Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Notesworthy 2 of 3: Narrower Definitions of Palatable "Popular" Truths, What People Are "Allowed" to Know, Media's "Realities"

I am here. I am now. I deal with that. Do I like or enjoy its pluses and minuses? Do I like what happened to make it possible? Do I accept it or fight against it? To all of the above, sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Event AB creates a past, before AB, a future, after AB, and at least 3 perspectives. AB as seen from A, AB as seen from B, and AB as seen from outside of AB, and a future which includes AB's effects from the point of view of A and the point of view of B. It also creates side realities or a sideways means of differentiation besides creating or defining PRE and POST AB states. It also divides things up into those realities in which AB did occur and those realities in which AB did not occur. These are the easy definitions. More complicated is a sliding scale where AB occurred at different points in time in different realities.

The potential anyone has is defined in and by others, and NOT oneself. In the words of every child ever born, "I didn't ask to get born!" In a way you didn't, and the Universe through you is just getting back the expectations of what was put in to create you by others.

The only questions worth asking are the ones no one wants to answer and will retaliate against you for asking them.

It got me thus far.

Not knowing gave excuses on one hand, reasons on another, even that when I like to think had any real choice.

To achieve anything worthwhile, people have to be willing to risk everything and stake their reputations on whatever they do. I don't mean gambling for money, that is no achievement even if you win, but to be willing constantly to push the edge of what you believe is possible without fearing failure.

I chase whatever no one else knows because those things, if not coming from me, at least do not come from anyone else I might meet.

Patriotism must not be blind patriotism but mixed with self-criticism. If you lose the ability to be self-critical, you give up the ability to become better (and lose sight when you are becoming worse).

The only real progress made in the last 30 years is the rhetoric about improving the world has improved. If you count hypocrisy as an achievement, solid indisputable gains have been made and are continuing apace.

Most people are captive to their notions of the past and who or what their lives are about and staying true to that. There is nothing wrong with that. I am pulled by what I wish to have be in the future which is in many ways a part of my past, but I do not do so blindly. Some parts may have to happen to connect the dots and tie up a few loose ends, but only so that other branches not determined yet can begin in new directions not yet a part of any pasts, not predictable, and that is the path of life, into the unknown, pulled up by hopes of what is most important to achieve, peace in ourselves, peace within ourselves as individuals as well as peace between nations and other groupings. Like it or not, people will soon see the past is little to stand upon and that chair will be pulled out constantly and without warning more and more as we go along and must only look up to where we need to climb, paying less attention to what we are currently resting upon because it will not hold us up anymore, and must constantly be searching out yet higher ground.

Since I start with the assumption that life itself is inexplicably weird, everything surprises me equally, and nothing can surprise me.

Anyone who searches for truth inevitably brushes against their society against the grain for all societies through what they wish people to believe, have a narrower definition of truth than those who simply want to know and see things as they really are or may be, regardless of who doesn't want them to know or how they wish to sugar-coat the "truth" to benefit their interests or promote that culture or set of beliefs.

Real freedom for the West, real democracy for Russia, and religious tolerance and renaissance in China, and universal literacy with free e-books or free libraries easily accessible for all in every country. A modest start.

People interact with totems as (much as) with each other. These totems, false faces are their perceived status, position, and future potential. That time dimension they think matters and impresses more than what they currently are, and while everyone else thinks that bullshit too, it does. I am lucky to have an inexplicably complicated past and pretty much no future potential, so I have for so long have had to just be what I am and leave all that social maneuvering and considerations as inapplicable to my situation. It is a freedom more than a curse, and a better perspective.

Groups forming to gain more control over their lives, seemingly gaining it only to lose it a different way. New groups forming to gain more control over their lives, seemingly gaining it only to lose it a different way. Infinitely repeat. Whenever something is written down, there are innumerable ways of getting around it and the race is on to find loopholes, gaps, or new ways of getting people to do only what you want them to do. Broad principles of human and civil rights become selectively enforced and new orders, new rules sometimes not even written down become the new rules of the game. Constitutions cannot weather the onslaught desires of others to control others and quickly become moot for whatever one could not think of to guard against, someone else will find a new way to exploit that and make everyone only able to behave as they wish and make all written rights meaningless. Freedom in any sense is provisional only while on the move or in motion. Once you rest, once you think you have it, it is already as good as lost. The desire to control others is in everyone and some will always have abilities more than others to achieve it. That push will never go away or lessen, so the counter push to constantly search how your freedoms are being undermined and gains unknowingly stripped away must also be a constant force just to keep them steady or intact. Conflicts only develop when those with power are too ignorant of the rules of the game. Give people what they demand, find a way to make it worthless. Give people what they demand, find a way to make it worthless. Infinitely repeat.

I can't even count all the laws, limits, and circumstances on who is allowed to say what to whom and when, all to control what people are allowed to know or think about. If people do become telepathic, it mostly would be in response to this attempt to utterly dominate what they are allowed to know or think about.

Freedom has a high cost. It is often paid in responsibility and in sacrifice. Believe it or not, I lack neither. What I am responsible to and how is complicated, but not to any one government or ideology. What I sacrifice is easier to explain. I am willing to sacrifice anything I have, my life, my time, my freedom, for a better future for others except for freedom of thought, not mine nor anyone else's. Give an inch or make ANY compromise on that and you give away the keys to the store and nothing you have nor anything else anyone else has will ever be their own again, not even their own lives. Slavery is back in fashion, though it will be illegal to call it that. A rose by any other name, but call it a rose at your own peril.

Warlords defacto own people. Criminal gangs defacto own people. They can escape often only to be controlled by a rival gang. Any organization which is powerful enough to mold and shape your life, or kill you without due process, owns you. Lower educated poor are owned by anyone. Everyone to a small degree or a large degree depending on which country they are from, are owned by that government. I am the property of the U.S. government, historically (at least) kinder and easier to be released from, yet like the Mafia, powerful enough that no where exists where they cannot take you back from or re-exert control whenever they wish. Those who left the Soviet Union could do so only with the protection of the U.S. government or other powerful Western countries. I have had more freedom than most, but I know who owns me. Complaining about it only gets you the justified wrath of others not treated as nicely or given less freedom themselves. Favored slaves or favored prisoners are hated by the other slaves or prisoners without seeing how they are manipulated by simply being more and less repressed. The irony is that only those slaves who are treated better, taught to read and write (always the first mistake), allowed to feel like they are free and to educate themselves as they wish, can really learn to know all the invisible chains they wear because they have the power in themselves and the will to find and see their leashes. Fortunately for those who long to control everyone, reading philosophy and debating political theory or civil rights (even the term "civil rights" is a now dirty word and political poision currently  in America, as may soon be the term "human rights". Great progress has been made recently at denouncing and disgracing that term too with respect to enemies, soon to be considered a tool of propaganda by the weak, and of foreigners seeking to tie our hands and make us weak, as it is viewed in China and other similar regimes) among the general public was a passing fad which peaked in the 19th century in America and the 20th century in Europe. Fewer and fewer every year will neither know nor care how little of their lives are their own to control or own, becoming less and less politically active or even at all politically conscious, and more and more malleable.

Mindless adherence to policies they are not allowed to question, not allowed to consider (all?) circumstances, reason, or even being human  beings by considering the situation before them and do what they think is right, or to consider trying to come up with an original or creative solution not thought of before to fit the situation, and bury any impulse to do so. Always safely behaving in pre-programmed ways to not get in trouble, to better advance, or to survive. In a word, machine-think.

You can't change things if most don't want them to (change), or have been convinced they don't want them to, or that things cannot be any other way. That is like a stream which merely moves around whatever obstacle you put in its way. What people want or expect from life can be changed though. Changing that moves the whole river in a different direction.

I am optimistic in that more are speaking out against a lethal status quo, pessimistic that fewer are listening, and horrified by corporations growing power (over media) to guarantee no one will ever be allowed to hear. Even fair reporting is now illegal when saying truths deemed too unpalatable for the public to contemplate. Rice/Newsweek "How the hell did that story get out!"

That societies want to have some smart and others not smart, docile, and politically dumb as a stump, is not new. Its just always a balance between admitting it openly as an objective, accepting it quietly as a necessity, or hypocritically aiming to make all more active and aware of their rights yet working against it as well because doing so means they would wake up and demand a system which takes into account their needs more than the system which fostered them and kept them stupid. All change, even making people literate and democratic participants in ruling themselves, will cost someone or all who were rich before in that society to have to pay more as a result. That what is left of democracies promotes this change, except in regions where it is politically advantageous to their pocketbooks, is getting downright laughable. They keep up the rhetoric of democratic change, but it is only a tool of setting up systems where the will of the public is largely irrelevant to the economic interests of themselves, which is why they are "helped" in the first place. The problem is governments in the West do not wish to admit to themselves they have become all but irrelevant to these forces as well, and are well paid not to in case they ever have any doubts about it. (And are well controlled now.) Those not bought off or not skilled in doublethink denial, they eventually resign once they know it is all bullshit, and there is nothing they can do about it.

The only people that generally mean shit in history are those who spoke the obvious, probable, unpopular truths without giving a damn to peoples willingness to listen or what they would do in retaliation. Everyone else is just a carbon-copy of everyone else telling each other things they know they want to hear.

The good thing about the court jesters, the fools, was that because no one ever listened to them, they were the only ones allowed to say what others were not, the things which most should have been said.

To imagine freedoms and know of them beyond what your government allows or wants you to think about is to begin seeing a wider view, not of the world how it is but how you might think it could be or should be. Once upon a time, some governments understood this as good. That was before they wanted to preserve the present at all cost because in deprivation, there is more power. But the desire grows within those who can see or know those more honest worlds of more intellectual freedoms, and it cannot be destroyed by any government no matter how totalitarian it becomes in trying to control what people think about freedom or define freedom to mean by controlling society and the media, even if it imagines itself to still be a democracy. That makes the dictatorship stronger, the hypocrisy, but true freedom cannot be forgotten once tasted, and the heart and soul remember even after the mind has been cleansed of it. If any people were ever willing to accept their governments definition of freedom, the Soviet Union would never have collapsed, feudalism would not have collapsed, slavery and serfdom would never have been abolished, and democracies would never have arisen, even if they have since abandoned the principle that the people count more than the economic interests, and decry "populism".

Announcers voices on television electronically enhanced to get peoples' attention perfected with volunteers willing to have electrodes attached to them to monitor their biological responses by rigorous psychological scrutiny. Even singers' voices, but at least they usually are not trying so openly to manipulate you into buying something, watching something, or voting for someone. Actors willing to pretend to be anyone saying any view on any subject on television if they think it will increase their wealth or status, i.e. careers, and people watching that and being consciously or unconsciously trained to think that is the correct way to behave in a similar situation if they identify with that character. Government agents willing to manipulate what people know, if important enough to them, to sleep with them, even to marry them, to promote some nationalistic agenda or other cause they can be manipulated into doing such things for. It is so much more honest, those who do the same things for money. At least those people are not as brainwashed as the people they seek to brainwash. And above all, a public which can neither see nor care about what kind of world this is creating, endless manipulation covertly of everyone trying to control, influence, or manipulate everyone else without their knowledge simply because people are seemingly born with a blank slate, having to learn things by interaction with others or the media, and that is where they are most vulnerable, to control them by what they know via what they interact with.

Those nations which do not admit and embrace their most sordid and tragic mistakes of the past, may or may not be doomed to repeat them as the history quote, "Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it," but without honestly owning up to them, minimizing mistakes or even denying them and making records of them seem to disappear, are incapable of learning or every truly seeing them as mistakes, and never being able to grow beyond them

Seven deadly sins. 1) Lack of accountability- giving unassailable, unquestionable, and unverifiable election results guaranteed to destroy public trust and even if not completely drive them away from the political process (through apathy), leaves it wide open to manipulation by covert intelligence to put anyone in any numbers into power. 2) Mind control- Media manipulation is in its infancy, news content is provided by for-profit corporations unwilling to have their positions of power (and control of that) questioned, and public is already being softened with "positive" applications of memory control. 3) Breakdown of all legal principles- Backdating laws now has been done not only in countries with laughable commitments to rule of law but even the US which is thought to have established principles of justice. While laws can be rewritten to make actions illegal after the fact, anyone or any group can have laws written to be used as a weapon to target them regardless of their compliance with it. 4) Disregard of treaties- All human rights treaties are routinely shit upon with no negative consequences, countries back out of agreements unilaterally and generally international law is used only to punish weaker countries who pay a heavy price when it goes against them (which) the larger countries break routinely and profit from it. (3 left to go).

The United States government which I grew up with committed to without lies or hypocrisy, freedom, democracy, human rights, international law, and respect for its own constitutional principles, died not by losing the cold war, but by winning it.

Spend enough time in any environment and you slowly piece together how everything affects each other within that environment, whether you want to or not. Whether world politics power plays, physics, psychology, biology, or sociology, to me it is all just learning to understand the environment I am stuck in for awhile. I am just in learning mode still. Input, not output, is what I wish at the moment.

History is whatever those in power wish to say it was. The media and publishers controlling copyrights of past issues, to be able to make old copies slowly disappear from public view by not permitting reprints by others or allowing recycled reuse, combined with the constant deluge of "new" news replacing the old in peoples' minds and shelves makes "1984"(G. Orwell) style burning unnecessarily dramatic. A culture is what those in power wish to say it is, and if they have the help of the media, always in the hands of the most wealthy, the most powerful with the most wealthy define what that culture is all about,  usually to keep those in power in power, and to make those wealthy even more wealthy, that becomes the unconscious purpose and rallying point of the society. When the most wealthy and most politically powerful are one and the same, you may as well call it an aristocracy because that is what it is, not a democracy but an oligarchy. Anyone's individual "life" within this definition of culture and society is irrelevant. Anyone can be erased from history, recast in whatever light is the most useful at the time, and no one will publicly be able to be heard or treated fairly in the media who have a different opinion about him or her, and as the years go by, their opinions, if not forcefully modified or abandoned, will simply die with them. Truth used to be maintained by other cultures. When one got too heavily into book burning, censorship, or rewriting history, someone somewhere would try to keep alive some semblance of the truth. No more. The lies must now be universal and those telling them are deranged enough to think that universality will make them the truth. I say deranged because they do so in the name of God, justice, and truth. Nothing new there. They are just being challenged less as people, always cowards, are now bred and trained to be more docile than ever like farm animals, domesticated for service and slaughtered in wars whenever necessary. People in the West are allowed to be concerned about governments who control their medias. That is one of the few Soviet-styled controls of the population not adapted to the US in the last few years. They are NOT allowed to work against those who control the media from wanting to control the government and blinded by ideology and their own media's propaganda enough not to see that is not only just as bad, but potentially far worse.

The societies we have are they way they are because they are built around fear. Fear of thinking for yourself, fear of saying what you think is truth, fear of believing you know what others more powerful than you are doing is wrong and have the right to even just say so, let alone to work for a society not as dysfunctional.

When people are unwilling or afraid to take a stand against laws, rules, guidelines, or requirements they know are wrong, that only encourages lawmakers to make more of them. The more that happens, the less it is thought the laws must make any rational sense whatsoever, and they become free do to with the law whatever they please. Injustice becomes gospel because of the precedents they set which are all their is that guides them when morality becomes whatever is profitable and the law, merely then a tool to use against those you do not like. That is power gone mad. That is our reality.

People instinctively now, they are trained so well, automatically look for a profit angle on any idea they are exposed to, not any longer "is it true or not", but which is the more profitable opinion to take, believe, or propose, which position if argued or believed will please those in power most and advance their careers. This is no longer even conscious in most, simply automatic as an instinct of survival, and noticing it in themselves is not profitable nor advantageous to their self-images.

What is designed to take me down I make my own knowing to run or avoid it is to be beaten by it. To know it, to accept its place in the scheme of things, yet remain resolute, that is more of a victory, whatever the cost, than living even much much longer but in fear avoiding what is sent your way that you run from every moment you choose not to confront it. You are at least as strong as whatever you choose to stand up to, and stronger than whatever cannot make you afraid.

Peoples' perceptual worlds are limited to what they know about. If everyone in a foreign country or even a continent you would never have any interaction with or knowledge about it were all slaughtered, it would not be a source of perception or affect your life as long as your government can keep them (knowledge of it) from coming toward your metaphoric house's window and telling you about it, even if they died because of your government for your or its benefit, you are free of guilt as long as kept ignorant. This is the power of governments lies, to create an artificial reality where nothing bad happens that they can keep who matters (usually not you anyway) from learning what they are doing. All realities are artificial as long as ANY information is purposely suppressed from ANY public. That is only half the story though. People not caring to want to know is the other half.

This is what politics has devolved into for the poor and politically unpowerful (most). One group you will screw you the worst but they stand with God, are only doing so because God tells them to, and only they can confront evil in the world, and you must give them more money as God does not deserve to be skimped on. Yet you have a choice, the Apologists who are kept around to keep the right wingers under control by having a way to take them out of power if they choose to ignore their money masters. The Apologists will do nothing to improve your standing if you are poor or less well off than most, still will lessen your benefits, dismantle the "safety net", but are nicer about it because they will make your life harder more slowly and will empathize with your increasing pain and suffering, but ask you to realize for them to get into power, they have to be willing to screw you for the benefit of getting any corporate money to obtain power in the first place, but will try to screw you over in a nicer way than the harsher group would. That is about all the choices any in any country will soon ever see when they obtain even that amount of choice.

Real meaning of "corporate law"- what corporations can do which you and even your government could not, but always wanted to. Nice that they could share the information as they pleased. Mandatory drug testing for any job at any time for any reason. Complete monitoring of all your activities and communications while at the office, including hiring private detectives to monitor you during your off-hours for suspicions for any reason. Until recently law enforcement agencies needed a reason for around-the-clock surveillance besides the standby, belonging to a political party not in the majority. Hack into you personal computers at home (RIOA). Scrutinizing your religious beliefs for employment related purposes. I had to fill out a psyche questionnaire for a menial position for a Southern corporation which included, "Do you believe in God?" and "Would you agree or disagree with the following statement, I am a good Christian?"

No one is free. That said, I have little to complain about comparatively speaking (with what I know anyway, not what I can do, I can do less than others). What bothers me the most, as much as others can complain about the things they are kept from doing which are in their own interests, things called by them or their society as bad and complain of their lack of freedom to do these things, what really gets my goat is all the good things I could not do, not because I was not able, but because society is not yet ready for and would inevitably have stopped me long before getting out of the gate. That lack of being able to grow is why the present types of societies will be drastically changed or will self-destruct under their own inertia, and won't be missed.

Making the world better is the easiest thing to do in the world, and each and every person always knows exactly how to do so. The only thing that is difficult is how to convince the people who benefit the most from the most horrible things about the world the way it is, that it is in the interests of their children as well to start making these changes now, not to put it off for another time no one may ever see. Doing as you should in the present, helping as many as you can now, trumps whatever you hope can be achieved further along which should not be attempted to be controlled by any now, and if you achieve it, it merely is paid for at the cost of others choices, hardly worth celebrating outside your own ego. There is a machine-like quality to how the world is becoming organized, simply control everything people need to survive, cut off all avenues for them to get around your obstacles, and make yourself the kind of people and the world the machine knows cannot be changed by even who runs it, to destroy the individuality of others to create the worlds they wish, while claiming to do so to enshrine and protect it and them.

Life in a streaming buffer

Everyone's job in every present is to make peoples' lives in the future better and more free than those who lived in the past. Don't believe the definition of freedom of anyone in the present. Their definitions are limited by and to past definitions, and because of such, by trying to define what freedom can mean for others and in the future, try to destroy it by robbing others of the right to redefine freedom for themselves.


Excerpts from Notes 3, 2005

    Ten years ago this week, (January 2004), I started this collection of notes which I am posting here, mostly in its entirety. It began shortly after arriving in Estonia to go to college which was something tacked on at the last minute to what was supposed to have been, at least in the beginning, a two week trip around Europe followed by what would have been an unsuccessful political asylum attempt in France in 2003.

    Most of these events above have been mentioned before here at TruthRevival.org, in the blog about what led up to the notes (5dnotes.blogspot.com), and at . But given this is the interesting 10th year anniversary, I thought it was a good time to put all of the notes up somewhere with an introduction.

    The blog mentioned above was started about 4 years ago in 2009 to put the events which created the notes into perspective. Still years later it only covers a few months leading up to them, but it covers that period well. However when it became clear that it would be hard to give any perspective on the notes without mentioning the political asylum attempts which framed them, and more than a little, which created them, I needed to think carefully over where to go with the retrospective, and how to proceed with it.

    I eventually decided that here at TruthRevival.org was the place to post the actual notes, starting with the ones 10 years ago this week, which I had previously referred to as the "Notes Part 2." The "Part 1" notes were written previously in Lithuania, were less about politics and more complicated as to why I was writing them, and are generally far less readable. As I put in the 5D notes blog in its most recent posts, those earlier notes were written mostly in a shorthand readable to no one but myself and mostly had to do with ideas about geometry, dimensions, and time. Very little of the Lithuania notes would be relevant to most people even if I were to explain them well.

    With these notes, they were far less cryptic and I eventually went back over the notes written previously in "Part 1" about geometry, dimensions, and time and expanded upon many of them more in the later notes. Much less of these later notes is in what I called a type of shorthand which no one else could understand. But they continued to me to contain the ideas of things I wanted to write about and expand upon later. Also, as I said previously, a great deal of these notes dealt with my situation in regards to the then upcoming political asylum attempt. Many of them cannot be understood clearly in what they were about without putting them into that context. The excepts here above have many of the ones that often relate to that the best.

    When leaving Maui in September of 2003, the idea of going to back college was only a vague aspiration of something to do one day. Somewhere over the continental US on a direct flight from Kahului to Boston, I woke up having a dream I was going to college in Eastern Europe. I sat there thinking about how that could possibly work, in regards to what I had been previously intending on doing and found it an intriguing twist that could alter just about everything's context as well as the outcome. After thinking it over for a short while, by the time the plane landed I knew exactly what had to be done and in what order to make that happen. 4 months later, I began these notes in that hotel room just before my first semester began.

    Knowing how to make that happen and expecting it to be done are two different things. Since it was so improbable, I never really had to commit to it until much later, while it was already ongoing. Often, I was more prepared for the alternative which I had set out to do, simply return to France, and try to get political asylum knowing that it would fail. But also to be using that to be able to write about what happened to cause that, and things relating to the current situations pertaining to that, and about the US administration 's policies which pertained to both, and the perilous dangers in those policies and directions. I eventually did get to write a similar statement when trying to obtain political asylum in Sweden reposted here at TruthRevival.org over 6 years ago, called the Radioactive Cereal Principle. That was different than what I intended to write in some content but similar in many ways to what began it all, what I had set out to do.

    When writing in Sweden during the political asylum process, I wrote that I knew what I was now writing in RCP would probably never be seriously read or considered, or least never acknowledged (and it never has been all these years later, though it probably was read by a few and maybe had limited effects). But I also wrote that at least my notes were out there in a way which could not be easily erased even if what I was writing then at that time was an exercise in futility.

    Mixed in with the notes were many many things that went well beyond anything I could have written about or included in a single statement. Since I had delayed the political asylum attempt for years knowing that every single day I delayed it meant that it was more and more likely to not happen, slowly the notes as a whole became something to "make up" for it, if that end never came or was stopped. Call it an alternate discourse mixed in with many other things so as to go mostly unnoticed.

