleopatra (Cleopatra).
When Kleopatra was kidnapped by Apollon, Idas stood up to the god but could not save his maiden daughter.
Alkyone literally means Sea-Bird and the by-name was given to Kleopatra because her mother wailed and cried “like a sea-bird” for her kidnapped daughter’s return.

Stewart, Michael. "People, Places & Things: Alkyone (3)",
Greek Mythology: From the Iliad to the Fall of the Last Tyrant.