    Whether anyone noticed what was in the notes which I am choosing to highlight here or not, or even cared, it went on so long and so many agencies were involved in monitoring me, some beyond being silenced, I figured at least the notes had a chance to be read more than any single paper or statement would ever have been, seeing as it would inevitably be buried after that (given what its contents were to be.)

Why, one might think, would I think what I wrote might have been buried?  Those people would probably know nothing of what actually I did write. What was written was extreme enough in what I thought to be of importance and relevance to take years to set it up as to when and how to put it out there, and under what circumstances. And since that was never any more likely to happen than ending up going to college with less than 4 months to prepare, the notes became more and more about what I thought I would never get to write about, than notes of things which I would or might had written about when the time came.

The present increasingly became all that mattered to me, and that feeling or concept is mentioned over and over in the notes as well. Thus, instead of being just "notes to myself," after this they became more fully developed to be intelligible to others in case the intended end or conclusion I set out for was never reached.

As I said previously, many of the notes were of things I wanted to write about in that application, and many were notes of things going on about the process I found myself in. That first one of these notes which began them 10 years ago this week could not have been more about the situation I found myself in. It pretty much could have been started with "What the hell have I gotten myself into? This was supposed to take 2 weeks and been over already, one way or another, months ago. And its not like there is any easy way out of this either! Am I purposely trying to fail? Am I purposely constantly getting myself in deeper and deeper ever more over my head because I really want to fail?"

But in what I did write, though it alluded to all of that indirectly, I really tried to put a better spin on it. Yes, I did begin doing all that, not really with much or any time to compass whether it should get done, because it took so effort much to set up in just a few months that I really halfway did not think the Universe would ever call my bluff that it really would be ever happening at all. And what I wrote showed that doubts were beginning to creep in that maybe, as cool as this was to be happening, maybe it might not be the most ideal thing to be doing.

Wanting to do or have something that seems difficult or unrealistic to achieve can be a false want, or a wanting equivalent of a false hope. Should you one day find it achievable, within reach, or even to possess or achieve it, you may find it no longer desirable. You wanted it because to do so would be to achieve the near impossible, because it seemed out of reach, not necessarily because of anything about it itself. Such false wants can be thought of as excuses to fail. One might think if one attempts the impossible or severely unlikely and fails, the fault lies not within them or their abilities but in their choice of a desired goal. That may be the case from one point of view. Another valid way to see it is that to live is to do. It really does not matter, if each individual is given free choice, what they want to attempt to do with that freedom. That choice of goals would be their own and the path they choose is or would be in a sense who they are, for it is what they would desire to choose to create or how to define themselves with time and in time. For many what is easy to attain is not desirable. They must constantly be extending their reach, or forever seeking to define by doing just how long that reach is and where any limits if any, are to be found. It is like being in a room of unknown size and shape. It is only natural to keep trying to find walls, or ways to define the size and shape of the environment you find yourself within, always if time allows exploring it a little further each day. What is around which corner or behind each wall if you find any, and what purpose (do) they serve or what do they wall you off from finding. That is time, that is life, that is what we do, and because what we do is what we are or seem to become.

In that paragraph I had reasoned that yes, it did seem that by doing something so likely to fail that I perhaps was hoping to fail and then say, well what did anyone expect would have happened? And maybe even that I only wanted to attempt it because it seemed so unlikely, that that was why it was appealing, and not so much about anything else. Weighing these thoughts, I decided, without stating why or what I hoped I might achieve, on balance that didn’t matter. The only way to find out if something can be done or not is by attempting it. And if it something that ought to be done regardless of how likely it is to happen, the question just becomes, is it possible or not? Are you in a position to try or not? And will you? The rest is all bullshit.

I went back to that same question shortly thereafter in the notes and really did not have much of a different answer.

It takes a high degree of arrogance to attempt anything thought to be extremely difficult to impossible, and (to) succeed (in it). It must go way beyond the scale of confidence. One must also need something to balance that, an equal degree of modesty that it is not always about you, is not achieved ever by you alone and not part of the process, and that nothing ever done is really any less likely than anything else ever done, it is merely how we choose to see it and ourselves.

That helped settle it for me in my own head. It was something I was in a position to do, period. If I succeeded in what I set out to do, it would not have worked out without countless things I had absolutely no control over. And that nothing that happens really can have odds put on it accurately after the fact, since at that point, it is ridiculous to say it couldn’t have happened, or that it was unlikely to have happened, since it did. It was either possible or it wasn’t, therefore it is either possible or it isn’t. End of story.

I knew I needed to be over-confidant in extreme, knew that it was foolish to be that confidant, and more than a little worried that it probably would all blow up in my face, sooner rather than later. But by this point it was getting easier. 4 months out at this point, I was getting more and more confidant that, one way or another, something good might come of it, and I was becoming more confident in myself as I went along. Plus it was fun and at last I had a chance to actually do something instead of just thinking about doing something.

I have been excerpting these notes right along since they were written, but as I said in the previous post, there are themes which jump between seemingly disconnected paragraphs. They are often the same ideas expressed and evolving through quite starkly different examples sometimes. By reading any of them individually or out of order, one would often miss what they were about or what I was aiming for in trying out different ways of saying something. Just the single page example in the previous post here (Inhumanity's Open Road, Proverbs 14:31 Revisited, Death of Death of Truth, and WTF?, May 13th, 2013) showed that well, I thought.

Notesworthy 2 of 3

These were written from January 2005 until August 21st, 2005. All were written in Tartu, Estonia.

Humanity is best described as apes which are very good at (and like to) building things and at blowing things up (destroying things). The atomic bomb is really humanity's pinnacle achievement. Millions of man-hours, scouring the globe for resources, inventing and utilizing the very finest technologies (spending billions of dollars) all for the sole purpose of blowing things and people up. It combines the two best things people like to do, create and destroy, into one item (both ends, creatively, destructively, on scales beyond imagination).

Infinity symbol, closed loop doubled back, new road forming in middle, travelling both directions at once, new dimension forming to sort it out (how roads can intersect in addition to overlap), growing outside of space and time. (From imagining a circular figure 8 track with an intersection replacing an overpass and both directions become possible and both double back).

Magnetism- pull (is) both ways

Temptation is a bad concept. If there is something you wish greater or more important than something which tempts you away from that path, it is not really tempting at all, if not greater or more important to you at that time. If it is greater or more important to you at that time and you deny what you currently wish to do based upon past notions of purpose or identity, it may be that you are ignoring a valid new opportunity to make a change in your life but hold to the past out of lack of imagination and view current new ideas not considered before "tempting". If they are "tempting" it means you should figure out what you really want. Not thinking about it out of past conditioning is to deny living in the present.

Identity in a sense as related to or seen by another can become a greater sense of your own identity the longer you are with or the more you value that other person's opinion. Shared perspective created by neither one nor the other but by both (individuals. Marriage is common example).

Page 73
I am here. I am now. I deal with that. Do I like or enjoy its pluses and minuses? Do I like what happened to make it possible? Do I accept it or fight against it? To all of the above, sometimes yes, sometimes no.

Event AB creates a past, before AB, a future, after AB, and at least 3 perspectives. AB as seen from A, AB as seen from B, and AB as seen from outside of AB, and a future which includes AB's effects from the point of view of A and the point of view of B. It also creates side realities or a sideways means of differentiation besides creating or defining PRE and POST AB states. It also divides things up into those realities in which AB did occur and those realities in which AB did not occur. These are the easy definitions. More complicated is a sliding scale where AB occurred at different points in time in different realities.

Playing with dolls. Learning to step outside oneself or view life from an outside perspective which those cultures and times without dolls did not have. To ascribe or imagine a point of view to an object, simulate its movements, imagine events happening to it seen from outside of it, and imagine its point of view within your own imagination, how those events would be seen by it. Complicated, but now instinctive. Putting part of you or your point of view into objects, imagining they have their own personalities or traits, and then interacting with them, both seeing both inside their "eyes" and from yours at once, viewing events from different perspectives (at once) as the Greeks imagined their Gods watched and manipulated us from an "above" outside perspective.

I don't have any opinions about a lot of things. What sets me apart is that I refuse to buy into others opinions which are not well thought out or based on reason. Most people are very sensitive to have foundationless points of views questioned even by merely not subscribing to them for it points out their lack of foundation for those who might one day dare to challenge them. (Most societal beliefs fall into this category in some respect).

Societal organization - have everyone only working on the problems it wants them to solve and look into only the fields of interest of study or thought it wants expanded upon.

Potential of/for experiences only, no substances. Experiences creating new potential for experiences. Car (a) potential for experiences created out of experiences of making it by others. People too. Changing the patterns of what can be experienced and how, see substances can be as imaginary as digital information, exists only as a pattern and potential for experiences to yourself or to others. Pyramids monuments of experiences of countless others pointed in one direction made of experience to the Nth degree as well as stone. (the amount of experience put in)(<- been="" br="" have="" in="" meant="" somewhere="" stuck="" to="">
The potential anyone has is defined in and by others, and NOT oneself. In the words of every child ever born, "I didn't ask to get born!" In a way you didn't, and the Universe through you is just getting back the expectations of what was put in to create you by others.

Potential is the expectations of others overlapping of mutual needs and desires. Time wanted things from me, I wanted things from time.

Suckered into caring how things turn out for others. Using to try to help.

In working for a better future for the most possible others, I do not believe it is possible to go too far or too fast. I choose to go as far and as fast forward toward that end as I believe it is possible until someone shoots me or otherwise takes me out of the race. And even then, I would not say I went too far, merely finally far enough.

Not only are many, possibly most, people not as nice as they like to think they are, they are even less likely to see they are not even nice, though that is all too often the case.

Europeans, while claiming to be the highest (most) civilized people, miss the whole point of "civilization" (this time I used quotes ;-). Unless you are willing to starve or to harm by neglect everyone, you do not get thousands or a thousand million people to all behave as you wish, thus being "one" people. While still feeding those who opt out, they breed too many divergent and independent opinions. They will always lag behind America, Russia, and China (which are willing to starve people to death) for building a coherent society and advance it at the expense of others, the only way to advance it. Assimilate, die, or go somewhere else are the 3 pillars of civilization. You only get back what you put in, or take out of others. (<- a="" as="" br="" meant="" warning.="">
Broken zipper between two circular sides, future coming together, past coming apart to wrap around and come together ahead again.

Needles and pins, oh my.

In a world where everyone plays by the rules, I always win. Unfortunately we live in a world where no one (of power) plays by the rules. If pre-ordained that I cannot win, I only seek to show how the rules are hypocritical.

Road to south side of Maui.

I believe in making it as difficult as possible for people to do the right thing. If it were an easy choice for them, it would be meaningless to me. The more they are willing to go to the mat based only on their hearts say so, the more I believe in them.

The only questions worth asking are the ones no one wants to answer and will retaliate against you for asking them.

It got me thus far.

The fine line between giving a reason for listening and making them listen.

Forgetting accepting the end comes with every step, each is the last.

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Only that which is currently being reproduced (copied), experienced, or relived in memory is alive.

Unphased or phasing.

360 degree spin rotating toward any point from (the) point of view of every other (point), moving toward from all points but getting too close, falling into tunnels equal distance apart outside of 3D, reverse for gravity and time.

Not knowing gave excuses on one hand, reasons on another, even that when I like to think had any real choice.

Society - DAWSOD (Do As We Say Or Die)

Self/God - DAYTOD (Do As You Think (is right) Or Die)

Experience involves objects but not into any one of them more than any other, through time but not in any one moment more than any other (combined only).

Step 1 - Figure out what the future will or must be.
Step 2 - Change it to something else.
Step 3 - Explain fully all the paradoxes and inconsistencies in achieving steps 1 and 2.
Step 4 - If you begin to get a big head over achieving 1, 2, and 3, remember how utterly meaningless it is because of (your and other's abilities of) step 2.

To achieve anything worthwhile, people have to be willing to risk everything and stake their reputations on whatever they do. I don't mean gambling for money, that is no achievement even if you win, but to be willing constantly to push the edge of what you believe is possible without fearing failure.

My body and mind are a weird mix nowadays. It is like patching up an 18th century sailing ship with 22nd century technology. It was necessary to keep it together but the result is neither one nor the other, appearing as one thing but under the surface, beneath the deck, something else entirely. It still sails, but the soul is different, changed, and a cross between very different times of different cultures.

Light cones in room scattered across floor moving laterally overlapping each other, time as rising from floor to ceiling, present as water rising from floor to ceiling, volume of air all possibilities outside of individual light cones. Replace places inside light cones with events. The air above the water line is all possible future events of all light cone individual perspectives. Under water (line) is all possible pasts of all possible individual point of views. Now imagine the waterline is only 1 mm deep spreading out like a soap bubble in curved space with what is above from another point of view is simultaneously also below as well at the same time, and time can only be perceived by keeping your line of sight level with the rising waterline, and only while locked into rising at the same place with it. Each moment of the present while rising in step with it, it would seem thinnest, largest and furthest apart and all points above and below it from that points present would seem to be moving away and toward each other in the most distant past and most distant future, yet that is only the past and future of the soap bubble which is always a sphere of the same shape, and the events it moves through are neither only in the future nor in the past, but in both or outside of both, depending on what angle you view them from.

Eating or absorbing the potential of whatever the future could be and shitting out a past, and the only thing that keeps you moving is the wind coming out of your ass.

Summary. Got hit by a car. Could not do math for awhile. Brain began working differently. Could think 4 dimensionally, again. Relearned or found rewired ways of doing math. Began remembering different (possible) futures, time roads. One seemed wider or could see further down it than others. Lead to interesting places and events. (Most of which have already happened, running out of track again, fortunately ;-) Figured WTF, no plans anyway, why not go that way. More preconceived than what I like but time has to become something anyway, in that way at least, that time must be made into something, in that there is no choice. For the moment what is defined, but as always I like the parts that are yet to be defined. More interesting.

News = what someone, governments or corporations, think people should read and therefore what they should be given reason to believe as being the truth or what OUGHT to be considered or believed.

Egg shell (universes need to be outgrown like chickens to egg. 3D universe as a 4D egg shell).

Remote control (people like changing the channels whenever what they are watching becomes predictable and can tell what is going to happen. They watch for a few seconds to a minute, guess if what will happen is something they will want to see (experience) and if not, change the channel. With me, constantly changing channels because everything quickly becomes predictable and don't want to see again and nothing new is ever on. Inevitably sooner or later you will wear out the batteries, and inevitably you end up stuck watching the History Channel)

Empire strikes back game (In the first level, no matter which way you try to go to away from where you are supposed to be you get turned around so it is impossible to leave where you are supposed to be)

I chase whatever no one else knows because those things, if not coming from me, at least do not come from anyone else I might meet.

Patriotism must not be blind patriotism but mixed with self-criticism. If you lose the ability to be self-critical, you give up the ability to become better (and lose sight when you are becoming worse).

Page 75
Parasitism and reverse parasitism - people as parasites feeding off of a larger living ecosystem, planet organism (a) parasite feeding off of sun, parasites in our digestive system needed to digest food, symbiotic relationship with them, everything interlinked yet people foolishly seeing themselves as a head or top of the chain. Humanity outside of its little context is nothing and insignificant. Reverse parasitism, governments, corporations, religions and other organizations which exist only by organizing people to be subordinate to them, yet without people, they have no existence, the ultimate worshipping of false gods, and countries, land worshippers. People need organizations but must exert themselves that the organizations serve them and not they who serve the organizations. Without kings, don't know what to serve, find foolish ideas and greed, no clue how to organize for each others benefit and those in control wish to keep them forever chasing dreams they can sell to them.

Zayre (department store that went out of business. Had a going out of business sale, everything must go. Humanity's future having a going out of business sale, everything marked down, must go by end of year. Buyer's market in potential.)

Anthems - move into an area, after hundreds or a thousand years come up with a song on why God gave it to you and not the people your people displaced or killed to get it, and  (how God wants) to keep it only for your people from now evermore. (probably written before parasitism above)

Chain #8 - one person vs. others to perceive you. Narrow focus vs. wide focus, well defined or spread out (awareness), same with focusing your perception on a single existence's patterns over time needing single lives to connect mosaics of points to each other in a connect-the-dots type drawing and time doubling back to create overlapping patterns, narrow focus on present or wider focus (containing?) more than one possible timeline, multiple presents sharing overlapping pasts and over-lapping futures.

Of all nations, Russia and China have the greatest potentials for advancing freedom (and democracy). For obvious reasons, discount China. Only people who know they are not free can best know what freedom should mean. Those who believe they are the most free are the easiest to enslave for they can be taken further and longer trustingly down the darkest paths.

Every second new universe

Heads, tails, matter of perspective. Moving all else to same side of coin.

All people always do what they want to do, they just don't think of it that way. If there is something they think they want more than what they want to do, following that route instead is what they want to do. The only real way to fail in always doing what you want to do is not thinking about what you want most to do, or not thinking about learning or knowing all the reasons why you do what you do, and why you don't think or believe that you might not be doing what you want to do, though that is impossible unless a remote control is moving your body. I.e., that you have freewill, therefore accept you choose to do what you do, so always have ready reasons why instead of doing them mindlessly or complaining that you are not in control of your own life.

Freedom and an enlightened intelligent society do not always go hand in hand harmoniously. If people are really free to believe whatever they wish, many will choose to believe much illogical twisted shit. That everyone will naturally automatically believe what is "right" or even agree what is "true" is a fantasy. If people to some degree must be lead to believe things for any social cohesion or agreement, it takes pains to keep the notion of freedom from being completely overrun in the process, and the current solution, the illusion of freedom without the substance, is not an answer, only a putting off of trying to reconcile these often conflicting aims and goals (of expectations and organization).

Past provides continuity of purpose and perspective. Future provides hope for change and freedom from (the) past by degrees (which is growth away from the past into something more than which past can ever be. Without that growth, that change, if the present is defined mainly by the past, it is a living death).

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Vestabur a few hundred years ahead. Written but read at the same time, interactive story where future and past came together. Could steer it but had existence bigger than what was written as a video game has sequences you won't see just playing it once to the end.

Anyone who has a goal of helping people to think for themselves (not about themselves) beyond their conditioning or even to get them to just think, ought to remember how much people really hate to be forced to do that.

2nd stick in Omoglatron moving relative to the first (along the equator).

All distances (of an equal distance) away from any point at speed of light are in fact the same place and also a ball in every direction similar to antipoles. Movement parries location, that is how a photon can seemingly be (simultaneously in all points) in a ball away from it (the light source) but collapse itself instantaneously at opposite ends of the universe depending on what it hits first because movement from that original location at that speed = all of those locations at the same time, they are all the same place.

The only real progress made in the last 30 years is the rhetoric about improving the world has improved. If you count hypocrisy as an achievement, solid indisputable gains have been made and are continuing apace.

People believe what they want to believe and merely sift through history to find the "proofs" to justify their wants. Once in power, they make sure opposing "proofs" for other beliefs are discredited, and as much as possible, removed from history, and as opposing ideas. If that is not possible, too many recent facts to remove, the PR machine kicks into overdrive on how such unpleasant unremovable clues are to be interpreted, laws on how they can be discussed, and savage outright ostracism and financial ruin of anyone who may think to voice a dissenting opinion.

(Notions of) reverse evolution (in religions and cults) and original sin and all its offspins.

The Gnostic texts found in the 1940's renews my admiration of the philosophical leaps made by early Christianity, most of which ended up on the cutting room floor as the not-for-general-consumption version. Though what was left in the edited-for-political-
purposes version was interesting, it was not particularly advanced (or challenging), but the early writings in their entirety point to the fact a major dawning of consciousness was occurring which most generations since have lost out on the vitality of its legacy, and left with only a dried out shell. Of its core beliefs, Rome suppressed, and the Jews did not care for to adopt as their own. All that is left is wondering what could have been if not for the politics at the time, censorship, and the need for power and control of the church and the Christian State of the Holy Roman Empire.

Power and freedom are opposite ends of the spectrum. Freedom is people doing whatever they want to do. Power is people doing (only) whatever the one who has it wants them to do. Worse is when people can be made to do things against their own interests, through suggestive manipulation, media control, or outright blackmail with no avenues that care. Until people can be totally manipulated without their knowledge covertly, the middle stage to getting there is the well worn path of secret police who are not so secret, just their methods and the public's lack of ability to keep check on their activities as even knowledge about it is criminal.

Looking back on Towards Tomorrow after everything since, it may seem like second gear compared to later works but even for second gear, I have to say with all modesty, I red-lined that gear fearlessly without a thought to wrecking the transmission. So much of saying things so easily misunderstandable and even likely to be misread, yet as good and  pertinent and needing to be said as it was ballsy. It is harder to follow and a much slower read but proof second gear can be the most fun.

Waiting to be born - the answer given when 5 or 6 on where I was before I was born. The idea of not being able to comprehend there was a time before you existed I still believe is closer to the truth. An Earth, people, etc. existed but the potential of your existence, though not manifested yet to others, exists in some form. Time is a concept only understood book-ended with timelessness for everything is sandwiched between everything else in a circle or a rolodex (circular wheel of tabbed index cards). Events, people, everything, are just actualized at a certain point by certain other events, and no event is the beginning or end of anything else, just of perception of it into and out of (by) new forms and new organizations of experiences.

Only the weak want to always be the best, retire undefeated, and be remembered as the greatest. The strong love to be challenged more than anything, long to meet a worthy adversary who they can rise and improve against, and ultimately meet someone who can beat them.

Newspaper cone of different places ahead squeezed together faster at the speed of light.

As movement "away" seems to be everywhere in a ball as all points 3 dimensionally squeeze into a 1 dimensional line, all points behind become unreachable, any points behind near where one was become more unreachable(?). Static points of single places from our points of view are traded for potential places, gaps of where you were are (become) where you (only) cannot be.

Most people are captive to their notions of the past and who or what their lives are about and staying true to that. There is nothing wrong with that. I am pulled by what I wish to have be in the future which is in many ways a part of my past, but I do not do so blindly. Some parts may have to happen to connect the dots and tie up a few loose ends, but only so that other branches not determined yet can begin in new directions not yet a part of any pasts, not predictable, and that is the path of life, into the unknown, pulled up by hopes of what is most important to achieve, peace in ourselves, peace within ourselves as individuals as well as peace between nations and other groupings. Like it or not, people will soon see the past is little to stand upon and that chair will be pulled out constantly and without warning more and more as we go along and must only look up to where we need to climb, paying less attention to what we are currently resting upon because it will not hold us up anymore, and must constantly be searching out yet higher ground.

Born into a more advanced culture with a stable and just political system, how much could I have developed more? No matter what I achieve or do not, it would have been nice to know how I might have developed if freer to do so. You take the world and time you get and make the best of it you can, yet religion, greed, and power keep the best in the shadows where they know they are safest. (Taoist tallest straightest trees first to be cut down, keep your head low to keep your head.) It would have been nice to have grown under ideal conditions without fear of myself or others as strong as others may be able to in the future if successful.

Understanding how people think to predict and control (psychology)

From political biology to cultural biology

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One good thing that can be said for being human is that you are never a tree, though you are in fact, always a twig. If you think of how you start out as being a small stalk with a few leaves, as you grow your consciousness is always following a small branch which is you at that moment breaking off into smaller and smaller sub-branches, so you are always, at all presents, a little twig. You can imagine the whole tree, but you are never the whole tree. You can follow back mentally the path you took from the ground, your accomplishments which have grown wider, but they are not you anymore, you always were the twig you are. That line you (seemingly) came from (grew out of) is multiples of what was you compounded over time, though you are not the sum of all of them, and will be lucky to gain strength from all of those direct lines back to the ground and try to draw them together always in focus, and kid yourself into believing you are the sum of all of them when you are, in fact, a twig. More representative of you in a way is all the other twigs around you, those same smaller branches (alternate present times) not in a direct line back to the ground from where you are. These non-branches, the other possible yous, other (present) twigs, are more representative of you than the direct line which has now grown so fat it is nothing at all like what you were then, a twig closer to the ground.

This reality sometimes seems like a toy I really wanted once but don't want to play with it anymore. Since I can't have a new one yet, have to find new ways of making this one seem like a new one. Just takes a bit more creativity.

Time travel maze.

The tear between having all people being and behaving as you believe is good, between that and allowing or accepting however people are or want to be that you consider bad or self-destructive. Diversity of morals and behavior is what bothers people the most yet it is the only real diversity which really matters because it can be applicable to any people. The things which can apply to any people, ideology, types of
government or economies, these diversities will not be allowed and (all people will be given or) left with simply ones which cannot be changed, and these (unchangeable things) heralded as championing and celebrating diversity. Yet diversity in choice of how you define morality and civilization, as well as its goals or purpose, that is the diversity which matters most (and that will be the first to whither and die).

Religions or quasi-religions which I call personality cults based upon the teachings of one person are limited in that they are about how best to praise and build up that person. That is where your meaning is to be found, a supplicant position quite in line with how to be the best citizen, to defer to authority and find your purpose and meaning in the service of promoting that pre-existing organization, not to be original, not to equal or surpass, merely how to validate pre-existing order and suppositions.

Trinity - Competing (opposed), complimentary (alongside), and the same (unity not perceived, existence defining each other united in that purpose of creating those events in time).

Many to most Christians pretty much downplay the Old Testament and the angry nasty vengeful jealous God therein. In ways not really admitted, Christianity is a philosophically deeper break with Judaism than is Islam, but because Jews and Christians are Westernized, sharing a common culture outside of religion, the differences between Jews and Moslems, which are numerous and deep also, seem more pronounced because of territorial conflicts and cultural differences as European vs. Middle Eastern. The core of Christianity is a much more fundamental break with the past and the Old Testament's ideas.

Also three, away, alongside, and toward though toward and away same in curved environments.

Since I start with the assumption that life itself is inexplicably weird, everything surprises me equally, and nothing can surprise me.

Growth, improvement, change vs. stability, continuity. Yoshoe vs.Yoshomee. One yet factionalized. The problem is not encouraging growth and change, that is intrinsic to people's understanding and how they think. It is growing toward what, whose plan for the larger combined organism  of society to grow into. When everyone disagrees, new organisms form. When one imposes their beliefs onto others, they grow bigger and are a bigger threat to others which used to be equal in size.

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The best revolution will be when people do what Elvis did, take aim and shoot their TVs. Read as many different opinions in different newspapers when owned by competing interests (if ever) instead, and always even then trying to read between the lines on what views they are promoting, who stands to benefit, and who is paying their paychecks (above and below the table years later).

Real 2D - To understand 2D with gravity, imagine having to go to the bathroom and organize your things in a room only as thick are you are, about 8 inches, so you can't turn around. Also pick a direction to keep facing, left or right, because you won't be able to turn your head, but you will get a longer neck and the ability to twist your body to see what is on the other side upside down. Also needing only 1 eye, 2 not possible. We really can't organize ourselves in an environment like that without imagining being able to step out of that room and look into it from another perspective. That would be one others if grown in such an environment could not imagine. Now imagine how limiting our environment would seem to another Universe of 4D. It would be like being sandwiched between the walls of the bathroom (described above), bedroom, every room for us in a 2D plus gravity world. Also 2 legs would not be good as sex in such a room would be impossible for most women and practically all men. Everyone would need to be as flexible as gymnasts to get it together if having 2 legs. Note the hints on different anatomy possible in 4D not possible in 3D.

Every month my mind grows more multi-dimensionally in my reasoning. How more and more people's lives fit together and overlap becomes more and more simple to understand. Even the patterns of rising and falling civilizations becomes logical and predictable. Perceiving through matter, peoples lives, processes, and time.

The China Question is like a Zen question or the test Kirk passed to become Captain. It cannot be dealt with satisfactorily without stepping outside the parameters of the arguments when all approaches within traditional ways of things are designed to fail. More flexible thinking required.

Some people can't accept perfect peace because they are haunted by what they have done, some because of what they feel they ought to do and are still restless. I made peace with my ego, accepting and even preferring not to do anything myself, and was angered that this was not for me. The hardest thing for me should have been the last.

Dimensions, triplanes, timelines, movements through.

Seeing objects inverted.

Whether reanimated or just reinvigorated with combined purpose, the pages of one book can be stuck to the pages of another book and the stories intermix and affect each other interplaying. Future, past, and sides overlap.

When organisms get close enough, the lines between them can blur and begin to function as one. Only competing aims and the loss of one can interrupt until they go separate ways down different tracks.

Anyone who searches for truth inevitably brushes against their society against the grain for all societies through what they wish people to believe, have a narrower definition of truth than those who simply want to know and see things as they really are or may be, regardless of who doesn't want them to know or how they wish to sugar-coat the "truth" to benefit their interests or promote that culture or set of beliefs.

My approach to time theories is much more hands-on than theoretical yet I need theorizing to sort it out. Why warn myself about things which must occur? If they do not need to occur, how can I know them beforehand? If everything always occurs but in different realities, how can it make any difference in which realities they occur or do not occur in? In what extent do others' realities affect ones own other than directly? Does one have ultimately any responsibilities to try to improve others' realities when you in a sense do so only by using their own abilities to improve their lives and are only being used by them for that purpose? Do you make such purposes or do those purposes make you?

Levels of understanding must be added to constantly like layers of skin, each pushing the previous ones upwards to gain perspective on previous ones. This makes all attempts at conditioning like tattoos which must build themselves into the new ones. At that point they can become visible and chosen to be copied or disappear and fade like cuts or scars over time.

With criminals and governments, their power comes from the threat and the ability to take from you whatever you hold dear, property, family, income, etc. The early Christians while valuing literally nothing in this world were fairly un-coercible. Make no mistake about it, they did not win. Only the conformists and materialists survived. What is left is organizations like any other although often less threatening, yet
protecting usually only those complying letting others threats benefit them.

The thing about social organization in general is that everyone accepts that though they are not happy with its complete domination over them vis-a-vie thousands of unwritten rules for behavior, no one ever questions that it must or will always be that way. Only the truly masochistic would be happy with societies that expect clearly defined (spelled out for them) behavior in almost all respects from birth to death. (Monomania in the extreme.)

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2 Paths - More alike by greater conditioning or instead by less ability (more individual control, greater immunity) for conditioning to take hold, more cultural and behavioral freedom and flexibility (cultural skepticism) making more alike outside of cultural conditioning, more grounded and less grafting of ideas onto natural tendencies.

Pictures - line delineated and lines of non-delineation. (Higher dimensional splatted.)(Some (lines) apply in a given reality, some connect above-like.)(Same with sculptures or 3D objects, seeing some borders as more delineating than others.)(Parts overlap in an other dimensional sense.) Event based views (connect and) delineation between objects, shapes, fluid and changeable over time.

Strong well-rooted self, unique inspired opinions or well-grafted societal opinions, and the insight and strength to tell which from which. All ones own opinions must come together as a mixture of what one is exposed to, what to accept and what to reject, and the more central one becomes, the more strongly lobbied. All points of view one has to some degree can be unique but that uniqueness is rarely asserted or allowed to freely take its own shape once others see that shape as affecting their interests. Some points of view which could be awesomely deep and inspiring are uprooted and patched over to suit those who can. The more certain peoples opinions are valued over others, the more the push of others to make that persons opinions reflect their own.

Real freedom for the West, real democracy for Russia, and religious tolerance and renaissance in China, and universal literacy with free e-books or free libraries easily accessible for all in every country. A modest start.

Time thumbnails fractally expanding.

Finger of one hand tapping the other.

Dick in ball instead of hand. Reversing.

Humanity's only 4 choices - Unite somehow loose or strong but enough to grow as one, or civil war (human vs. human) with each other endlessly, or genocidal purges periodically wiping away, enslaving, or marginalizing alternate groups, or extinction. (I prefer choice number 1, governments number 2, hate groups, xenophobes, and bigots, number 3, and everybody seemingly agrees against number 4 yet that is the most likely without 1 or 3. Number 2 always will lead to number 4 eventually, sooner than later.)

Increased speed, larger umbrella away as with greater distance in curved space.

Everything that exists, everything that you experience or can, exists to make you wiser and to shape your own individual opinions and interpretations of them if you can, know how, and are permitted to do so.

Some people are just born long distance trekkers and will always seek out the limits on where and what they can be and what they are allowed by Man or God to know. Those who are not, those who accept limits of things in this reality without questioning them, will never understand my type, and being now the majority, will always be hostile if asked by those with power over them. Then again, those types will react the opposite if asked by those with power over them. To those who seek finding the limits to and of knowledge, those with power over them are merely an obstacle, a challenge to overcome, something to make the search more interesting and the journey longer. That the limits are self-imposed as well as the obstacles, it does not matter so long as you keep yourself blind to this one fact that is always indisputable, and may be the only thing indisputable. Still, it is better to think you have something to do or accomplish than to think there is no point, but each must realize that the choice of what to think they ought to do with their lives is entirely their own, or there is no point to their reality. Those who attempt to take that choice from others are only removing it from themselves, and making others suffer is to make yourself suffer once you awaken enough to realize that. Whenever anyone tries to tell you that you can only be this or you can only know that, just say "whatever dude" until they go away. Sooner or later, (for you or historically speaking) they always will.

Inverse cube (shape I can't remember the name of) representing space, 8 tetrahedrons, all 4 corners of each 90 degrees. All outer (sides) = (a) 2D plane. All 1D points = 2D planes at different rotational speeds.

Most illuminating

People interact with totems as (much as) with each other. These totems, false faces are their perceived status, position, and future potential. That time dimension they think matters and impresses more than what they currently are, and while everyone else thinks that bullshit too, it does. I am lucky to have an inexplicably complicated past and pretty much no future potential, so I have for so long have had to just be what I am and leave all that social maneuvering and considerations as inapplicable to my situation. It is a freedom more than a curse, and a better perspective.

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In a curved environment 2D to 3D (ball) or 3D to 4D, all triangles when viewed from center are 60 degrees but as you approach the corners spread to 90 degrees. Easy to show on a computer simulation of a 2D surface of a 3D globe (and found in illustrations in physics books) with movement across. Same with tetrahedrons to show cube angles (90 degrees) when nearing corners. With 8 tetrahedrons, (it is) easy to understand. With 6 (5 sided) pyramids, (is) more difficult (outer cube pyramid bases would = the 2D plane instead of the 8 outer edges of the 8 tetrahedrons).

If an object moving in a direct line away from you (at the speed of light) at an exact moment in time's location equals all points on a (curved) plane (into a ball shape) away from you at all (equal) distances away from you like an antipole, (being) one location and every possible location an equal distance away, only objects moving through space at an equal speed in every possible direction as you can move in, (only then) can (it) have exact single locations in both time and space relative to your point of view and movement. Because gravity simulates movement, this also complicates things as each objects existence in and movement through gravity fields would have to be equal, otherwise each unit of time would equal more than one possible location for that object from your point of view (not only for speed of light but more extreme at that speed) (distance plotted relative to your location with a curvature margin of error of multiple places existing in or distortion of shapes), or each possible location would seem to exist in a multiple of timeframes at once depending on movements away from you and gravitational differences. Curved environments makes times and locations reverse fish-eyed lens-like either the further they are away from you, or relative to movements away from you in any possible direction away from you, as well as gravitational differences.

Most peoples' minds work like magnets, all pointing in the same direction, perceiving events in the same linear way and think this is, if not the only way to perceive things, it is the only correct way. My mind can perceive time as linear, yet also understand non-linear time concepts, sideways and backward time-like means of organization. Where most peoples' time perception is like a compass always pointing north, I have many different compasses, each for different purposes, yet remember which way is north according to others. That compass is not lost for me, yet it is not always the best indicator of what is going on. Other compasses sometimes show more pertinent patterns.

It is best to think of higher levels of consciousness as guarded by really stupid doormen. If you can think of a really really good clever bluff on why you belong in there, he will buy it and let you in. The thing is, you only have to convince yourself. That can be easy or hard depending on how you think of yourself.

At a certain level of understanding, it is easy to get completely disinterested in this reality. You can see where the limits are of your influence in every possible reality, what you can change and what you cannot. At that point you become like a worker in a factory, just putting in the time, saying what you are expected to say, doing what you are expected to do, not because you can imagine nothing else, but because sooner or later you have to pick a direction for the future. After that, your choices are limited to what is along the way in that general direction. More predetermined, less choice, but further in reach in a given direction which matters less to you because you know it too well, and set your sights beyond it.

Groups forming to gain more control over their lives, seemingly gaining it only to lose it a different way. New groups forming to gain more control over their lives, seemingly gaining it only to lose it a different way. Infinitely repeat. Whenever something is written down, there are innumerable ways of getting around it and the race is on to find loopholes, gaps, or new ways of getting people to do only what you want them to do. Broad principles of human and civil rights become selectively enforced and new orders, new rules sometimes not even written down become the new rules of the game. Constitutions cannot weather the onslaught desires of others to control others and quickly become moot for whatever one could not think of to guard against, someone else will find a new way to exploit that and make everyone only able to behave as they wish and make all written rights meaningless. Freedom in any sense is provisional only while on the move or in motion. Once you rest, once you think you have it, it is already as good as lost. The desire to control others is in everyone and some will always have abilities more than others to achieve it. That push will never go away or lessen, so the counter push to constantly search how your freedoms are being undermined and gains unknowingly stripped away must also be a constant force just to keep them steady or intact. Conflicts only develop when those with power are too ignorant of the rules of the game. Give people what they demand, find a way to make it worthless. Give people what they demand, find a way to make it worthless. Infinitely repeat.

Events as waves, broken into objects, broken into you. You carry around copies of your events with you, objects where events took place, other people, also retain copies of events from different perspectives.

Until something exists or happens, it has no single existence over any other possible way it might have happened. After it occurs, it has no existence at all. Records are not the event, but are new events copied of the old event in a different form serving different purposes.

Time's walls will fall soon or be meaningless. I am learning to be on both sides at once.

Everyone and everything is an invention of everyone and everything else to be or give them what they cannot be or obtain by themselves. Experiences.

I wonder if those Christian religions which use the Old Testament so much consider there is little proof that Jesus believed much or any of it to be true. Makes the whole being killed for being a heretic thing make more sense, especially considering as a religious teacher he never if at all referred to it, especially not how some Christian ministers can't get enough of the whole fire, brimstone, hell, and the devil references. It seems Jesus had more positive pertinent things to talk about. It gave the necessary backstory to a new religion which was pretty thin. What did Jesus say about this? He didn't, but he probably believed this. What did Jesus say about this? Also no clue, must have believed this, and on and on and on.

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I consider myself a Christian because I like a lot of what Jesus said, or whoever made it up and it got attributed to him. I consider myself a Buddhist because I like a lot of what he said, or whoever made it up and it got attributed to him. I consider myself a Taoist because I like a lot of what Lao Tsu said, or whoever made it up and it got attributed to him. Those who think what we have is all they said or the best or the most representative think whatever happens or whatever they get was meant to be. A lot of famous people even today with really good recordkeeping have what they want people to think ignored, get stuff attributed to them which they did not say, yet everyone believes they said it, and a lot gets forgotten. Multiply that over thousands of years and many translations over different and evolving languages. You have to wonder if what survives is so good, what else they might have said which has been forgotten or lost over time. Then again, that can be a plus. I bet if they had too much wine, they might have said some things they probably would not have wanted everyone to hold as gospel thousands of years later. There are unfortunately upsides to selective recordkeeping occasionally.

Identity only as defined by events, by the people whom you might possibly meet, and potential interactions with and in regards/relation to their existences.

People think you can understand the Universe and explain everything via one timeline and one definite reality. This is perceptual. It is a lake, but calling the surface of the lake you see in front of you, and think that surface is the whole lake. If that plane is the lake, then imagine many lakes beneath it stacked. The real lake would be all of those "surface" lakes crisscrossing in ways you cannot imagine seeing it only as a 2D sheets. The same with a 3D plus time universe, you must see that as only as the surface of the lake crisscrossing in ways you cannot imagine viewing only one timeline as real. Since I try to know the whole lake at once, all possible timelines, I still pay attention to the surface, but know that surface is not what I seek to understand and instead focus on how to think in terms of the whole lake I can still even yet only see parts of it at once, though gradually finding new organizations or ways to understand or relate to "depth" dimensional ideas as well, which I am beginning to comprehend.

If you were going to be most people in the future, what would you want your lives to be like? That is how people ought to think to create that future, for one way or another you will know it, and if you make it worse for others, if there is any justice, you will have to suffer it with each of them.

No one should ever seek or find an explanation for what they are completely within others' words, explanations, or models for what a person or life is or is about. Each life is unique and all else exists to figure out that uniqueness and how best it can contribute to whatever else through expression of that uniqueness, never through mindless conformity. That is a denial of life. If who you are is to hide or run away from who you are, most societies could not love you more, but some will occasionally give you time to figure out who that is. Taking advantage of that opportunity is up to you. That uniqueness is not found in your life, that uniqueness **IS** your life and all events within it equally.

Held or suspended locked in place in time by the rings of the future moving (spinning) in one direction, the past spinning counter, and the sides also moving opposing each other, yet all those circles within a greater circle encompassing them all.

Some people think if someone is willing to turn down tons of money, power, and influence for something, that means they might do something bad to achieve it as well. Those people think all are motivated as they are and not having things can be a source of motivation for all.

Add one more dimension than what beings perceive and it can be difficult for them to imagine as it would mean stacked worlds of all their perceivable dimensions at once and be difficult to see how one could move through it/them. Add two extra physical dimensions and there would be almost nothing their experiences could relate to movement or location at all conceptually speaking. Fully understanding one more makes it technically possible, but you would have to be willing to leave or put aside temporarily almost all of your preconceptions of where, when, and what you are or might be.

Ice (plane) tilted at angle, fast (when in?) movement (adapting?) as necessary to keep moving in (illegible).

The furthest in every point away from the antipole (in a) circle, ball, or hypersphere is also within the middle spot of every point you measure way from and all else curves outward from that point in two directions at once, one way you can perceive in or with time and space, the other blurrily.

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Horizontal point within objects, circle (ball) in ball (halfway), inverse of cube in cube representing shape inverted internally and externally representing curved space outside that object in regular solids.

It seems ridiculous based upon logical empirical evidence that humanity will ever be worth a damn or evolve enough to understand shit. Then again, what evidence there is is as inexplicable as where life comes from itself. What is existence but to deal with what is before you and make into whatever you think it should be? However far fetched or impossible it might seem to achieve is possibly no less far-fetched as your own existence, and both for the same reason, both to do and both to be done to. Only a fool would let it go without giving it a try.

The future and the past flow into each other from different directions passing through each other in the present. Your sense of identity is comprised of both, who or how you think you were, and who or how you think you might become.

Impatience is always what *ucks up appreciating the present. The present may never be ideal and ought to be worked against, but that said, impatience can rob one of appreciating the present if not believing it will be improved upon, and must happen immediately or it might not improve. If knowing good things are in motion, and that is a pretty big if, try to pause and appreciate what is for it has its place too in the scheme of things and ought to be given its full appreciation for having been while it still is, even when replaced by something better.

The older you get, the more diverse cultures and mindsets you assimilate, the less you are bound, determined, and defined by the year and place you were born, as a typical generation XYZ'er pretty much thinking alike enough that the statistical differences are minimal and easily generalized.

Memos of with for another

To gain not only an outside perspective upon your life, the universe itself, and even of life itself is meaningless as others care not to see beyond their own noses and circumstances. It is best not to care because people prefer ignorance over all else, and the myth of societies teaching people to grow beyond what they are is a sham. They make mental robots on assembly lines.

Death as a concept is something people understand as little about today as they did 50,000 years ago and are just as superstitious about it as ever.

Effects only, actions creating them are irrelevant.

Caring more about future organizations than present ones does not pay very well.

Identifying yourself by, in, and through everyone's desires to achieve, be, or experience anything equally. To be is to want to do. And to sympathize all the more when even their simplest most modest dreams are limited, frustrated, or obliterated. That is worse than even their deaths. Killing their hopes and dreams can be to kill life itself more than just individuals, and justice is finding ways to make the most overlapping non-mutually exclusive ones to one day be realized for one and for all.

People join organizational structures, giving up some control over their time and their lives thinking if they move up the ranks, if they reach the top, they can use that structure to improve things more than they could without it. However, structures exist so that those who can reach the top are the most controlled and those with the least will to change and improve anything, and have had their very souls stripped away layer by layer to reach the top. The point: never compromise any step toward the top or who you would be when you get there will not be you, and if that gets you nowhere, at least you can be or die your own man. Other options may come one day that value what you have to offer that is who you are, that is a possibility, if not always an actualized one.

How I am thought of in the future, if at all, is meaningless and completely irrelevant to me. Unless you are willing to risk your reputation constantly to advance what you believe is right and most important for all, that reputation, if positive, was undeserved.

I believed the bullshit that I was in control. I thought I could ride out eternity without having to convert any of my potential into actual events. When you begin to see things collapsing around you across timelines, you cease wanting to hold onto chips you always told yourself you didn't value, knowing if they are not cashed in soon, they really will have no value, have been pointless, and ultimate unreal if not spent or cashed in. More knowledge with compassion means less control. Less knowledge or less compassion equals more control.

Topology of curved multidimensional spaces including time.

One can concentrate on prolonging certain ethnic peoples survival or on certain cultures survival. Fortunately both are evolving and I find neither in any group particularly appealing other than biological predispositions and cultural conditioning, which have become less important than the commonalties.

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I think that understanding why people behave as they do in groups versus outside groups is easier if you do away with the PR assumption that people are inherently or naturally good. They have the capacity to do good or be good but that needs to be cultivated in almost rarified environmental conditions. Without that, their worst tendencies and instincts will always be rewarded and therefore developed. Governments and religions foster hypocritical behavior far more than moral behavior with the promotion of their own organizations always as the justification for anything which otherwise would be immoral, the greater good above all else, including morality. All people need is a wink and a sign from those in authority that "I won't tell if you don't", that the recordkeeping can be temporarily turned off, and their true selves are revealed. Some people are what they pretend or think they are. Most are would-be monsters if given the opportunity to take whatever they want from those who cannot defend it, and societies beneath the veil are the same on subtler yet overarching levels which people are purposely and willfully themselves blinded to. People do not need to be conned or manipulated to say screw the other guy, my life and desires count more than anyone or anything else. That is their natural state and when those "moral" religious groups say that is really ok, God says its ok to *uck the rest of the world to get what you want, most would naturally say "You don't have to ask me twice, I'm in!" Even when we know we are being lied to by authorities, if what we are told benefits us, we rarely if ever would dare to question it, keep quiet, forget to think about what we are forgetting, and quietly reap the benefits.

All actualized past EVENTS of everyone and everything equals ones identity. All perceived potential future EVENTS peaks of all perceived (existing or) potential beings equals ones identity. One set of events is what you are standing on dimensionally speaking. Forget the gravity analogy, standing (as in) locked into a 3D slice. The other set of events is what you think that is moving toward, i.e. direction, but since direction is inapplicable in a closed (curved) environment, which direction it is spinning (in a multidimensional sense, not left/right) compared to how you wish it to spin.

#1 sacrosanct rule of all government policies, initiatives, and directives, "If it isn't mandatory, it doesn't mean shit."

Redefining everything in terms of events and potential of events. Forget things. Things are only sets of interactions between things and between (within) themselves over, and requiring, units of time. (made of time).

Countless examples of doublethink in religion, politics, sex, civil rights, etc. Human reasoning isn't reasoning. It is circuitous routes designed to confuse and lead nowhere, keeping peoples' minds occupied and grow enough to be useful, but never pointed anywhere but in circles of faulted and even nonsensical "logic".

While in existence, you are a part of others externalized in essence but internalized still through experience. Out of existence, you are in others more in essence though less through interaction with.

Enlightened, same as anyone but context is very different. (Though very different than what? Few past historical references tip of iceberg, and future potential variations open-ended and unlimited of types.)

Seeing under the skin-deep aspects of 3D objects both by time or outside 3D speaking.

Biological time event expectations of experiences, innate predispositional expectations of (for) experiences to be organized around, perceptual templates.

The real boundaries of what you are, can be, or do are affected by others, what they need and how differing directions must mesh somehow. Everything approaches each second like trains all charging toward each other. Every second after is what survived, what was changed, and what new directions those collisions have set everything on now, only to recollide again and again and again.

For me now, my life pretty much started between 3 1/2 and 4 years old. I can't remember further back than that. What was positive about that time was there was not a lot of difference or lag time between thinking about something and doing it. Everything was pretty much about the moment. Anything which could not be gotten fairly immediately, if complaining about it eventually (that could take awhile, I was a good complainer) went nowhere, I would pretty much instantly move on completely to something else. Doing and thinking were pretty much the same thing always in sync, and even just thinking about something was in someways a lot of activity. Most memories of specific events of those very early times are copies of copies, remembering what was remembered at later stages as late as 6 years old, but how I viewed things and was day to day in general are more direct memories. The attitude still comes through.

Biology and biological drives define how and why you interpret events and experiences, as well as what purposes you hope to achieve through them or through the processing of them. The propagation of something, yourself, others, ideas, values, or organizations, motivates and therefore provides the context in how events are interpreted. Whether you believe what survives and grows (increases) should, and what shouldn't, decreases or lessens in importance, appeal, or strength. If gone, (people or a society) merely searches out some new "other" to destroy or turn against (which was previously) now a part of "us" or what we previously thought good enough to promote or advance. Find a new alien to define ourselves in opposition to, for the purpose of remaking them into something else.

A goal which required understanding multiple dimensions across multiple timelines from multiple individuals points of view. In short, how just about everything one can imagine about the universe fits together. Not optional. Required. And soon. Perspective-wise, unification theorists are like children playing with toy blocks (of a single 3D universe or timeline), where I must figure how multiple overlapping 3D closed spaces or universes fit together by playing with tesseracts (comparatively speaking in terms of goals only, I don't have any real tesseracts to play with, though physicists could really play with blocks if they really wanted to :-)

The (long term) future of humanity is not that important to me. People in the near future deserve a better chance at being good and doing good and controlling their own lives than those running the world now care to give them, and that is all I focus on. Each new generation must be as free to trash the world and do bad things as the one before them could. Giving them a good reason not to is the best we can do for them. Providing that for them is for me a means to an end and payment for a future debt to some yet to be. (That is a good way to view it, we owe certain things and on the whole "more" to those who have yet to be, and less to those who and that which were).

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Twig thing branches (twigs) determine which tree branches stem from it in conjunction with input from (the) whole tree on where needed.

Matter, invert, move, reconstitute

Things more valuable than power, wealth, and weapons people (still yet) cannot really understand. To them as this universe seems to be defined, they can easily think and say there is nothing more valuable than power, wealth, and weapons, or what leads to having them. Biological droids through and through. That things are bigger many worship without understanding and others use that worship to gain wealth and power over them, with the highest in the hierarchy, the richest and/or most powerful, separated from it the most.

Allegories are useful. All is allegorical in many or all respects. Gnostic ideas of spirit allegorical other than true. Yet what is useful is what is life, as life is by and how what is used. The memories of how it was used.

Combining two center-out presents, not uniting alongside over time with tandem movement but both center-out from all times into all pasts and presents from both points of view at once, and then everything along all other paths, peoples, and timelines exists in-between them folded neatly into one place at one time.

That nothing is and nothing isn't

Arms, legs, weird.

Bursting double bubbles

I can't even count all the laws, limits, and circumstances on who is allowed to say what to whom and when, all to control what people are allowed to know or think about. If people do become telepathic, it mostly would be in response to this attempt to utterly dominate what they are allowed to know or think about.

Go there, do that. That will (give) make you think of something else to do. Then go there, then do that. I am just aware of when and what a bit further ahead than most but locked in as everyone else. The "why" for me needs to be bigger to get me to do anything, but is the same as anything else which motivates anyone else, just more externally directed in purpose (than with most).

Interactions across various distances at various speeds equals differing rates of different webs of causality.

A single global multinational corporation has more control and influence than the United Nations. The UN has about as much control over things as a substitute teacher in an inner-city ghetto where all the students are armed.

The stronger peoples' beliefs are, the longer they have had them, the more integrated they are into different aspects of their lives and relationships with others, it is like an object moving faster. It takes more time frames, longer, to change direction even when they see and know they are wrong, or leading them toward disaster. If those beliefs are so firmly a part of their identities, they will close their eyes to anything which might make them reevaluate the possibility they might be wrong, push it out of mind, and brace themselves for the tragic results they believe are unavoidable, because they are without the ability to rethink or question what is to them unquestionable. With more time or if they can be taught to slow down faster, they could adjust courses to miss collisions more quickly.

Everything in the Universe is under the momentum of events. Ideas of self, what they are, what they want, all set up to include them and all they can be, see, and know. Can only alter courses along preset prescribed ways or directions. I contemplate dead stop, reset button, where any direction of anything becomes possible. Direction is not only physical dimensions, but (also) tracks of events which are probable because of how the board is set and the pieces senses of identity, goals, and purposes.

Ring spinning around globe, 3D bubble spinning around hypersphere

Flying around an object (in 3D space)

Reverse field view, soccer, hand ball (undoubled up)

Running on a ball, stopping, turning.

Seeing from age distances.

Future reverse time- one definite future, many possible pasts leading up to it.

Inverse, mirror, reverse, all most (definitive?) multidimensional concepts when including time, (it) cover(s) all dimensional bases at once.

Moving vs. stopping, potentials are inverses of the other's type of potential. One (is) of distance, the other of possible directions.

Globe ring pivots opposite you, from other point of view from another out from there, mirror opposite of (where?) from you.

Just as everything outside yourself is an externalization of yourself in regards to the potential for experience (of it) and interaction with it in the time definition of yourself or what it means to be you, so too are you internalized within everyone you might meet in regards to their times events to define themselves through experiences with you.

Outwards from you is out from within to them, outwards from them is from within to without from inside of you. Experience makes one think the opposite. You must learn to constantly switch perspective so that both inner to outer are synonymous from a viewpoint beyond both. Combining all reference points (away from) at once is to see beyond being just you (from only a single perspective in space and time).

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I now have an entire tool-set of different concepts for understanding and organizing multiple dimensions of 3D space and multiple dimensions of time. What to build with them? What need was there in gathering them all together? Times ;-) will tell.

Brainists think a consciousness or mind exists in their brains, transplant the brain and you transplant the consciousness. Your brain is merely a processor for your consciousness which is made up of every living cell in your body which is aware of every other, even if you as a whole are not. Your consciousness is a composite sum, the aggregate of all that you are and the experiences of each part felt and known by all other parts on levels you may not think of consciously, but on all levels throughout, you know. They (brainists) simply everything down to a single organ, but now the brain instead of the heart is "you". They think that "self" can be defined by and fit in a box behind their eyes. Though the heart may be less integrated directly with thought (though no less necessary), at least that (prior) movement of focus of the self beyond the obvious head more to the center of the unit as a whole can be thought to be a more advanced concept or at least a step in the right direction (than those who think their brains are themselves).

Religions often get people to believe mutually exclusive facts to fry their ability to reason on their own. Once their minds are riddled with these inconsistencies, they are pliant and even needy of "advice" from their churches to work their way through a mental labyrinth that advances because it is a puzzle not intended to ever be solved, merely to intrigue and entrap by promising solutions (to its own inconsistencies) it cannot deliver or would lose its power over others if it ever did deliver them. If I instead used the word "cults", most would agree outside of those cults if theirs was not named, but could accept it in regards to how other cults operated. To imply that older religions found this formula worked better to keep them around long ago, and it merely has been institutionalized to such a degree that it cannot be thought to apply to them, would bother some. What works is no accident, however it was come across. Confuse the hell out them with contradictory ideas, then convince them if they stick around long enough, you will make it clear for them to understand it all one day, and you've got them dead to rights.

It is best to view your body not as a collection of objects or physical parts but as an interconnected field. When I wrote about the mirror symmetry of the human body, it was clear to me because a damaged (crushed) toenail that was forced to separate on an S-shaped curve. When the one on the opposite foot undamaged began to separate in an exact reversed S-shape so that side by side, no one could not see the mirror symmetry of what was happening, shows that the parts are interconnected and adapt to all other parts. It is ridiculous to think that all of this is controlled in one place, the brain, which must approve of all actions of the body like a dictator rules a country. The field covers all parts and the brain is just another pattern within it which adapts to its pattern as well. In other words, the whole system is conscious of itself and the brain is merely another necessary part within it and ultimately subservient to it as well. Its control is simply a matter of perspective.

Universe Inc, ball a through plane, big bang to big crunch (4D version of ball through a plane as is universe inc. a 3D ball through a 2D plane with time), just passing through.

Take a human out of time to study it. Oops, can't, it is a process which changes shape and form over time and cannot be understood unless as a successions of times sequentially. Take a human out of its environment to study it. Oops, you can't. A human is so intertwined with its environment, without air, heat, moisture, it will die. Keep the environment but study it separate from others of its kind. Oops, you can't do that either, though getting closer. People are defined by their interactions over time within their environments in how they relate to it and others of their kind, their social environments. These interactions are that person as much as, no more, than their physical forms at any given point in time. If life is an experience, a series of moments (which cannot stand apart from others moments) defined by interactions requiring an external environment and others to interact with, it is best viewed as a closed system which can be seen from within the individual, or outside the individual also within the system, or the system as a whole with the individuals and all else within the environments as essentially the same thing, different parts, yet distinguishable only from their own points of view. When you take a time view over a physical view of reality, micro-events, not particles, are the building blocks of all else, and all else is made up of the sums of these events combined, not the sums of matter. Everything becomes event distances away.

Colonization by proxy, slavery by proxy, the Atlantic case, resources, old days, settle, defend.

Unity, flaws read, reputation USA, future rights

Q-space - TARDIS (from a BBC show about a Dr., I forget his name :-o) on a ball

Mantra of governments including so-called democracies, of the 21st century: If people can't see it or read about it, it isn't there. The Control-The-Information Age. The only crime (governments can be guilty of) is when their strings are showing.

2 tweezers interlocked at right angles. From (inside) the middle "square", face one direction and see (a) pattern up/down, left/right, turn around and see the same pattern with up/down now left/right and left/right now up/down.

No history, memories are not real even when they are your own and fairly accurate. The past, even a moment ago is always gone. They are merely to give an order, define the present in a context, as a continuation of something, and (to) make what happens next predictable, logical, and serve some seeming purpose which can only be seen as a pattern connecting many times and many people.

Two glasses, pour, merge streams, experience.

If perspective, mix and match.

Two things are constant about people. One is that they will never cease trying to find new ways of killing each other. The other is that they will never allow any person or organization to impede them from doing so.

Unless there is a major paradigm shift, soon it seems events will bring more destruction than all other wars combined. Experience tells me time is short and the need to alter course is imminent now.

Time folds.

Wind-leave people - when leaders believe (their) creationist myths as

Planet-comet collision, seeing future unalterable events as having already occurred.

Timeline synchronizing events.

All biology is about breeding. All organizations (churches, corporations, types of government, ideologies, economic systems) are about growing. Everything made up of living things is about becoming its own environment and remaking all else into food for itself to grow bigger and more dominant, and to survive at all costs. Reorganizations happen only when allowed or when necessary.

Criminalized, prices, demand, criminals, criticism.

Wanting to achieve something, wanting to be remembered equally pressures to act upon ones environment, wanting something from it in terms of others. (to gain more existence through their existences, experiences, and life's events.)

Multidimensional connections between all living things below the surface and (individual) beings, just islands above an imaginary perceived water line.

The more time between when something did or didn't happen, the less difference it makes as bumps smooth out and different streams of events merge and flow as one, where the differences disperse (away) from only in the center of your here and now, actual as well as perceptual as both (are) the center of distortion and what it distorts around, as a bubble of seeming variability in otherwise total predictability.

Don't fight change and don't be afraid of it, and you can never go wrong or be disappointed. Whether you want or like what is going to happen, it won't last, will be replaced by the opposite, only be replaced again.

What is good and bad about a formless definition-defying concept such as "God" is that it means different things to different people. That is good because it allows for creatively individual expression and interpretation, and religious growth and freedom. What is bad about that is it is so easy for the dumbest (and) most arrogant to put words into others mouths and minds by saying they speak for others (or worse, say they speak for God) when they say what God is or wants, or wants people to behave, and that those who believe in God would agree with them. Most would not push their definitions on others and treat those who dare say what God would want or expect, they give these audacious people the benefit of the doubt that they speak with authority of that which they believe, and surrender the right to define God for themselves and to be able to defend that notion.

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Give a group of people a cure for every possible disease and inevitably they will either try to patent it or find some other way to sell it only to the most wealthy, or inoculate their group and release every possible plague on everyone else not immune. People are beyond help at the moment. Whatever you give them, no matter how good, they will find a way to turn it into a weapon or a means of gaining power and control over others. (They can't even imagine a good reason not to try to control it to use it to try to get wealth or power, even when, no, ESPECIALLY WHEN it could save many lives or when many people might not survive without it! Nothing damns this species more or shows it in a truer light that that fact!!!). Nothing but vicious animals beneath the surface trying to control what all others need to survive, and religions, the supposed bastions of morality often only make the greed and hatred more organized and the haters and thieves less apologetic for their actions, because they only do it for the sake of or glory of God, they tell themselves, or by His graces, since he is not stopping them, yet.

Lasting peace is not good for the weapons industry or countries whose economies and position are dependent upon them. Pet monsters must be constantly fed or you will be their next meal.

Money and the need for it to survive, makes people behave in ways they otherwise wouldn't giving those who have it power over them, and often to behave in ways they are debased and will feel disgraced afterwards. And this is not the exception, it is the rule and (this situation) rules. What people would only do for great sums of money is usually what ought not to be done at all.

Conservatives make people believe the past was better than it was to keep the future from becoming what it could be, and themselves in control of it by wanting the future to resemble the past that made them rich, and seek freezing everything from progressing as the best means to maintain control over everyone else.

Vestabur, full version not written, he overcomes one by one all vices. One could see it a different way. He persevered every time he won only to find something new to overcome instead of quitting while he was ahead, creating on another level his own obstacles needing to be overcome.

Jellyfish model of censorship in multi-corporate conglomerations which own mass media.

The possible roads are many, but time is nearly infinite.

People's sense of identity may be limited, malleable, but the negativeness, what they don't know or forgetting who they are when born, is their or becomes their identity as much as what they think they know. The plus and minus are like the liquid and gas portions of a thermometer. Both together are how it works and moves.

It is amazing. People teach kids to care about the environment which we are inevitably trashing and will soon make uninhabitable. The first thing they will learn when they get into college or government is that this process is inevitable and unstoppable involving pretty much every aspect of the economies. Then accepting this as the inevitable, unalterable state of things, they learn how best to fit into this plan and profit most from it. After writing Our Legacy of Lethargy, this is not new to me, but why be so hypocritical in teaching kids to care about the environment they will have as little concern for when they inherit what will be surely even worse and more unmanageable and unfixable thanks to what we are doing to it to make it ready for them?

Usually if you try to improve the world, those who profit from how it is now will kill you quickly, end of story. I have found an unusual route, somewhere between helping and dying early. It is not obviously one or the other, but is different, and far more appealing than resigning to defeat and simply getting rich off of a horrible system designed purposely to create people willing to *uck over everyone for a few extra dollars a week, or be forever *ucked themselves.

If all objects or atoms in the Universe are fields which create each other and time by interacting with each other, then not only the "pulling each other up" analogy applies, but (also) pushing off of each other is descriptive, to gain momentum or traction in opposition to each other. The binary star analogy.

Two coins, wheels, etc. against each other, spin one faster than the other spins to cause friction around and away from the middle. Shift perspectives on that two each, and different spinning around them both, you see it is both spinning in the same direction at different speeds and, at the same, time, both moving in opposite directions depending on your point of view (your movement in relation to them). When applied to multi-dimensional spinning, you know both everything is moving in directions the same as everything else (and opposite it) even if you perceive things as static, though through many different perspectives, the movements are dependent upon an external point of view only visible from outside the system.

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Freedom has a high cost. It is often paid in responsibility and in sacrifice. Believe it or not, I lack neither. What I am responsible to and how is complicated, but not to any one government or ideology. What I sacrifice is easier to explain. I am willing to sacrifice anything I have, my life, my time, my freedom, for a better future for others except for freedom of thought, not mine nor anyone else's. Give an inch or make ANY compromise on that and you give away the keys to the store and nothing you have nor anything else anyone else has will ever be their own again, not even their own lives. Slavery is back in fashion, though it will be illegal to call it that. A rose by any other name, but call it a rose at your own peril.

You literally can't tell a person what their mind does not wish to hear. The question is, does that mean all you say is? Probably not as truth or believed, but as an experience, yes.

Record purpose

Feeling broadcast

Experiences of others to you, experiences of you to others, experiences of others to others.

Simple human psychology in regards to differences, if you can't understand it or control it, kill it. Whether individuals or cultures, rough edges are smoothed over in the most barbaric manners possible and all are pulled by force to the center of gravity of banal commonality only slightly above the lowest common denominator by those who hold themselves above everyone else, yet are limited by the requirements of that situation, also to never grow beyond it either.

My life is just a pattern, a story invented and alive in others minds just as others long dead live in mine through stories of them in books, their letters, their books and philosophies, outlooks, etc. Whether or how long the patterns are refreshed or once they have been forgotten is up to others. Even Jesus and Mohammed will be forgotten or their patterns and stories will be changed over time to ones almost unrecognizable from the ones of them today. They are what those alive at the time want them to have been. All interpretations (believed by the most people in any given time or in that age of history) are as valid as any other (as opposed to the most common outlook in any other era) once you have no existence left except in others memories and dreams. It may be that was all you ever had anyway.

My mind is constantly pushed from all directions to grow in ways I am not exactly always happy about. I control how to act and what I want to do with it, but what I am and its potentials are as externally created and defined to me as is everything else in my environment. It grows according to a pattern the same as your body grows according to a pattern written before you were born.

Most peoples' minds are defined by the culture and that culture's time in which they were raised (cultures change from one generation and year to the next), and also by their interactions with it as positive or negative, whether to aid or oppose it. Also maybe 1 or 2 percent as original ideas having nothing to do with the culture or their experiences with it, intuitive ideas. My culture simply is. I have no wish to adapt to it nor wish to make it better unless asked or forced to if it comes close to self-destructing. I do not wish to define myself by the interaction with it, and deal with much larger frames across longer timespans. All human history is short, is mildly interesting trivia questions, and pretty much irrelevant to me at the moment, except what can be made out of it.

The Universe as only a slightly bigger womb. An environment which surrounds you, feeds you, and you are totally dependent upon it for your existence and can never leave it. You are merely a tumor within its body, a part of it moving around within it like a white blood cell can move through your body.

Warlords defacto own people. Criminal gangs defacto own people. They can escape often only to be controlled by a rival gang. Any organization which is powerful enough to mold and shape your life, or kill you without due process, owns you. Lower educated poor are owned by anyone. Everyone to a small degree or a large degree depending on which country they are from, are owned by that government. I am the property of the U.S. government, historically (at least) kinder and easier to be released from, yet like the Mafia, powerful enough that no where exists where they cannot take you back from or re-exert control whenever they wish. Those who left the Soviet Union could do so only with the protection of the U.S. government or other powerful Western countries. I have had more freedom than most, but I know who owns me. Complaining about it only gets you the justified wrath of others not treated as nicely or given less freedom themselves. Favored slaves or favored prisoners are hated by the other slaves or prisoners without seeing how they are manipulated by simply being more and less repressed. The irony is that only those slaves who are treated better, taught to read and write (always the first mistake), allowed to feel like they are free and to educate themselves as they wish, can really learn to know all the invisible chains they wear because they have the power in themselves and the will to find and see their leashes. Fortunately for those who long to control everyone, reading philosophy and debating political theory or civil rights (even the term "civil rights" is a now dirty word and political poison currently  in America, as may soon be the term "human rights". Great progress has been made recently at denouncing and disgracing that term too with respect to enemies, soon to be considered a tool of propaganda by the weak, and of foreigners seeking to tie our hands and make us weak, as it is viewed in China and other similar regimes) among the general public was a passing fad which peaked in the 19th century in America and the 20th century in Europe. Fewer and fewer every year will neither know nor care how little of their lives are their own to control or own, becoming less and less politically active or even at all politically conscious, and more and more malleable.

If I were so brazen to say that if you as a parent cannot afford an expensive treatment to save your child's life, your child has no right to live, period. Only those who can afford to pay the most for the medicines or treatments they need to survive have any right to them and any right to life. Unsaid, all of society says that every day by deeds. Saying otherwise with words is hypocritical and blasphemy against thousands of souls dead everyday to prove those words wrong by dying for no other reason than being sick in the wrong place or being born to poor parents. Lack of money will depopulate Africa more than AIDS will, and many will profit more by that than by curing them would profit them. Ethnic cleansing a whole continent, economics style, the fashionable way, with no one to blame and huge profits for all large organizations. It is not our fault. It is no one's fault. It is destiny. One third of the population of South Africa have AIDS already. A few more Rwanda's and our multinationals won't even need to pay a pittance to strip that continent dry of all its resources. Think of how much the stock market will climb, growth prospects not seen for the West since we found the Americas to depopulate and take over, but now we can do it the civilized way, withhold medicines by patent enforcements and high costs, and give them more weapons to wipe themselves out. Great plan, if we don't use our more powerful weapons to wipe ourselves out in the meantime. And what non-black countries would really feel bad about that if not forced to look at it in those terms, knowing how much they might stand to profit from it? They are only blacks after all, most would say privately. What race would miss them? Too shocking? Think that I went too far with this? If you think people will suddenly stop short, hit the brakes before getting that bad, you have no idea how bad humanity is becoming, nor the power in willful ignorance, and how governments are getting people to accept doing these things without having to think they are doing them, and believe that they are still good people. Even the Nazi's saw themselves as good human beings, and in the future, people will be many times worse, yet still think themselves good while ignoring completely what they do to others. We are more than halfway there already, with an open road ahead of us and nothing significant to force us to even have to consider slowing down.

Happy people are content to die before they would ever do any harm to others who have not done anything bad to them. Unhappy people are quite willing to, almost eagerly. Whether to share their unhappiness, or just because they are searching for something, anything, which might make them less miserable, and are easy to control by anyone convincing them they have something which will take away their unhappiness, if only for awhile. Now you know the source of power here. Controlling happiness to only what you can give or sell to make people happy, then using those people you can now control to search out and find others to make unhappy, dependant upon what you have to make them happy, and add them to your growing army of unhappy people to attack even more others, and stamp out along the way all who are content without what you have to sell or offer, or anything that might make people contented for free. Content = not controllable, not willing to fight and kill others to promote your agenda. Free = no way to get rich off whatever it is which makes them happy. But it won't last that way. One of the most true things I wrote, I reread recently. "Newness will vaunt aiming to daunt the rigidity of old orders which taunt." (From Terradactyl Wings) It is simply biology. The future that people want to control, those people in that future will probably spit on your graves, whatever you do. That is the whole point of biology, replacing the current with something new, something ELSE. It is unstoppable and all who think they can control it even for a little while are just farting in the wind. You can make it stink for a few seconds near you, and God knows that is what humanity is doing in droves now, but further in distance or in time, you can't stink it up much for others. Whatever bad there is, whatever good there is, it all will be outgrown. When people get a good look at what they are, how the world operates, they will improve it. Then they will get full of themselves again, party hearty, think they are great again, and the blinders will come back down, and do even worse horrible unthinkable things they will prefer not to see or think about, and those in power will be all too happy to divert their attention, and all will again be rewarded and enriched by that blindness, those in power for keeping people from seeing what they don't want to see or think about is wrong, and the people themselves by destroying others, but with a smile, and a God-loves-you, we are not harming you, we are saving you, educating you, saving your children's souls so they can work in our factories instead of for themselves in their own fields where their people had previously been able to survive for thousands of generations without any outside help, beyond our ability to control them, before we found them, before we made them "civilized". ("Look at them. Just look at them. Pathetic. These people have nothing, literally absolutely nothing, no way to survive, to even feed themselves, millions of them, they should thank us for working them in our factories 80 hours a week. We give them jobs, self-respect , a way to survive. How else could they survive on their own without our help? They owe us bigtime!") Thanks for all the stuff. No, better yet, thank us for it. No, really, we demand you to. We don't want your children to hold any grudges against our children. That's better.

Imagine the universe trying every combination until it gets it right.

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Life vs. wants and expectations, or Life = wants and expectations

Each as impetus for reaction to whatever happens. Stimulus, response, reaction. What happens happens to get particular responses. Feedback as getting desired result or not.

Mindless adherence to policies they are not allowed to question, not allowed to consider (all?) circumstances, reason, or even being human  beings by considering the situation before them and do what they think is right, or to consider trying to come up with an original or creative solution not thought of before to fit the situation, and bury any impulse to do so. Always safely behaving in pre-programmed ways to not get in trouble, to better advance, or to survive. In a word, machine-think.

Legislating cultures.

Remaking your environment through interaction with it as much as your environment controls and shapes your sense of identity.

Changing things (about the future) in ways you cannot predict all of the consequences is not always bad. You never can know them all for certain and even two moments away from your now into the future is at the mercy of wind gusts which are not blowing yet, like a golfer has to guess what the wind will do 8 seconds after he swings. You (should) consider all possible consequences you can imagine or know of what you think is worth doing and take your swing at it. Not doing so more often than not makes things worse for others.

Event A - a sizable majority of people, including most poor, want something to be the policy of the government against the interests of a smaller minority, including wealthy elites. Event B, it actually becomes policy. How thick is the wall, how much of an obstacle is the government itself in separating events A and B, even in so-called democracies that supposedly represent their (all of their) peoples' interests? In a real democracy, there would be no wall between A and B, and helping A on to becoming B would be the job of the government, not in helping trying to prevent it. In the U.S., that wall is like Fort Knox. It teaches other governments to build better walls between A and B. There ought to be a new name for token or sham democracies. Olihypo-ocracies, with puppet parliaments. One elected representative to another, "Who's your sponsor?" (Democracies which respond to the will of most people, which actually function as democracies, are called "populist" governments (India), and that is very bad, shame, shame, overthrow, overthrow. We don't want that idea to spread and give anyone else's overwhelmingly poor majorities the idea they might be able to influence their governments to think of them first, or even think of them at all, if they all worked together. Welcome, take a good look at the new model, the all new anti-democratic version of "democracy". Its shiny! Its plush! All your neighbors will envy you!)

No object, being, or event which occurs was not willed into being by you, by someone, or by all combined. The rules of this Universe or any Universe are simply to provide channels, puppets, for that or those wills to move around by it, like gas molecules give form to the wind or a tornado.

When I was 16, I was stoned driving around Washington DC. It is a confusing place to navigate even straight. Lost again, I saw a building with columns out my left window, so I decided to stop and look around for a landmark to tell where I was. I stopped by the curb in the street, got out, looked up, and there was the capital building main steps and dome a few feet in front of me, huge, massive, but right there. After going, "Whoa!", I stood there a little while, then got in my car and drove off very impressed. No one for a long time, much less a pot-smoking teen will feel that connected to the federal government (in that way unless they are beyond stoned or delusional), unless maybe the kid of a congressperson or diplomat. It is not there for us, and no one is allowed to get that close. My car would have been shot up, and soon approaching it by foot will be restricted, if not already. There is a literal wall forming between the government and the governed which was not there 20 years ago. The official line is it is the terrorists' fault. Your government still loves you, still wants you to feel a part of it, but it is not realistic in the world we live in. It is too much a target. Were there not terrorists 20 years ago? Yes, but they are smarter now. Was there not car bombs? Yes, but they are more ruthless now about where they park them. They did not think of doing that before. I can buy the argument that explosives get more powerful and become easier to obtain the more time goes by and more profit there is in people, especially our own governments, wanting to invent more powerful ones, but the fact they really don't want to admit is the attitudes toward the U.S. have changed. The U.S. used to be perceived as the friend of people striving for independence, rightly or wrongly. To attack us would be to attack their #1 ally in their struggle against oppression. No fortress America was needed because it would have been as unthinkably stupid as it would have been easy to do. Now we throw up this great wall and suddenly anyone getting through has somehow beaten the best, most powerful nation on Earth. The most convincing evidence of this sea change is that the United Nations has finally been able to put forth a definition of terrorism now that the U.S. agrees there should be no exception made for freedom fighters. There are no freedom fighters anymore, only terrorists. All governments are legitimate and even if your people are being ethnically or culturally cleansed by it, if you fight against it, you are just another terrorist soon by international definitions. This is what has changed. Perception that the U.S. would always back your drive for independence, unless you were communist, from an oppressive larger state because they fought for their independence and codified that right for new peoples to emerge and to form new nations. We forgot that in the last 20 years. Nothing more defines why we are the targets of terrorists today than that in all other previous eras in our history we would have been on their side from the start fighting for their rights for them, and not how to make their goals of self-determination, or them, to simply just go away.

It is always about time. Time dumps a lot of shit in your head, a lifetime preloaded, knowing that you will need time to sort it all out and let it unfold, answers in the form of questions, fuel.

TARDIS (Wow, 2 references! Neato. Again from a BBC show about a Dr., I forget his name :-o)  as a room outside of linear space-time. Hyper-connected switching point of causality. Consciousness as well.

Prime directive in Star Trek, observer, voyeur view of the universe. In line with people content or trained to simply watch others try to help the world.

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Psychological merging of identity with different groups mimics the biological bonding of single to multi-cellular forms, yet occurs not at a single way or group at a time, and all (illegible) combinations of mixed simultaneous pairings with multiple groups shifts over ones lifetime. Fusion of identities is more complex than one lifeform combining or adapting together with another, yet (the) purpose is the same. The need to do so is inherent in the biology.

Psychology of interaction of cultures is based upon whether the dominant, more powerful (one) is self-sufficient in its needs. When it is, advanced promotion of aid and interaction of equals is possible. When it isn't, exploitation will be couched over under as many layers of bullshit their culture needs to prevent them from acknowledging it as such.

Getting used to being thrown conceptually into new environments. Always a smaller person in a bigger room, or a smaller fish in a bigger pond, yet only also for giving a new greater domain to fill and far more room to grow into, move about in, and find existence within more at once by interaction with, and eventually becoming it. You are what you interact with as much as you are what you eat.

You can't change things if most don't want them to (change), or have been convinced they don't want them to, or that things cannot be any other way. That is like a stream which merely moves around whatever obstacle you put in its way. What people want or expect from life can be changed though. Changing that moves the whole river in a different direction.

All that changes (from one life or person to another) is memories and senses of identity.

Time is short, people are morons, and I've got shit to do.

Ideology (especially damning in journalism) means you can only see in one direction, and are forgiven for failing to look in the opposite direction, or worse, in any other direction.

I am optimistic in that more are speaking out against a lethal status quo, pessimistic that fewer are listening, and horrified by corporations growing power (over media) to guarantee no one will ever be allowed to hear. Even fair reporting is now illegal when saying truths deemed too unpalatable for the public to contemplate. Rice/Newsweek "How the hell did that story get out!"

With Bush, Americans finally have a leader with the credible use of force to use our overwhelming military and economic might to increase the power and wealth of our country, or at least their own supporters. It was only a matter of time before we admitted we really don't give a shit about any fair and just world order or making wars illegal, not when we have all these weapons and the rest of the world is mostly defenseless in comparison. Why not use that military/economic threat to intimidate ALL other nations to do what we wish? (Schroeder, Chirac, kiss your careers goodbye now, thanks for playing.) The only positive aspect for those uncomfortable with that notion is that the spoils by and large are not trickling down to the American public, and they are being squeezed by the greed of the leadership as well. If they WERE cut into the payoff, the policies would have the legitimate support of the majority of the public and not need rigged elections, unchallengable electronic voting machines, disqualifying thousands of eligible voters based on likelihood to vote against them, and other new tricks such as having "Republican party members" be able to demand to see your ID when voting ("say A, O, way to go, Ohio" -The Pretenders) to take down your name and give it to the police to pay a call on you later at your home to prove you are who you say you are, (heaven forbid that would "intimidate" anyone from wanting to vote, though obviously targeting the poor and minorities to be "challenged") and had already proved it legally enough to be able to vote in the first place. (If the Ukraine had been able to get away with that one, Yushchenko or anyone challenging a party in power would never have stood a chance, but then American elections are so much more honest.) If Americans themselves were getting richer off of those same policies, they would be more than content to support them and ignore what is going on elsewhere to make their lives better. They are no worse than anyone who simply buys food in a store without wondering who or what had to die to put it there. Who really bothers to think how anything in their society works as long as the slot machine pays off more than you need to put in? Even more descriptive, as long as the food pellets come out when you push the button, and don't when you don't, a society will grow around those who push the button without thinking about it too much. You want a food pellet? You push the button. That's all you need to know. The ruthless or the well-trained not to think where the stuff comes from or what happened to others, possibly (illegible) who disappeared, they always survive the longest. But the cornfield is a nice place, and they are happier they were forced to go there.

If someone had the ability to make anyone twice as smart or 3 times or 10 times as smart, providing it spread to all people freely, do you really think those who control the world now would want that or consider it a "good thing"? (Better yet, how about twice as honest or good, or twice as less willing to live with lies and corruption? Even more dangerous maybe?) People that much harder to control and kept ignorant so they can be exploited while being none the wiser about it?

Everyone and everything needs to find new ways to grow. You can take whatever you find in your environment, consume it, try to possess it, call it your own, and think because you can think you "own" it, you are becoming more or richer, that is a fool's version of growth. To think you understand it or know it, can explain all about it, that is another kind of foolish growth. To become it, to fuse your identity with it, to blur the lines between you and it, that is the end of growth. To accumulate memories of interactions between you and it, while still keeping separate, that is the only growth possible.

To surrender to time on your own terms is the only victory possible. Negotiate your chunk of experiences, then fade into the background and donate them to the library of time.

Page 90
That societies want to have some smart and others not smart, docile, and politically dumb as a stump, is not new. Its just always a balance between admitting it openly as an objective, accepting it quietly as a necessity, or hypocritically aiming to make all more active and aware of their rights yet working against it as well because doing so means they would wake up and demand a system which takes into account their needs more than the system which fostered them and kept them stupid. All change, even making people literate and democratic participants in ruling themselves, will cost someone or all who were rich before in that society to have to pay more as a result. That what is left of democracies promotes this change, except in regions where it is politically advantageous to their pocketbooks, is getting downright laughable. They keep up the rhetoric of democratic change, but it is only a tool of setting up systems where the will of the public is largely irrelevant to the economic interests of themselves, which is why they are "helped" in the first place. The problem is governments in the West do not wish to admit to themselves they have become all but irrelevant to these forces as well, and are well paid not to in case they ever have any doubts about it. (And are well controlled now.) Those not bought off or not skilled in doublethink denial, they eventually resign once they know it is all bullshit, and there is nothing they can do about it.

Lots of abilities, come into focus when needed.

The only people that generally mean shit in history are those who spoke the obvious, probable, unpopular truths without giving a damn to peoples willingness to listen or what they would do in retaliation. Everyone else is just a carbon-copy of everyone else telling each other things they know they want to hear.

When you outlaw freedom of speech on anything, however narrow in aim or selective in purpose, you (inadvertently) make heroes out of those who defy that, however bad what they are saying might be. You elevate their cause because only by challenging that notion to selectively blot out, narrowing peoples' view of the world, will they be stopped from eventually knowing anything except how to serve, and have no concept of freedom, yet think they have it, without grasping what it really means. You can't see what you are prevented from seeing unless you start looking for it. The cause is nobler than what you might find, and only by allowing anything to be challenged equally with words, can truth ever be found.

Sex = evil, concept at core of Judeo/Christian/Moslem beliefs. Knowledge and practice must be restricted as much as possible. Those who do not need or want it are "purer". That it is corrupt or corrupting and of a lower human nature. (Yet this view promotes prostitution at the same time as an effect of this suppression. Illegality works almost solely to drive the price higher (does nothing to reduce the supply) to make it more profitable for it to be franchisable so the "Workers" can be rounded up and forced into organizations which can "protect" them to stay in business. Everywhere in all major cities, it flourishes with all levels of society paying into it. Indeed, the "impure" or "defiled" women often have no other way to make a living in such societies once termed "wanton" or "loose", when considered not marriage worthy or accepted into "honorable" professions. Hypocrites.)

While living any life, whatever weirdness you come across, if it becomes constant and lasts long enough, it becomes normal. Normal is just what your past expectations make you think each new moment can be and ought to conform with or match those expectations. If you think you know life, what is normal, you will constantly be in for as much of a surprise as you can handle once you even cautiously admit you might not know after all. Expectations spin the ball in play.

It is within each individual within every group to want to control all else others need to survive so they depend on you and are willing to do whatever you say to survive. Every group around them are means to gain that end. The more ruthless and powerful the group, the more people will want to become members of it, because even if they cannot reach that goal by themselves, by backing the right horse, they believe they have obtained that objective through the group, and that will satisfy them for awhile, even if they will never be able to influence it and must conform themselves to it more than other groups which would allow them more freedom. They think that while that group lives and dominates, their life, even if not remembered or honored, its meaning will live on.

The more people are shielded like children from knowing how the bad guys think, the more easily they are manipulated by an ever-growing bag of tricks. Manipulative power plays by political parties and would be dictators are like con-artist schemes which must be constantly exposed or the victimization reaches higher numbers unnecessarily destructive due to those who shield the public from knowing or considering it instead of  warning and alerting them constantly until they take notice. And those doing that shielding, if not corrupted already, may as well be. The effect is the same.

Even if a xenophobic race of people managed to wipe out all other ethnic types and control all of the world, how long do you think it would last until differences emerged between them in different regions before they would go to war and try to wipe out others different again? People need to understand how biology pushes us so we can push back more effectively.

I believe it will one day be shown that losing the West coast in a nuclear war was viewed as an acceptable loss due to political gains. If people are not that bad yet, give it a little time, we are approaching it rapidly.

Page 91
The term "democracy" has become so twisted to meaning the opposite of its definition to some by the rhetoric, I have already seen hints that some think West Europe ought to be "democratized" overlooking the fact that their governments, as well as any others and better than most, already represent the wills of their people. Democracy as an agenda is being promoted as when "we" like who is in charge, not necessarily when their people do, which is why dictators are often supported and widely popular Presidents almost openly are attempted to be deposed with our blessings, as with Venezuela. I have no problem with stronger nations imposing their wills upon weaker ones so much as the sickening of my stomach to hear it is being done for their own good and not ours, and in the name of "democracy". The hypocrisy has poisoned any semblance of truth or meaning.

Abstinence, fasting, people would try to go days without breathing if they could, all to try to conquer or control their bodies, do deny them, to see beyond them to be able to deny death, thinking if they can detach themselves from it, they can survive without it.

Natural order of things = God's will. People are taught to deny that they are here to change anything, up to and including making things better, unless they have been taught that is what some alien to humanity "creator" wants or wills. They are almost as trained to be supplicants to religious orders and accept inequality and injustices as the caste system in Indian or Confucianism in China promoted tens of centuries of "order". They are well on their way to that.

Rather than trying for a universally accepted definition of terrorism, they ought to include more voices from around the world for a commonly accepted idea of freedom and independence, voices not listened to now. That would actually do more to end terrorism than any number of weapons or mass killings could ever hope to achieve.

People in wealthy countries are purposely blinded to the realities of most people on Earth, blame them for their own troubles, and pave over it with "why don't the all just get jobs like everyone else". Manufactured ignorance is the true cause of most suffering.

Tracing where thought originates. All you know to create what you do.  Everything Yoshoo. Yes, learned knowledge. Yes, biologically motivated thought, but even seemingly spontaneous unique creative thoughts. Wills, extensions of, only. Made to provoke reactions and (instill) a sense of purpose only. Robots unaware they are robots because of them. (those seemingly spontaneous ideas)

What those who have power are willing to do to stay in power quickly  becomes a race to the bottom of how low they are willing to go to remain there. The longer in power, the lower that bottom drops. Being in power for less time, they are often more willing to leave power with a few principles they have yet to compromise intact. The more they have compromised them or never had them, the more willing they are to see their opposition as dangerous, potential enemies of the state too weak to keep it intact, and see themselves as just in suppressing it by any means possible, and rigging elections keeps everyone happy. People remember the saying that absolute power corrupts absolutely. They forget even a little power is a little corrupting and leads to the desire to hold onto it, and usually to gain more. The need once has acquired a taste for it, is insatiable.

It can be said that humanity is still savages beneath a thin veil of hypocrisy. My job is to make them strip the veil and force them to look at themselves naked for what they are. It is only that veil which allows them to become what they cannot stand to look at in the mirror.

Once you interfere and tip the balance of power within another society, or even in regards to another person's life, that balance may never again be in the same position again, and there is no telling where the new balance will be found, only that wherever it may be will be a temporary balance and will continue to keep shifting as long as they live, and each seeming status quo is a matter of perspective until you blink. Any "balance" in present circumstances is only due to constant overwhelming pressure from all sides offsetting each other. It always wants to unravel, it is just a matter of which direction.

Bodies as experience input machines- Humanity: The Ride.

Page 92
A funny thing happened to a good philosophy after a Jew died on a cross. The less appealing facts of the story of Christianity. Christianity was dangerous to a little Italian organization that liked to go into other countries, steal their stuff, and make those they allowed to stay in business pay them "protection" money. No, I don't mean the Mafia. A better organized older organization called the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire had lots of gods. They were fairly disorganized in that department. Some towns prayed to Apollo for protection, some to Zeus, and so on. This was sort of democratic. Your town or you could choose your own god from a short acceptable list the way a school can choose a team mascot. Christianity was a politically incorrect choice for a mascot, unacceptable, and a good reason to kill a lot of people. He was not on the list. He kind of made the whole idea of the list a bad idea. His followers wanted only one name on the list and it wasn't even Zeus. Worse than that, they wanted to overthrow the whole protection money racket and live like a bunch of hippies in freedom and happiness. They clearly HAD to go. But Rome was not a happy place with a large content middle class. No, just a few very rich and a lot of miserable poor suffering which made the whole Christian thing catch on, even among the smaller middle class, and even a few less heartless elite. Try as they did, they could not kill them fast enough. Seeing this was the way of the future, the Roman Empire adapted and became the Holy Roman Empire. No more choices of gods, just one, and he was bad ass. You did not want to mess with him, and if you did, he might just wipe out every man, woman, child, and even the pets in your whole city. He did that before on more than one occasion, and he was quite prepared to do it again. And since he himself did it, it was not wrong for us to do it if we thought that was what he would have wanted, so we did. And again. And again. Pretty much on and on until there was no one left alive in Europe willing to say they were not Christians. They could accept the one true God and pay into the scheme, or they could die. They had a choice. Jews were excluded from the liquidation of non-Christians most of the time since they had the same god who started the whole thing. Moslems were sometimes tolerated too, same god reason again, though not in large numbers in Europe. Using the whole God thing as an excuse to wipe out all competing religions which were less financially organized worked great until they ran out of pagans in Europe. Everyone was more or less Christianized now, so splinter groups arose, and they were happy to start killing each other off for being the wrong kind of Christians. Fortunately 2 whole new continents of people far less organized was found and the whole Christianizing them was a good excuse, as with the previous Italian racket which they were now derived from did, to go steal their stuff and put in charge people who would pay them money to "protect" them. This worked well for awhile but that damn morality thing got in the way again. (The little morality being you can't to that if they are Christians, but you can sure as hell do that if they are not and you can justify it by calling it "saving" them). Some of the colonies got rich, decided to stop paying their "protection" money, and had enough weapons to tell Europe to go to hell. We also had God on our side. He loved us more, of course. He gave us a whole continent to ethnically cleanse and a whole hemisphere to take what we wanted in the name of Christianizing them. Yes, life was good. But then again, that damn morality thing got in the way again. Now even these previous pagans, now Christianized mainly so we would stop killing them, meant we had to stop just taking their stuff without paying for it, and had to come up with a new way to control them once we let them rule themselves. We needed a way to prevent them from being able to tell us to go to hell like we did to Europe. We had big new philosophical guns to go with our real shitload of actual guns, and it was well seasoned. It helped us defeat the kings. It was originally called mercantilism, but later called capitalism. It meant they could rule themselves, but we could still own all their stuff. We bought their whole countries at a fire sale when we had puppets of ours in charge and we had lots of weapons and a good reason to kill anyone who wanted to challenge those treaties or contracts. Ok, maybe this all did not start with the dude on the cross. This game is as old as the hills, but philosophies that say you can pretty much screw over everyone else and still be doing a good thing, being a noble person, no, make that a HOLY person, these don't come along every day. Nope, and when they do, they tend to run over everyone else like a steam roller because that much hypocrisy is so powerful, anyone offering only real actual morality to defend against it has about as much chance of surviving and influencing the rest as those people in the rainforests of Brazil have. They get killed everyday, their children forcibly adopted, or sold into prostitution. (It happened in America too, not to pick on Brazil too much, be we did it 100 years ago so that doesn't count, of course.) But the upside: their descendants are being Christianized by the process. And the steam roller rolls on.

New definition of political "dialogue" in America. You don't have to be right. You only have to be heard more than anyone else, preferably exclusively, and allowed to ridicule your opponents ideas across all major networks.

Even if I was 10,000 times smarter than anyone who had ever lived, I would not be satisfied. The idea you can be simply turned on like a light-switch, led around by a leash of partial knowledge through a prescribed limited number of potential circumstances to interact with guided by that limited set of knowledge, it all smacks of one big setup. I know by now countless peoples views and perspectives on life and not one hints of freedom outside of a very limited range based upon a prescribed set of factors of a pre-built maze of potential circumstances to stumble through blindly by intent. The organizational means (of the Universe) pisses me off.

Atoms as time. Blowing up time as temporal distortions. (Seeing matter as the potential of events instead of mass again. A different take on the same idea.)

Page 93
I have been simply trying to educate myself in many disciplines as quickly as I can with the crude level of information I can find without any concern of where that ends up in relation to others knowledge or what that might to do humanity's future, though not as amoral as those who make weapons. Humanity's future is becoming irrelevant to me because without a sudden U-turn, and quickly, they have no future and there is little I can do about that soon so my concern about that is quickly matching their chances of averting self-destruction, zilch. Yet to that I owe my box of limitations in the present and my clearer view of more potentials. It settles the muddy waters. There is much else to consider when I am free to think beyond humanity's fate, if sealed. I am simply learning as much as I can while I can, letting my consciousness grow as much as it can, because to be able to help, yes on one hand, but also because I see humanity as a sinking ship. Not that I want to live, survive that, live forever or all that primitive bullshit that motivates people. Simply because without it to be concerned about, there are so many other types of life to consider, so many other ways things can live. Clean slates are fun. I have not given up yet while I still have some latitude, but if so many don't care enough to do anything, programmed to stay asleep while the car heads towards the cliff, why should I not try to look beyond that to something else? I always thought I existed to wake the driver but now I know there is no longer any driver. People put their faith in a ghost rather than in each other and will leave the driver's seat empty so he will have a place to sit should he decide to rematerialize at the last second, not even considering how wide-open that leaves them to manipulation of anything or anyone strong enough and twisted enough to want to play God to them. Any number of people will have enough tricks (the prophecy says he's the one) to play that role. None of them are a substitute for self-determination by the people to learn to rule themselves. ALL the people learning to rule ALL of themselves equally. People ought to get over this fascination with kings and supernatural beings or they will soon wind up subjects of a new Pharaoh, a Godking freak who offers worship of himself instead of freedom and freewill. How is that for trying to let the air out of the messianic balloon? But it is too late to convince anyone. They are programmed not to listen, only to obey their superiors and wait for a better superior to obey. Sad.

I can now see through just about anyone. I know all the potential good and bad in them far better than they do. By my past, I am conditioned to try to do good. Now there is a new caveat in the mix. Now I need to be given a good reason to. "Just because" is no longer good enough. I need to be reminded people are worth it from time to time.

The good thing about the court jesters, the fools, was that because no one ever listened to them, they were the only ones allowed to say what others were not, the things which most should have been said.

The central organizing factor of the consciousness is not the outside environment it interacts with, but the will. All else becomes secondary. Types of life, part 4.

Unless you are prepared to kill a person or enslave him, you are eventually going to have to consider his point of view, and on occasion, even after you had.

Dolphins raised by wolves.

Clone children, having to raise your own replacement, that would be weird. Luckily now the combinations change.

You are the experiences you had with others seen from your point of view and you are the experiences you had with others seen from their points of view. These experiences from all possible (person's) perspectives are what was you. The body is merely what the experiences form around, like frost attaches to a cold piece of metal on a warm winter morning. You are the process of condensation, not the metal.

If helping the world is your end goal, you will most certainly fail at it. The thing about life is that absolutes are never achieved. It is like subdividing fractions, you can always make it smaller. End goals are never reached either. You always will come up with something to put in-between reaching it to continue the play. Therefore helping the world, if that is really your end goal, you should not consider it as such or all that important, simply as a required first step in achieving something else, a pleasant side-effect of the journey toward achieving something else bigger. Always aim above and beyond where you care to go. It cannot be faked at either. It really must become secondary to you to remove the obstacles you yourself will keep putting in to put off achieving it. You know what you really want, and will forever keep yourself from ultimately achieving it in complete totality. You will always want more, so use that constructively.

If you are not afraid of what others can do to you, would do or will do, then they can only impede you or get out of your way. Fear is all that can divert you. Ceding direction is to give up control over your own life. Do not believe in side-trips of any significant time. It is to be diverted, become lost, and ultimately to become someone else.

Einstein said the amazing thing about the universe is not that you cannot understand it all, but that it is all understandable. Understanding power is to strip it of its power over you. It is a shell game of confusion to divert your attention from it. You must always bear that in mind. Exposing power games to control you gives back control until they figure out new ones to keep the rules and methods a secret.

Being 1 at 1 (time). Experiencing 1 at 1. Ruled by 1 at 1.

If not what you want, the world is what you want to react to and with, always. When you understand why the world you want to interact with is less than the world you want, you are well on the way to understanding everything else, or even more, (understanding) yourself.

Page 94
The turning point in history came when the West was willing to get into bed with a horrible dictatorship in China for profit-based motives without requiring political changes and, for many reasons, some good, some bad, turned our backs on Russia when it attempted to become a legitimate democracy. We have proved time and time again our businesses prefer economic dictatorships, where economic policies cannot be changed regardless of the will of its people. Only this it seems is considered a stable investment region and democratic debates about its economic policies or direction for the future, are considered bad. Democratic change is a secondary goal to profit, when it is even attempted rather than suppressed, all the while saying how much we want them to have it. Politicians have no consciences. Money is their first and only true love.

The desire to control my own life, make it my own, live it on my own terms, that is good. Still, the desire also exists within all, less in me, to contribute to that which will be bigger, stronger, and will surpass them. That for me is the essence of the ying and yang struggle, to want to be the best, yet also create something bigger and stronger than myself. From day one, I saw that as a danger, yet we all know it is part of the process. Death is easier than submission. I can never fully compromise, never fully follow a path that is not my own choosing, envy a little bit those who can lose themselves into something else, yet know to the core for me to do so would have grave consequences. I allow that others may be stronger and will help to create them, but only because I see there is no better option. It is my choice to seem to play the pawn of others, yet I will go nowhere away for I know there is nowhere else.

Once you define for yourself all limiting aspects of the universe in how it defines you in time and space, how it limits what you can know or become, all the walls it keeps you from going beyond, all the preset limitations on what your life can be or do, how it keeps and defines you closed within it, your seeing all of these limiting and/or defining aspects are also learning to see beyond it. Once you know the size and shape of the time box, you see how it fits into the space around it.

The United States thinks in terms of development in dozens of years, if that even. Nothing but shortsightedness could explain why their economic and environmental policies could wreak havoc in less than 20 years and require constant expansion which the world will not be able to provide, and the toxicity levels and shortages of drinkable water will continue to soar. China, totalitarian (#@!&) that it is, at least thinks in terms of hundreds of years, and is far more grounded in reality of how to survive that long instead of the quick buck at any cost to the future. I think in further terms than that, in hundreds of thousands of years when people won't even resemble people anymore. Societies must be able to change, evolve, but they need to see their stake in the future is all that matters, and the past is only as useful in taking you there, somewhere else, and other than that, it has no purpose. If you look to the past, you look to the dead, and your existence will be only the wall others will climb over to reach the future. If you look only to the future, you can build the gate others might pass through to get there, if you look far ahead enough to where they will wish to end up. Their goals will count far more than ours and our advertising bullshit will not work eventually. They will be smarter, have hindsight on this generation's bullshit, more foresight, and above all, our horrible toxic mess legacy as a constant reminder to them of how much this generation *ucked them.

Suicidal in a free speech sort of way - if enough people pretend they have free speech and say what they really think without fear, someday some WILL gain it, though many will have to risk everything. The West gave up free speech when they proved they were not willing to risk shit to keep it, and now are more watched than Malaysia with their governments studying North Korea for good ideas. Maybe not Europe yet, but sure as hell, the United States. People know better than to criticize the government now. It is no longer a safe course of action. People wonder why the current Chinese young won't risk their lives for democracy, with the US having sold ludicrous attack helicopters with machine guns to the Beijing police departments, they know no one of consequence would care. Convergence in governments has occurred, and the more ruthless models won as always. Almost always anyway.

I will not sacrifice freedom, not mine nor anyone else's for any sum of money, power, or even survival. Those who would, I pity more than anything else. I did not step forward. All the rest in line cowardly stepped back.

If you think people have ANY intelligence whatsoever, think of how easy it would be for the dominant group in the dominant culture to one day decide naked feet are shameful and everyone must keep their feet covered at all times, and for anyone to see your feet without socks or shoes would be a cause of great embarrassment. Or you would be a slut or a pervert for letting anyone see your feet in public, or at least without paying you for it. Clothing spread to cultures with little history or need for it by convincing them that they are all moral degenerates for not having it, and (convincing them) that people who would not be ashamed of being seen without it (by many others in public) are sick (in a mentally deficient sense, that is. Achoo! Brrrrrr. ).

Memories in common

Page 95
What to want beyond this universe and life, and what in this universe, if anything, is worth wanting?

Most larger countries are organized around cooperation for conquest (military machines). That is why they have armies and allow each other to make military service mandatory (forcing adolescents into the military or imprisoning or executing them if they refuse). Self-defense is a convenient lie. If self-defense was really the goal, they would have pooled their resources long ago to make wars impossible. That conquest now has simply been transferred in times of peace (between wars for control over resources) to economic warfare, how to plunder anothers resources without firing a shot, and without seeming to act aggressively, or ideally, without anyone thinking there is anything wrong with it. Without enlarging ones territory, political control is not diluted, yet the bleeding of resources from other areas can continue as if they were parts of ones own lands, and the people living there can be easily controlled to be unable to prevent it, and unable to withstand external pressures to control their own laws, land, and livelihoods. Stripped of any means of self-determination economically, they are putty in the hands of wealthier nations, and can be moved around like chess pieces. When diamonds were found under the Bushmen's lands where they were self-sufficient, they were simply moved elsewheres (and their wells were filled with concrete to get them to go) where they did not have means to survive compared to where they lived thousands of years self-sufficiently, and were given practically free alcohol to keep them happy about it. Now dependent on others for food, "new labor", and robbed blind of the wealth of their lands. All indigenous peoples get treated this way and we have simply substituted weaker countries since we are running out of weaker indigenous people to do that to. The machines must continue to grow, economies to grow, and countries are the main organized means of conquest, though now they are being undermined by global corporations vying for their power. No matter who wins, weaker people will most surely continue to lose what little they had. If they were paid what it was worth, where would the profit be in that? The greater discrepancy is not a crime, not robbery, but simply better business. And if you make them so poor they cannot survive without you, even better. New labor too. And by giving them low-paying jobs, you get to play the hero too. Ain't life grand?

Fast-forward people's lives like mayflies (flies that are born, eat, reproduce, and die within a single day), what interactions they do besides reproducing, how do they tip the balance of how people treat each other? Instant people in fast-forward, made to effect. Speeding it up you see the effects and less the events which made them choose those courses of action. Both perspectives are interesting, the web of whats, and why they do what they do and hope to achieve. Both need to be fully understood without trying to control either. Inside and outside views of all lives and each person's life.

To imagine freedoms and know of them beyond what your government allows or wants you to think about is to begin seeing a wider view, not of the world how it is but how you might think it could be or should be. Once upon a time, some governments understood this as good. That was before they wanted to preserve the present at all cost because in deprivation, there is more power. But the desire grows within those who can see or know those more honest worlds of more intellectual freedoms, and it cannot be destroyed by any government no matter how totalitarian it becomes in trying to control what people think about freedom or define freedom to mean by controlling society and the media, even if it imagines itself to still be a democracy. That makes the dictatorship stronger, the hypocrisy, but true freedom cannot be forgotten once tasted, and the heart and soul remember even after the mind has been cleansed of it. If any people were ever willing to accept their governments definition of freedom, the Soviet Union would never have collapsed, feudalism would not have collapsed, slavery and serfdom would never have been abolished, and democracies would never have arisen, even if they have since abandoned the principle that the people count more than the economic interests, and decry "populism".

The rarer something is, the more you can charge for it. I wonder how high happiness will cost in the future. It certainly won't be free if the people running the world now have anything to say about it, and can find a way to make sure if you can't afford it, you will never see it.

The world may never become a democracy and would prefer never to think it would never wish to be one. Some countries are able to get all the resources from anywhere they wish without having to take care of or listen to the people of that region and make them equal citizens in the decision making process or treat them as they would their own. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? Exploitation is not a side effect, it is the defining model of how people relate to each other, and have institutionalized it. I know of many better societal models and higher levels of democracy. The people though will always have the lowest level of participation they are willing to accept and have the greatest level of control and manipulation as those in power think they can get away with.

Page 96
The way I see it, humanity idolizes the idea of perpetual civil war with itself. Each powerful "sovereign" nation thinks it can come up with a tactical advantage, militarily or economically, and increase its power. The problem is the level of technology makes playing that game increasingly suicidal and are long overdue in thinking up a new game. With increasing technologies, war will either be everywhere, or people all over the world can begin to figure out how to pull the plug on this mad chase for weapons and control of others or we will soon end up with a world too disorganized with too many nuclear and biological wars or "incidents" to make discussions of a better future even possible. While control of the world is determined by who has the most and worst weapons, all or most independent groups will seek to acquire them, and potentially use or threaten their use on others. The race to always develop more and better ones to stay on top is insane. Humanity can either look to the mind-blowing destruction this will lead to, or can begin talks on how to get itself out of this situation which threatens ALL people in ALL nations equally, no matter what their leaders or generals like to delude themselves with.

If every possible avenue of events gets played out at least once, the only things that are really connected are the things you wish to see as connected, whether in your future or in your past. Either way, you can make them connect in either.

People should not get sold on the characters, not even their own. All power is in the play and how it unfolds.

FTR - in my mind Jesus was short by today's standards, Lebanese looking, had weird eyes, and was not particularly strong though there are different kinds of strength. (Historians agree except about the eyes part, that they would not be able to say.) The 5 foot 6 inch European looking caricature is a joke, almost as funny as the sculptures in Lithuania which make him look like Hercules or Thor. God making Man in his own image or Man making God in his own image? (Don't have a cow, man - Bart Simpson) "Euro-Jesus" never walked the earth, the image people have of him in their minds is a purposeful misrepresentation, purely bullshit made for increasing his image among Europeans, and now Europeans image among other peoples of the world. Look, your God was a white European, just like we are. Trust us. He was one of us.

The more you turn your back on the past and break the strings one by one, the more you know each and every one of them, and the way they pull you, hold you, define you, and its designs upon you. You cannot escape the past altogether, nor should you wish to, but you must learn all the strings one by one to know which ones to keep and which must stay cut to create the direction you think is the best to seem to go in. The more expectations the past has upon you, the more important it is to mentally take hold of it to make that past your own and not be its creation, but (be) your own master, and give the future that right of self-determination as well, rather than to fall into the trap as those in the past might have wished and wish to control or shape it as well. Guide it, yes, but guide it to run free. Free where others wouldn't dare, not out of (lack of) morals, but out of timidity and fear, and lack of imagination. You must trust others and you must trust yourself to know what is right for each different time.

The center of trust, whether in yourself or in others, that you know what is right for them better than they do, when those times and on those issues, they do not match. That is difference between despots and those who truly believe in democracy and freewill beyond their own lies and minds.

Religion in a cultural context - enables cultures to spread to different people of the world who have or had different cultures and would never have switched without the whole fire and brimstone stuff. Fear of hell is what drives the spread (of Christianity and Islam), not a love of heaven. Take away the stick (and the threat to kill them if they do not believe you), and leave only the carrot and many would still convert or have converted but many others might not like or believe in carrots. (The religions would not have dominated and destroyed all other types in those regions.) How many really go along with it just to be on the safe-side, whether as a means to advance within their cultures, to not be shunned because that is what is expected of them to think and say, or simply to cover their bases if the whole hell thing is more than just a twisted and sick fairy tale?

Time buoys - points of reference in different futures common to other futures, where they overlap other timelines and can be used as a reference point to where you are in terms of events yet to occur, what you are moving toward or away from, and if alongside, what you missed or avoided.

Part of a group, yet the group is a part of yourself contributing to your sense of identity to push off of. The Universe is the same way. Just a bigger group to be part of and part of you in a way. In each instance, you are more than the group and just using it to define yourself for awhile until bored with it and find something new to play with (interact with).

(Note: the following I wrote after rereading from the page I was currently writing in near the end of section 7. Since the notes are written in the margins of the original Deconstructing the Universe notebook, sometimes I reread where what I am writing now is overlapping what I wrote then, 2 years ago, and how they randomly match up or don't.) This body I have, this life which I am a continuation of, has written ideas which have the potential to be around as long as humanity is around, even if tens of thousands of years. That said, I can say this without ego. From those words at that time, I am many times removed. Everyday in every way I am on the road to becoming someone else, someone different, keeping some parts, choosing to lose some others, always reforming, refining, but changing the mix. No part, no one moment is the end, not even the one that will appear to you in your present timeline to be the last or definitive. It is from only one point of view your last. Even within your own life, there are many different ends, many (ahead) from where you stand now, and many others unreachable from where you are now because of choices you made in your past. Even others' ends, and others beginnings, are not unreachable for you, and not so much not a part of you as you might think, even if you never meet them, or even never could. Some part of you if they exist in the same Universe will know them, and some part of them will know you, inevitably.

People 2D opposite gravity = best view.

Page Ninety-X (page out of pages)
(Note: OK, where to begin with explaining this? The "notes" actually began with the drawings of graphs of where doors between cubes of tesseracts would lead, and the dimensional contortionist drawings, before they had a form as "notes". Therefore, there is nothing to say that this should not be here. This drawing was not really meant be in the notes because the notes now are primarily words, but it fits into what was said just above and reflects on what came later. The idea came as I was looking down on people from above in a shopping mall, a direct overhead view. The drawings are of ovals within ovals for a head and torso, and crab like arms, standing at different angles to each other, and their fields of vision marked by lines, all squashed down to 2D to get a God's eye view. I thought about making them move, like the world's most boring video game, and have them interact with each other, but without their heads being able to turn. Kind of like people-amoebas. For trying to predict or make sense of this little petri dish of people's interactions with each other, I had meters for; speed, strength, present conflict (which people when interacting had issues with certain others), aggressiveness, desire to see again, and even stronger than just desire to see again (not wish to have killed) was desire to help that individual/not to see hurt. Thus if the interaction between two escalated to red (potential  for violence) and even if ones strength was less than the aggressors, and if that exchange was within that others field of vision (no ears for these proto-people yet), he/she might still go to aid if the wish to help meter outweighed their lacking in strength meter compared to the aggressor. Having others around might also cause one to think to give aid, than compared to if there was no one else around.)

Overhead view + over time view = outside of environment view

Logic of this exercise - all people are used to viewing life from within their or even one others perspective. Outside view of all interactions from above and over time is a view most only see bits and pieces of while concentrating on their own life and perspectives. Why do we aid others in conflict with others? What do we stand to gain from their continued existences? Why create others? (The crab-people had no genders though it was considered to make them evolve over time. They also did not need food as it was assumed to be everywhere in their environment so it was not a factor in their behavior.) What makes some more able to survive hostile interactions with others? These are just a few overviews of interaction assessment of a very boring yet very real game-like arena environment we live in everyday.

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How you interact with what you find in your environment defines you in and over time. You are limited by and to that except when you try to create something new for you or others to interact with. Then you are casting the net wider but are limited by what you might consider possible to create, the limitations on your own imagination you cannot know of (and materials on occasion depending on what you think to create). What new things others create or your environment adds are again external to you and simply are other parts of your environment to interact with or collaborate with.

There is a biological predeterminism to organisms turning on each other when the numbers get too high, and get more selective about which are in the "in-group" and which are their adversaries. Before universal commonality is reached, differences will emerge or be ascribed and conflict will resume. All governments rule by force alone, using the temporary present control or power to enforce or create a common culture based around and on its territorial region to impress upon new members of it to conform to that sense of identity for it as an organization to remain intact or even grow instead of diversifying. Humanity's challenge is not an easy one and goes against the biology. That is since every organization wants to grow, instead how to create a common universal organizational structure to guide their interactions without allowing one group or coalition to dominate it or use that structure for their own selective purposes, as would ALWAYS be the case, for groups to want or think they could use it for their own cliques advantage, or they would never agree to having it. How to have a single government or organizing referee which cannot be corrupted, does not function as a promoter of one culture versus another and cannot be co-opted to promote any ideology over any other, no matter how high the numbers climb, and allow dissenters to remain alive and survive as separate groups. The twin needs of groups to grow and absorb others into it, and to again diversify, this works out naturally through violence, war, murder, (love the people that have no problem with the word "war" but think using the word "murder" would be going too far), brainwashing of entire cultures through new education, but now humanity must figure out a way to allow these twin needs to occur without weapons, for without that, the struggle will destroy everyone as the weapons will become too powerful and too plentiful too soon. Plus the brainwashing by cultures must allow for their cultures to grow by allowing them to change, adapt to other cultures, and allow people to reject some tenants of them to allow for real individuality over group-think and intimidation. Both of these aspects, cultures to blend and new individualized movements to form, are also part of the dual growth and diversification needs.

Assimilating all aspects of the global geo-political situation: Territorialism (lands and which groups control patrolled sections of it), ethnic identity based upon language and features which set people apart visually (skin color, features, manner of behavior, body language), cross-cultural methods of group identification based on ideology or religion, and other imagined group loyalties which determine behavior. Equal rights or special rights? It is within each individual and group to want to secure advantages over others. Once in power, it is natural that people or groups want to secure their position, their current advantage over others for them or their group. Multiple group identities make it harder to know who is the other to conquer and exploit. It can be less or more conflict provoking. One can see combinations of differences and similarities with all others, or just be turned on one group, then another, territory, religion, etc., whatever is more useful of the day. Whoever controls what people want controls which sense of identity will prevail at any given point, the one group most likely to deliver on that. Thus the territorial group uses that military control over the lands and people to control what they see and read to control what they want. Otherwise a different sense of identity more capable of delivering the goods will prevail. That countries try to set up their own state religions, their own political parties and movements, their own ideologies, etc., to make themselves more self-contained and less susceptible not to foreign influences, but to senses of identity within their own people which cut across borders. The more aces of identity are tied to a border, the more likely the national identity will always prevail over any other sense of identity, even as they routinely shift.

I can make good abstract paintings and designs, what I dismiss as pretty pictures. I can make clever rhymes of philosophical poetry. I can even compose good music. I can make better, easier to use computer programs, create more effective classroom instruction methods, and even invent things which could make life easier for people. All of these things could have given me a comfortable life if I were willing to look the other way on things. Unfortunately, none of those options are for me. Looking the other way is impossible because by doing so, I would not be me. Time is short, and the current situation both I am in and the world is in comes first. As much as I loved doing those other things, and hate the stupidity, greed, and shortsightedness of the world I am stuck with, when I take a few steps back, I remember there is nothing I would rather be doing and the bigger the challenge, the more you must rise to meet it, and when you allow yourself to think so, the more fun it is to have something nearly impossibly big to build or to destroy. Each is always a bit of the other. Take your pick each day what motivates you more, as long as the end remains the same, to build what you like or to destroy what you don't. Neither view alone will take you there, and being stuck looking at it only in the same terms gets boring. Moods change day to day so you might as well use that and have fun with spin.

Some people when given consistently conflicting data about when a mutually exclusive result both is and isn't the case, will just ignore it and believe what they wish, not that most don't anyway, and move on. Others will see it as a paradox and try to expand their thinking of the situation so that they can account for it logically and the paradox is only (seemingly) one from a certain wrong perspective. Still others can go beyond that too, to say that the solution to the paradox is itself an invention to make one think it is solved, that logic must prevail, and that instead think their will created to them the solution, and that the paradox itself was the paradox. It created the desire for it to be solved and would not the have been without that desire. Neither the problem nor the solution were ever absolute.

Redefining the organizational means of life or the Universe. Figuring out its goals and substituting your own. The problem is knowing how to keep your goals and its own separate, or you become simply conforming to it while thinking it is conforming to you, like two objects in space each thinking the other is revolving around itself.

People as works of art, physical or temporal (performance art). Manipulating their experiences and knowledge to get them to behave, appear, and identify themselves by their thinking as you wish. Yet another outside view on life or the Universe.

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Announcers voices on television electronically enhanced to get peoples' attention perfected with volunteers willing to have electrodes attached to them to monitor their biological responses by rigorous psychological scrutiny. Even singers' voices, but at least they usually are not trying so openly to manipulate you into buying something, watching something, or voting for someone. Actors willing to pretend to be anyone saying any view on any subject on television if they think it will increase their wealth or status, i.e. careers, and people watching that and being consciously or unconsciously trained to think that is the correct way to behave in a similar situation if they identify with that character. Government agents willing to manipulate what people know, if important enough to them, to sleep with them, even to marry them, to promote some nationalistic agenda or other cause they can be manipulated into doing such things for. It is so much more honest, those who do the same things for money. At least those people are not as brainwashed as the people they seek to brainwash. And above all, a public which can neither see nor care about what kind of world this is creating, endless manipulation covertly of everyone trying to control, influence, or manipulate everyone else without their knowledge simply because people are seemingly born with a blank slate, having to learn things by interaction with others or the media, and that is where they are most vulnerable, to control them by what they know via what they interact with.

Both creating something in the future and being created by that state in the future. Feedback loops which can grow faster than time. Slower loops are what creates time itself. Consciousness can speed up that process and occasionally guide it, yet for what ends? Only fools think in terms of trying to keep their consciousness or any organizational structure intact forever. Time itself is writing in the sand. A good organization which lasts only a second is worth as much as one which lasts a billion years and affects a trillion lives. They are no different to those who really understand time. That is why improving is ALWAYS a far superior goal than surviving longer, even if it takes many years away from how long you could have survived without changing fundamentally.

In regards to the Many Worlds Theory, not all paradoxes are created or resolved in the same Universe. To understand side realities, resolution of paradoxes occur outside of linear progression. Once losing sight of linear effects, one can see resolutions outside the lines, only movement or simulating movement through multiple timelines at once can show the whole picture which one timeline, like one person, can only have one perspective upon. Many times sequentially and at once are the same.  Inventor said it best about different places at same time = different times of the same place.

Dream as Twilight Zone episode. Narrative switches every time one interacts with another, each protagonist changes, different purposes of each character to each other, each locked in a different struggle, seeing each of everyone else from a different point of view. Overview exposition after episode, each as a different room Universe with events and characters overlapping and simultaneous events occurring differently in each as narrative bounces back and forth over different "rooms". Explanation was an accident occurred and all bodies of each were in water connected by electricity like in a puddle with a powerline frying each of them, but connecting their minds and the powerful bad person from each's viewpoint represented the accident and the electricity, though each was also equally the victim seeing another different person as the perpetrator /enemy in a different dream-like world. Very symbolic of life, how each person's lives and minds interconnect and interact within a framework of different perceptual universes with each person playing vastly different roles to each other based on widely different views of the same person based on their perspectives and beliefs of what is good and bad, and what their dream is about in purpose, yet all are in the same boat of something external to all which connects them in an overview reality they are not aware of while locked in a reality in effect a creation of their own consciousnesses. Dream as a series of dreams of same event from vastly different points of view of different characters, yet actually tied up nicely with an exposition at the end of what it was about. All were locked in a struggle to escape something, get away from something, represented to them as each other, yet all were being killed by the same thing they could not perceive in the external reality which connected them all, and that each was circumstances they were no longer conscious of while the electricity was connecting their minds and was the real enemy causing their suffering and anguish personified by others in their separate but interconnected conscious worlds.

Things may be following a pattern created by peoples' expectations and I may be trying to alter a past which cannot be changed, but from a different point of view, every day the universe is trying to go off in a new direction not tried before, and every once in a thousand lifetimes, a generation can be made willing to explore and create one of those new directions not a continuation of the past, not predictably uninnovative and ruled by circumstances, but bold for the benefit of all not motivated by power or profit for those who already ought to acknowledge having enough of both already, but beyond the rhetorical bullshit used to justify exploitation every day, really for the true benefit of all humanity.

A mind being in more than one person in the future or past is natural. Carrying that back to the present is difficult but soon must be attempted. The two bands, the globe of diversity of a common future and past widest at the present, and the hourglass of many futures and pasts springing from one common present, must merge soon.

Spreading democracy in this part of this century is just an excuse to put in people that are loyal to the corporations interests in strategic or untapped countries. People have forgotten what democracy meant before parties were arranged by economic interests and have yet to learn what democracy will mean when the public again regains control. Until then the word "democracy" means a spoiled fish which smells really really bad, unfortunately. Dictatorships had more opportunities for change than these so-called "democracies" because at least when overthrown, people would have a chance for real democracies to be established. These machines which call themselves democratic, by co-opting the language and the cause, conveniently suppress the main avenue of change, and leave people feeling helpless and without direction, wanting what they think they have but know they don't have simultaneously. You want democracy? You have democracy, remember? Now go away!

The "frontrunner" and presumptive nominee of both parties in the US is determined long before the primaries by the major corporations. With both choices determined and hand-picked by the corporate interests, people are right to wonder where they come in other than to rubber-stamp one body with interchangeable faces capable of talking out of either side of its mouth as long as it eats the same thing with it, money, and serves the same master, money.

Minds prefer seeing dynamic events as solid objects. World and objects in motion and in flux constantly yet perception focuses on reducing all motions to staticness which appears as solid objects not moving. An object appearing "at rest" is moving through countless realities per second, just seemingly at pace with those others around it, yet all are changing exponentially over time, simply synchronous with a nearby environment. Biological things, changing constantly per second even more so.

The battle of wills to objectify or recognize the will of others.

Lawyers seek loopholes in the law so they or their clients can move wherever they wish on a circuitous path so it is not an obstacle to where they wish to go. Physicists try the same thing with the "laws" of nature, trying to work within the system but to get around it as well.

When those in power stop playing by the rules in how they treat you, you are free to change the rules as well because once they exempt themselves from having to stick to their own rules and break them, then there are no longer any rules. If one side must obey them and the other must not, such "rules" are nothing of the sort. They are then simply a smokescreen to divert attention. A treaty or covenant broken no longer is in force or binding.

There is a "convenient" blind spot in humanity's idea of "justice" large enough to fit a galaxy through it. I have no idea anymore why I thought reasoning could work.

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People no matter how devoutly religious ought to be able to consider two things which are important. One is that in the name of God, some of the most horrible things have been done to people. The recent death of a schizophrenic young woman upon a cross in Romania as an example, which is really not that bad and I don't mean to pick on those people because at least they were trying to help her by ridding her of a "demon", but to the ones they don't like, don't care much about, or kill people in the name of "saving" them or converting them such as burning them alive or the ever popular stoning them to death. History is full of morbid examples. If there is a God, people have to admit these people had a point that "He" has not raised much of an objection heretofore of these people doing these things in His name, controlling people and societies by doing so, and often making a pretty good living at it in the process. The other thing to consider, and I know the concept of faith means to suspend all the logic circuits, but to briefly consider the possibility that God does not exist or not in a way which we in this century can accurately conceive of the notion, in the sense that because a citizen of Egypt 6000 years ago can conceive of the job of Pharaoh does not mean he necessarily can grasp what being the leader of a parliamentary republic is all about, George W. not withstanding of course. Not to imply that God is elected, but that in some ways a president is like a pharaoh, in other ways he is like the guy who sells carpets, especially if he gets caught cheating on Mrs. Pharaoh. The concept is now a lot more complex on what it means to be the leader of a nation, and that concept has evolved over merely a few thousand years, whereas we are either millions of years behind understanding God if you count the past, or how we might understand the concept in the future. I don't mean to imply by that that people are evolving, heaven forbid, but that even the most devout people can agree that our concept of a political leader has evolved over the last 6000 years, and that hopefully they can agree we are getting more intelligent about a lot of things, so maybe our present concept of God might be tidied up a lot more, say 6000 years from now. That God may not exist or not exactly match even a silhouette of our current notions, and if you can concede the fact that many leaders throughout history have not been exactly the most completely sold on the idea, merely using the religion as an excuse to take whatever they want from others and saw it as a good path to power, putting it in this perspective, you might catch a glimpse of how much this concept has enabled the worst behavior, excused and exonerated it among the powerful by having co-opted the religions for political purposes, and the religions as well by being used and benefiting from that relationship to political power, as well as all the good things humble people have done in willing to make sacrifices for the benefit of others. The concept of God has been, at best, a two-edged sword, promoting the best and an excuse to do the worst.

Fastball - gravity

The stronger you are, the more power you have, the greater the desire to rule, the need to rule. I know that insatiable feeling too well. There is another to balance that, the desire to impart that power to others, to make them stronger, eventually your equals, to give them more control. People always do the former while promising to do the latter, one day. The problem I have now is with the lies. Electronic voting, sham democracies, rigged elections, electoral systems where the public's will is manipulated by powerful groups so easily and often it is meaningless. They have no power, and are losing any real hope of ever gaining any power over their governments as well. Those who should guard against this, those who are supposed to have stopped it from deteriorating this much, have all been corrupted or blackmailed, either way, side-lined. Those who talk of giving power to the people, democracy, are making sure the blueprints ensure they will never have any power to challenge them or their heirs. That is what power is all about, keeping it and never sharing it, but making everyone think they still have it or never will lose it. Yet those who lose it, allow everyone to be beaten down never assuming it will be them and their children, are only getting what they deserve for being weak and stupid. It is not like they were not told or did not see it coming. (I saw a quote to the effect, completely unchallenged, that a committee in a country determined that voting over the internet was as safe and tamper proof as voting in voting stations. Maybe if you live in Florida. The reality is there has probably never been a generation in history more willing to sell their children and all other generations into virtual slavery having absolutely NO political rights via any means of controlling their own governments so they, the leadership, can make a quick buck off of selling them out in the present, all while promoting "democracy" and thinking they will be remembered as heroes of it. Self-delusion is after all a small price to pay for getting rich at the expense of others freedom whom you will never meet.)

You either are responsible for everything in your society that is wrong which you do not try with all your might to change, or you are a ghost, thinking you can simply observe without needing to get involved or help anyone, and your existence is irrelevant to them, your existence and meaningless sympathies, merely spit and salt in their wounds, at best a collaborator in their sufferings. Humanity has tried since the dawn of time to opt out of that quandary, stand on both sides of the fence, imagine a third way. There is none and never will be. You either commit to helping change things or you accept the world the way it is what you really want it to be because you refuse to risk anything and everything to help them. You either put yourself first and admit it, revel in it, or you don't and throw yourself in to build something better.

Those nations which do not admit and embrace their most sordid and tragic mistakes of the past, may or may not be doomed to repeat them as the history quote, "Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it," but without honestly owning up to them, minimizing mistakes or even denying them and making records of them seem to disappear, are incapable of learning or every truly seeing them as mistakes, and never being able to grow beyond them.

Coming this summer: Dimension Wars, the Return of Inventor and Assistwo, in which Assistwo is tempted by the dark side.(Gratuitous Darth Vader impressions, yes, it all makes sense now :-) Coming soon to an omoglatron near you. (Thank god for something light for a change).

People are given choices in an election that are as opposed to each other as the most powerful in the country wish those choices to be. Never an election about which type of system, fundamental changes, or increased fairness. Usually politicians offered as choices are the same model car, only you get to pick the color.

The difference between getting paid to do what you think you should be doing or what others think you should be doing.

Ignorance = profit. Criminalizing as much behavior as possible = as much potential profit as possible. Denying people access to as much as possible of what they want or need opens the door for someone to be able to charge them for it. If it was previous legal, the price was low. Simply by making something illegal, the potential for greater power and profit soars. Criminals get a new product line, police a new source of bribes, lawyers more cases, right on up the food chain! A whole new revenue stream for society is invented or created overnight. Moralists get something new to condemn their political opponents for, even after they get caught purchasing it on the side. At least they did not say it was right, so the moral high ground can still be claimed. Making collecting clean rainwater for drinking illegal in South America was a revelation! You can even make fresh water a black market product and criminals out of anyone who gives people a free or lower-priced extra day of life because they are costing a US corporation the ability to sell them that water and that day of life to them at a higher profit margin, over 1/3 their income just for water, or force them to drink contaminated water. Oh the unlimited profit potential all around just waiting to be tapped!!!

Power-hypocrisy meter -  The more power you have, the higher the mountain you can think or convince others you are on while actually able to go that amount much deeper than others into the depths of how low humanity can go.

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Created by nature for the purpose of going beyond it. If not constantly increasing the limits of what is possible, surprising and surpassing the rest of the Universe, you are ultimately uninteresting, predictable, and a victim or pawn of those who will take the initiative to do so if you don't first. Anything that is not adapting faster is merely standing still in time like a tennis ball suspended in midair just waiting to be slammed by those whose speed is faster and thoughts are quicker. Senses such as sight and hearing were like new inventions, and nature is not as intent upon controlling and limiting improvements as humanity is. Greed has turned patents and copyrights into an excuse to hold back innovation among poorer people indefinitely because they are lengthened at will whenever profitable to do so, and new laws to control information benefits the richer countries which make the rules the rest must live by, or be starved economically and lose more control over their economy and property because of sanctions or less fair trade deals to sell their goods at world prices. When humanity seeks to control adaptation to benefit one group at the expense of others, it is becoming a retard of nature bound to fall behind a race the entire universe runs everyday. (If a minor researcher in a poor country came up with an almost free energy source which could put all the oil companies out of existence overnight, would he/she be able to market it? Would his creation and rights to it be accepted by richer countries? Could he give it away to benefit all humanity and turn the world economy upside down? If you think it would not be stolen, forced to sell it, or being killed and charged with theft of his own ideas from someone who did not invent it, and have it come under the control of the most powerful groups now to limit it as much as possible and profit from it as much as possible, you have no idea of how the world works today.)Limit the knowledge of others to see and they will simply grow eyes in new ways others will pick up generations later as leftovers like other species picking up new tricks of ways of perceiving ones environment.

Gravity flyswatter ride

The EU has neither the institutions nor the rallying cause for its existence to capture the imagination and allegiance of even its own citizens. In its present form as a European Union of democracies, it has become as insignificant beyond a wealthy trade block as (politically speaking) the African countries are merely to the future, the aboriginals of the world to be exploited and wiped out at will. As a global player, the EU has vanished from significance in its present form because it has shown it has no future and very little past. Without a firmer sense of identity and purpose, all the dreams it had to influence humanity and the future have died, and its ideals it sought to enshrine also face now an uncertain and precarious future divided.

The Universe or myself purposely keeps knowledge away from me like a carrot on a stick, because without that, I would not bother to do anything. I neither want nor need existence, nor need power, money, nor even the desire to help people, beyond use as a means to linger awhile until my blind spot, intentionally created, is satisfactorily resolved. Until then, because of this grating, my willpower will grow unchecked until the Universe itself cries uncle and provides the explanation which I will not be denied, honestly and without excuses. Any other kind of power, wealth, or knowledge is insignificant and petty to me, and merely something to stand in my way, be used, or be overcome. Helping people is a side quest, and not an insignificant one, yet I in the end only am using all of existence as a means to an end, and time itself is becoming irrelevant. Common ideas of wealth and power are like kids who try to steal each others lunch money to me. The answer I seek ultimately cannot be found or determined in or by a single entire Universe's timeline from beginning to end, but it is a place to start.

Many to most politicians will "accidentally" pursue policies which exacerbate the problems they devoted and staked their careers on solving which is the basis of their power and public support. The greater the public alarm increases on those issues they have dedicated their careers to, the greater their star will rise, preferably all the way to the top. The last thing these people really want is for the problem to go away, the public to forget about them, and lose their meal ticket. The innocent people's lives these "mistakes" cost is a small price to pay for the greater good they can do once consolidating power. Sick!

Seeing everything from outside of it. How worlds, matter, and species form. How consciousness and spirit form. What they hope to achieve in events in their limited times. What future orders they hope will arise and try to contribute to. How their senses of identity form and are shaped. Experiences first, foremost, and exclusively. Shaped, molded, grown. Lives as objects, objects as experience and potential for experiences only.  Seeing your own life from outside of it and within the same context as others without attachment enables seeing others lives from within to without as well. Each outside view is anothers, all others, potential inside view.

Smoking, alcoholism, drug addiction, they are all the same. Lack of willpower, lack of self-respect. Creating their own miseries, to victimize themselves with needless pain and suffering out of misformed senses of identity and lack of positive feedback. There are those who will say they enjoy it, so why wish to stop? That is fine while they believe it. But the walls they build of circumstance and lessened potential they eventually notice if/when they try to stop. That lacking, that loss of control over their own behavior, loss of power over themselves and its ability to eat away at themselves and destroy their lives, to be cut down by it, that is ultimately just another experience to be learned from, hopefully not their last (experience) and can get beyond it before their addiction sucks ALL (the rest of) the life out of them.

Through hell and back again. An exploration of all the suffering we bring upon ourselves, codify into our societies, and why we need to do so. The darkest one yet, yet also the most hopeful. How to stop.

Increasing peoples power to do good, or what you think is good, increases, ALWAYS, their abilities to do what you think is bad. Limiting that, trying to control it one way or another, is to take power away from them. If you don't see that as bad in and of itself, you have given up all right to judge others and deserve to be stripped of any claim to power yourself. The only people that deserve power know it is poison, and have no taste for it. All others will use it to inflict their values and opinions on others by force, take away their rights to decide for  themselves how they ought to live and to define for themselves what they think is right or good.

Freedom first and foremost means the right to choose your own battles, define for yourself what your life is about and what your purpose is. That is why to me conscription or the draft is so clearly the opposite of freedom. It means you were grown to fight someone else's battle, to live or to die for a purpose not of your own choosing. I have been fighting the idea I was made for ANY purpose, let alone anyone else's idea of what for. That is a fight that can't be won, eventually you must choose, but the choice should always be your own or freedom is a mirage.

Desires as threads, of what you want to achieve or experience, multiple and overlapping.

Life at is most ideal is like finding a new shortcut in San Francisco Rush that you don't know yet where it will come out, surprised for awhile, and learning a whole new way to play a game billions of years old. That and never forgetting that new path is what you leave behind. What is behind others is ahead for you.

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More freedom means more responsibility. That is a catch-22 even the wisdom of Solomon could not overcome. On one hand, the powerful would hate you (if you gave more people more freedom) for making people more free because they would be less controlled and less easily exploited. The people themselves would hate you for requiring them to take upon more responsibilities. It is so much easier to just say f**k it and let everyone sort it out the old fashioned way with guns. Oh the good old days! Wait a minute, it is still the good old days. Only they weren't all that good. Die for freedom, kill for freedom, yet you get rooked every time out of it, so they grow another generation which won't remember (as clearly) how yours got screwed, and naive enough to fight in yet another bigger better bloodbath, not that they will be given any choice about it.

Principles or people first?

Growing into the future. Using multiple states of existence in the future to create a past, creating that which will in turn create you. Your desire for its shape, its desire for your shape, like electrical nodes in an  ancient sci-fi film's laboratory creating the line of current which connects the two. That lightning-like current line is events of time seen from outside of them of what connects the two. In the stream, the current is traveling both ways to create the connection. Bzzzzt!

City pigeons

Selling food abroad at world prices instead of feeding own people (who now could not afford to compete with what other countries could pay), malnourished and starving.

Everything else around and up to.

Culture = what you should want to do, what you should want to experience, what you think is valuable, what you should want to try to control and limit others access to, to "own" it. To manipulate and control peoples desires to "own" them. That is the power cultures seek to gain over others.

When might is thought to equal right, those who can and are willing to do the most harm, use that power to convince everyone that their doing so equals good and that it should be no other way, and that God himself sanctioned their deeds.

Having to do anything, story, being in one, sucks.

God is a character in a story meant to scare children into doing what those who raised them tell them and keeps them from inventing new ones or having control of their own lives even after those others have long since turned to dust.

Seven deadly sins. 1) Lack of accountability- giving unassailable, unquestionable, and unverifiable election results guaranteed to destroy public trust and even if not completely drive them away from the political process (through apathy), leaves it wide open to manipulation by covert intelligence to put anyone in any numbers into power. 2) Mind control- Media manipulation is in its infancy, news content is provided by for-profit corporations unwilling to have their positions of power (and control of that) questioned, and public is already being softened with "positive" applications of memory control. 3) Breakdown of all legal principles- Backdating laws now has been done not only in countries with laughable commitments to rule of law but even the US which is thought to have established principles of justice. While laws can be rewritten to make actions illegal after the fact, anyone or any group can have laws written to be used as a weapon to target them regardless of their compliance with it. 4) Disregard of treaties- All human rights treaties are routinely shit upon with no negative consequences, countries back out of agreements unilaterally and generally international law is used only to punish weaker countries who pay a heavy price when it goes against them (which) the larger countries break routinely and profit from it. (3 left to go).

Humanity, countries, groups, would pay almost any price for one of any number of uninvented methods to completely destroy their own species. They crave it, they lust after it, they prize that power above all others. Offer them one of the rarer ways to prevent that from happening and even if it were accepted as viable, they would consider it worthless.

Becoming a freight train

I got mine culture, call me if you get yours. Colin Powell or any black republican on an honesty pill (truth serum) on the campaign trail- "I ain't your "Brutha". Call me if you get a few million "homey", they we can "hang". Martin Luther King died so I can look down on your as much as rich whites look down on poor whites. To me your just another house nigger."

If I ever did adopt to a political party, it would be the "All people are lazy shits who shit on most previous generations by not being willing to fight, struggle, or take risks to give their children more rights than they had party". If other generations were as sycophants as this one, they would never have the rights this generation has lost by not fighting for new ones, and the inevitable erosion which results. Way to go baby boomers! The conveyor belt takes no holiday. You either work forward faster than it pulls you backward or you get pulled backward as your children lose the freedom your parents earned for you.

Seeing 360- seeing where you are in terms of experiences only, what you think you have experienced, what you think you might experience in the future, and what you would prefer to experience in the future. Your body, your planet, your species, the entire Universe up until now was merely from this ideal vantage point, merely to set this viewpoint up, and your history as well, only to set up each "new" moment, which are as unique and special as you wish to make them if you can, and remember how. Every set of events is merely to create a new perspective, and to be used by others after experienced as a history or guidepost of what can be experienced.

The original Jewish idea of God was sadistic enough to make everyone sufficiently afraid, self-righteous enough to be unquestionable, and demanding enough to justify genocide of all opponent "unbelievers". THAT, not lucky circumstances breaking in that direction, lead to offshoots of that religion, Christianity and Islam, to carve up the majority of bodies of this planet to be worshippers. Others left outside of them will hear crusaders and missionaries knocking on their doors. Already in India, we LITERALLY take their sacred cows, grind them into hamburger, and force them to watch people eating them in the streets in outdoor cafes. Unquestioning and losing the ability to question the "rightness" of such things does not give one power, it gives one ABSOLUTE POWER! With an idea of God vindictive and jealous enough to not only forgive murdering one's own children out of love for him, but to command it, then just say "Oh, I was just messing with you, but remember I must always come first in your heart or I will torture and kill them myself", with a concept of a "God" like that, who needs Satanists? You can satisfy your bloodlust the politically correct way. Hate these people, kill them, God will love you for it, he hates them too! Those who tried to work against such a view of God, even Jesus, were killed for it, and then ironically their lives were used to spread these concepts all over the globe, the very notions about God they were killed for speaking out against! Gotta love that! And the Gnostics, which he was probably part of, with a different positive idea of God, they were all hunted down to extinction with G.W. poised to crush the last ones left on the planet on the border between Iraq and Iran. Find out as Jesus did what happens when you try to go against the most sadistic view of God, it can even use your life, your metaphorical corpse, to spread itself further than ever.

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When no one is allowed by law or public pressure, to argue the other side of ANY (particular) issue, it (that particular issue) gets progressively more and more extreme in position constantly unchallenged, and debate becomes more and more unthinkable until everyone is simply told what to believe by the most extremist people possible.

Were any theory or set of ideas intended to explain everything possible, to physicists the Theory of Everything, Unification of the "Laws" of physics, to me Timeroads or the Many Worlds Theory plus movement and time, if any theory actually does cover everything, you can literally never stop working on it unless you stop thinking or interacting with reality because if it does cover everything, every other moment and thing you interact with is another part of the elephant (The blind men feeling different parts of an elephant example) and can be connected back to it. With Timeroads for me, there is no direction away from the elephant because even outside of time (in a curved space/time environment) is back to the elephant as well. Sucks.

I can't say I am more in step with the future than the present because whatever time you can imagine, there are potential ones after that, good futures and bad futures, and they are equally potentially real. I am definitely out of step with the present though. The worst tendencies of Man keep pace with technologies, use them to the hilt, profit from them, and exploit the hell out everyone and everything else with them. The political and religious structures and institutions are intentionally designed to always be dinosaurs, unchangeable and unable to keep up so they will forever be co-opted and taken over by the worst groups in a society. The difference between the good futures and the bad futures is at whose expense does your good times cost? In the bad futures, people don't think about that much, more power and control for you is the object, celebrated as a good thing, and others are there to serve you, whether openly as slaves or because economically they have no other choice. The good futures, far rarer, mean people want to share power equally, do not enjoy living in luxury beside their neighbors starving to death and homeless, do not get off on being able to buy anything or anyone, or make people humiliate themselves for your pleasure just because they are desperate (not making anyone do what you yourself would not wish to do). That is hardly an easy sell because as long as it is not you in the lower position, that is what people want, when they dare admit it to themselves, which is practically never or they would not enjoy it so much, and silence anyone who implies that is what they are doing or why they are enjoying it.

It is strange to reread 2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple again to get back to where it left off. With the foundation it laid framing the notes beyond it, I can cover the same ground much faster and have more to relate it to, yet still remember 2 years ago fighting to cut that path one paragraph at a time like hacking a path slowly through a very thick jungle which I can now cover in a much shorter time, and can imagine in the future those who can cover the same "ground" of reasonings as easily as cruising in an SUV down a superhighway.

The #1 thing about trying to live for the benefit of others- if they don't give a shit enough to bother helping you, you don't have to give a shit either. The onus is off of you.

Every minute of every day is a chance for a new perspective on everything which you were until that point, always stepping back further into another frame outside of what you were before and a new perspective on that. I merely use that ability to a greater effect, constantly searching out all the possibilities of and for that new moment's potential outside perspective. Though it seems to increase exponentially, (doing that) is merely trying to match its potential for growth and trying to keep up with all that is possible to see at that given time which was not possible the previous moment, and what has changed in potential.

With 2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple, I understand that not everyone will be able to understand all its concepts. I even allow that much of it might not make sense or be applicable to the real world, but because it is based upon logical deductions on straight-forward reasonings, it has value, and I am reasonably certain it covers ground which has yet to be covered because its logic is so simple and puts many complicated things into an easier to digest perspective, much of its concepts are either unknown or scattered about in this time or I would have come across them in books rather than to assemble it from parts I must invent myself. This is no IBM PC made from off-the-shelf parts. Each block exists but cannot be found in books at this time in the structure it hints at. I am well read on the subjects outside of technical physics and topology not yet dumbed down to the general public enough to know it goes, if not beyond what is now known or believed, (then) certainly to what is not generally known or believed yet will be because it is so simple and so obviously applicable to almost anything.

Humanity has never had peace, only strategic pauses to regroup, enlarge their populations by growing more soldiers (now "growing" more machines designed to kill people), and seek a tactical or technological advantage.

The 6 reasons why I went back to school where and when I did:
#1- Because the way I saw events lining up, it really was the best chance I had ever seen to help the most people the best I could, and by extension, though it never must come first anymore, to help those in my home country.

#2- To have the time to finish 2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple. With the walls closing in circumstantially speaking, and (its) demanding so much of my brain to create the concepts needed to sort my way through it, it literally took hold of everything up to the very day of eviction to put as much to paper as quickly as possible. It is literally a multi-dimensional jigsaw puzzle unfolding over time and it (going back to school) was the best way I could foresee to gain enough time to keep working on it freely.

#3- To see the world. I knew before I left some of the places the trip (the Bizarre Path) would take me, places I always dreamed of going, only 2 missed, and to do so not out of just frivolous sightseeing but for a good reason as well.

#4- Because I really always wanted to be studying what I am studying and where is an unimaginable bonus, taking me hopefully to other places I will not only study about but get to immerse myself in their cultures to know the publics minds as a whole as well.

#5- To sit out the election on neutral ground. If I had to sit through that display of "democracy in action" (without being able to tune it out) I would have been ill. Thank God I was able to step back. It was great so many people on both sides were motivated but was too much like seeing people in a casino thinking they can win big.

I thought when I wrote about Assistwo's turn to the darkside (that) I was only joking. The Omoglatron I knew about a year ago. The Gravity Flyswatter Ride weeks ago, but did not know how much it related to the Omoglatron. Getting totally pissed off with writing it (2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple ) like never before, ok, just more intensely, thinking to write the most absurd turn in the story possible, I love that no one could ever predict how it will develop even if its end conclusions must be predictable, it turned out not only to make it fun again to work on but as much as a wild turn to strangeness, it actually is workable in the context of moving it in a logical direction foreshadowed seemingly unintentionally. How something can be so completely unpredictable on one hand, and seem so logical at the same time stepping back a bit further is what keeps life interesting. Finding new ways to make the absurdities make some sort of sense, then seeing it did not take skill but was basically preordained to fall into place somehow someway, but the route to get there is best when it seems to come as a surprise for awhile.

The United States government which I grew up with committed to without lies or hypocrisy, freedom, democracy, human rights, international law, and respect for its own constitutional principles, died not by losing the cold war, but by winning it.

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In this reality, no one no matter how powerful or strong willed can achieve anything politically without harnessing and using the desires of others for preferential treatment over everyone else. Leaders of parties or groups gain that leadership role by seeking out the most powerful in those groups and promise to increase their wealth and influence in exchange for their support for their own narrower agendas. If (the society or government is) semi-democratic, the political parties or groups seek out the most influential and wealthiest sub-groups of (that) society and promise them advantages politically or economically with contracts, licenses, permits, or lower taxes. They also promise to further that sub-groups desire to influence the culture sometimes in exchange for cash payments, sometimes in addition to them. The demise of broad based labor or populist parties is simply a reflection of narrower groups having more influence. It is like ratings. How many listen to or watch your programming is far less important than how much your audience as a whole earns. If 20% of the people earned 80% of the income, the opinions of 80% of the people would almost never matter. They are so well controlled with police, so easily manipulated if a developed country (without television it is harder to do), their opinions mostly will match what those who own the media wish them to be, and the highest influential group is those who control the media, and for that reason they will also be the wealthiest and have the best access and mutually profitable relationships with the political groups in charge. The names of politicians and sometimes the party in power changes, but those with the wealth create the groups that will best deliver them the goods, often others' goods, and then figure out how to package that into a party's agenda and sell it to a public used to limited political choices anyway. When greater power and control over others is the whole point of the leadership up and down the entire system to reward those who contribute to your base of power, "corruption" is a meaningless term, only a political tool to use against your opponents because it sounds bad and the public has no clue of the hypocrisy of that term relative to a political system which is institutionalized corruption at best, or at its best.

Events at 3, events at 6, spinning out and back in

Just about everything in a society published is censored by at least two groups, publishing companies and its government. Publishers first and foremost censor what they wish to have associated with their name and reputation for. Is this too controversial or just plain badly written or done? If so, releasing too much of that type or even one notable exception which gets too much attention and they might go under (bankrupt, sold, hostile take over, or shut down by the government), and with them that work would vanish anyway due to rights which would fall into others hands and kill its publication. Governments wish to control what people are exposed to politically, though they call it protecting their culture, which is basically for good reasons and bad, the same thing, a political decision. Basically cultures are overtly attempted to be shaped and molded to what those currently in power wish them to be, or be thought of as by the people. In this sense they are the same thing because a culture simply is what most people believe it to be. The move to clamp down on the internet and self-publishing ought to be seen as a defense of fewer groups to keep from losing their greater power to guide in a positive sense, to control in a negative sense, a culture to be thought of in THEIR terms first, foremost, and preferably exclusively. When dissenting opinions get exposed to the general public, it enhances their potential to be believed and the current views of the leadership and mainstream media to be questioned or be thought wrong. That is why the internet will be harnessed like a plow horse, because open debate is not beneficial to the current policies or leaders.

How new senses develop in biological organisms, and why, for what purpose, many types (of) specific to different environments.

The difference between the mind and soul is a soul is simultaneous across different times and different minds. It is the expectations and anticipations of events which will not be accessible to the mind until near occurring or actually occurring, and must be constantly preserved and refreshed by the mind to be recalled after that. The soul, if existent, cuts across many different timelines equally in any time and is in the events, not in the mind (not in how the mind remembers or perceives those events). How to interact is in the expectations of both minds, and by interacting come to agreement at that time on what had occurred at that time, and what purpose it should serve to each.

Time and other (new) events drifts consciousnesses from wanting the same things as much as viewing things always the same way. Anyone who always wants the same things after many years, or if applicable centuries, lifetimes, or even the lifetime of Universes, is either extremely committed or extremely short-sighted. Our experiences make us think of things to want or wish for, yet hopefully new experiences enable that to change and shift in positive ways instead of the 1 dimensional "MORE!" attitude. Growth as change in expectations or desires is growth as well and should not be inflexible (growth) because of an inflexible or limited sense of identity. (All senses of identity are limited to what you can currently perceive or conceive of.)

Swapping or changing sex partners with friends over years (divorce, marrying a friend). Seeing how their lives were with that person and how yours might have been if you were the one with her or him. Getting a taste of someone else you know's lifetime beyond the limited always from your own eyes, mind, and experiences point of view.

One stupid dream if I did not wake up in the middle of, and all the events of my life over the last few years would have been completely different and more predictable. It built an entire new addition on to the structure of my house of potential events which had been more or less symmetric before that. Change always finds you eventually, sometimes by stranger means.

My attention and concern at the moment is highest in imagining as absolutely far into the future as it might be possible see. Almost none of that really has any bearing or potential to anyone living in the present. I am detaching emotionally (temporarily) from the problems of the present in a sense like never before and find this time irrelevant to what I wish to know in many respects. Like as if Superman was off exploring another galaxy, my attention and interest could come back at any time when I consider other peoples' problems my problems too again. More simply put, if what I want to know people cannot teach me, if what I can imagine can be starts to go beyond words (words are pre-existing concepts limited to what people already know) to relate it to others, I need to figure out first how that relates to others needs. Helping others I see as an integral part of growth, but in some ways it is not applicable or relevant. Growth means constantly surpassing whatever limitations you can find and without fully understanding the variances and variability of time first and foremost, the universe becomes a very small place, and everything in it, just the limitations of it.

Trying to take the concept of trispinning up to 4 or 5 dimensions, ouch! Danger Will Robinson, Danger! Talk about a possible mental overload. Good for giving yourself an aneurysm at will, though. The Omoglatron concept makes it possible though, transferring spin to orbiting and orbiting back to spin as aspects of the same thing between two objects and neither a property inherent in either object alone but as a relationship between the two over space and time and switching views to (include center out perspectives from) both objects view of the spin/orbit relationship at the same time, and then (also in addition to those two views at once, also a third between them reaching) back and forth, spin, orbit, spin, orbit. Confusing as hell but begins an outside view of 3D universe relationships beyond objects into something else more of a relationship between them in time and space (yet as something else entirely) outside of them both.

The present leadership in any country in the world has neither the imagination nor the political base nor the will to do anything bold or unpredictably good, what I call good, for the equal benefit of all  countries (or even for the equal benefit of *ALL* of its own citizens),  setting the world off on a more stable and more sustainable direction. They oscillate only between trying to keep everything the way it is to appease the rich and powerful who gave them that position, or doing something they think is unpredictable, what I call bad, sudden movement to enlarge their power base at the expense of others. Since all countries plan to do those things equally, start wars, become more nationalistic (more "patriotic" when its your country), trade wars, disrupt each others economies with sanctions or boycotts, it hardly ever is unpredictable or comes as any big surprise to those who choose not to believe the lies of the rhetoric. We are like riding in an elevator that can only go down or not at all, a world civilization that for the moment can only get more greedy, nationalistic, and dictatorially militaristic, and to cover trying to profit from the situation rather than caring how to make it better or go away.

Universe's 4th dimensional rotation, when all directions away in 3D space get smaller and seem to converge on a central point in the middle of every other point.

Just like power is a reversibly symmetrical notion to freedom, more power for you, less freedom for everyone else to oppose you, purpose is (reversibly symmetrical) as well. Keep most attention on your life as defined by you and everyone else becomes subservient to only how they further that notion or idea, instead of seeing the effects you have on others and thinking THAT is you. Both diametrically opposed views are also perpendicular, like spin to orbit to spin in the Omoglatron, not diametrically opposed angles of viewing which are the same from a higher dimensional point of view.

Always too much time and too little, the Universe has. Its value as a commodity is impossible to qualify as creating more of it reduces the amount, and reducing the amount only creates more.

To view life in terms of experiences and events first and foremost, is potentially to objectify everything else in ones environment to be  subordinate in importance. Meaning may exist to be found in contributing to events for the benefit of others equally as a potential basis of understanding, but at its simplest level of understanding, the Universe was just here, our consciousnesses happened to come across it (or where created in it) and are using it to work out some issues through experiences because we were bored and there is little else to do (with time) besides have experiences with or through having other things to react to and have to deal with.

Spend enough time in any environment and you slowly piece together how everything affects each other within that environment, whether you want to or not. Whether world politics power plays, physics, psychology, biology, or sociology, to me it is all just learning to understand the environment I am stuck in for awhile. I am just in learning mode still. Input, not output, is what I wish at the moment.

For any government or political system to endure hundreds of years, it must be able to control what people want and limit their wants to what it can provide or what it sanctions. That either of these can be thought of as a good is only due to the success in limiting the aspirations of its public. The idea of any country, people, or political system to endure for long periods of time without changing unrecognizably is crazy, and that people can be made to think keeping them from evolving into something better to be good, is sad.

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Power means never having your lies be able to be questioned while you wish, and therefore they will not be, even by yourself.

Truth is like spin. It is not that the answers or better more inclusive or representational truths are ever far away, they are always immediately at hand. It is our presumptions and desires by religion, philosophy, and now even dogma in science which makes reaching them into a journey because we emotionally are not yet ready to question the things about our body of ideas about the past that are always mostly erroneous or myopically short-sighted and unrepresentational at best, outright lies turned into gospel more (often) than not instead.

It is unquestionably and unspeakably evil to expect people to work the same hours productively when it is hot and not give them comfortable temperatures. Just as gravity shortens space, heat slows down time so that you can barely move and doing anything can take forever and far more work. People from equatorial zones were not stupid, just used to moving in a slower frame of reference so they could not compete with those used to moving faster in a colder zone where time moves more quickly. Joking yes, but there is a point there somewhere.

To know your potential, to see it before it is realized, is like seeing more cards at once in your hand while playing a card game, and know more of the options you have when it is your turn to do something. It is easy to explain it this way until you realize you are holding billions of cards at once of all different values in random orders. Remembering while scanning as many as possible all the ones in your hand at once is difficult, and choosing is only possible if there is a time limit because you would always wish for more time to scan more cards to compare them with each other to make a better move, or the best one possible or most appropriate for that moment in time. Thinking more quickly just lets you see more cards in the time allowed. Making moves before the timer runs out and people would start to get mad at you is just stupid overconfidence.

History is whatever those in power wish to say it was. The media and publishers controlling copyrights of past issues, to be able to make old copies slowly disappear from public view by not permitting reprints by others or allowing recycled reuse, combined with the constant deluge of "new" news replacing the old in peoples' minds and shelves makes "1984"(G. Orwell) style burning unnecessarily dramatic. A culture is what those in power wish to say it is, and if they have the help of the media, always in the hands of the most wealthy, the most powerful with the most wealthy define what that culture is all about,  usually to keep those in power in power, and to make those wealthy even more wealthy, that becomes the unconscious purpose and rallying point of the society. When the most wealthy and most politically powerful are one and the same, you may as well call it an aristocracy because that is what it is, not a democracy but an oligarchy. Anyone's individual "life" within this definition of culture and society is irrelevant. Anyone can be erased from history, recast in whatever light is the most useful at the time, and no one will publicly be able to be heard or treated fairly in the media who have a different opinion about him or her, and as the years go by, their opinions, if not forcefully modified or abandoned, will simply die with them. Truth used to be maintained by other cultures. When one got too heavily into book burning, censorship, or rewriting history, someone somewhere would try to keep alive some semblance of the truth. No more. The lies must now be universal and those telling them are deranged enough to think that universality will make them the truth. I say deranged because they do so in the name of God, justice, and truth. Nothing new there. They are just being challenged less as people, always cowards, are now bred and trained to be more docile than ever like farm animals, domesticated for service and slaughtered in wars whenever necessary. People in the West are allowed to be concerned about governments who control their medias. That is one of the few Soviet-styled controls of the population not adapted to the US in the last few years. They are NOT allowed to work against those who control the media from wanting to control the government and blinded by ideology and their own media's propaganda enough not to see that is not only just as bad, but potentially far worse.

The most applicable definition of power is simple to understand and uses only 9 words, "You will help us or we will kill you."

The monarchical model of government is natural, one group or branch, the law giver commanded by God to rule, and the others must obey that law. In this sense the US has become internationally a monarchy, the "king" country which sets the rules for others and is exempt from any itself if it chooses not to follow them. In the same sense, you could call the "Ten Commandments" the first Constitution and the religious clerics the first "lawyers" with the power to interpret it. "Ok, we can sell this to others, while figuring out loopholes to exempt ourselves from having to follow it at the same time." "Thou Shalt Not Kill!" "Good one!" "Ha ha ha." "Right! Sure, and exclusive control to "interpret" what that means to exempt ourselves while getting others to buy it, that one alone will deliver us our every wish!"

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When you do or actualize anything you must decrease its potential but inherent within the decrease of that potential is an increase in the potential perspective or experience or understanding of that potential, now transformed into an actual event, by others. The decrease in potential to the one is proportionate to the potential experience increased within others. That increase in others potential for that experience is offset by a decrease in their potential for other experiences. On the whole, potential and actual are either always in balance, or always through time creating new imbalances and trying to resolve them chasing each other, and from a better point of view, each (view) is the same and only different depending on how you choose to look at it. Or if you choose to see matter and past actual events, or the action, the potential for future actions, as possessing the greater validity as truth or real.

The #1 thing societies as a whole teach us- people are expendable. I call homeless people "people popsicles" after a homeless man froze to death where I lived because the homeless shelter's rules forbid him from shelter because he was drunk, sending him out to a certain death. No one was personally responsible. They were just doing their jobs. Even if not questioning the rules literally kills people immediately and directly, it is not their fault. If everyone is to blame, it means no one is to blame. People don't get rewarded for doing more than what is necessary if what is necessary costs more. They get promoted for finding new ways to show what is thought to be necessary really isn't after all, as long as you always remember people's lives count less than dollars.

The societies we have are they way they are because they are built around fear. Fear of thinking for yourself, fear of saying what you think is truth, fear of believing you know what others more powerful than you are doing is wrong and have the right to even just say so, let alone to work for a society not as dysfunctional.

When people are unwilling or afraid to take a stand against laws, rules, guidelines, or requirements they know are wrong, that only encourages lawmakers to make more of them. The more that happens, the less it is thought the laws must make any rational sense whatsoever, and they become free do to with the law whatever they please. Injustice becomes gospel because of the precedents they set which are all their is that guides them when morality becomes whatever is profitable and the law, merely then a tool to use against those you do not like. That is power gone mad. That is our reality.

The more renowned, celebrated, or highly thought of in others minds a person becomes, the more they become prisoners of those expectations or that image. When those who profit from that image think you might stray too much from it, even if their self-image is based upon serving you or your goals, often will have little compunction about killing you if it furthers what has grown around you which your continued existence can only threaten, once others start to define and benefit from that image. They can even believe killing you is for your own good because you are not wiser, but losing touch with what is your life's work, according to them anyway for if you become celebrated, you can lose the right to say what that is yourself if not extremely careful.

Everything regarded as fiction is either potentially true, representational of potential truths not yet have been put into action by someone's experiences, or more likely, representational in a way of countless peoples in the past, present, and future, in one way or another, and usually in many ways at once.

Seeing further than even angels and devils, beyond opinions, attitudes, identity, conflict, and what instigates them, yet not apathetic or detached either.

Each moment we experience in the "present" contains a completely different mix of different sets of futures which all logically stem from it as well as which sets of pasts could have lead to that moment. Linking that to any other mixture of different pasts and futures creates a manageable view of a particular set of experiences to be played out (seeming to connect the two). Collisions seemingly inevitable because they happen in more recent and closer timelines when not occurring, create new larger spaces of unpredictability again when something else diverts it.

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Television teaches people how to behave. Reading teaches people how to think. Reading you can stop, rewind, replay at any time and inject your own thoughts (at the same time). Video is meant to be streamed at a given speed to completely dominate your perceptions. Even when rewound and replayed, it is the same experience, not as subject to critical dissection bit for bit (word for word) for including your own judgement or opinions as words are. It is seductive, overwhelming, always the same, therefore will cause conformity to its message. With a book, all moments are there at once and can be compared, selecting what you like or agree with, marking that which you do not. Time-based streaming content is more difficult to be as selective with and one moment tends to overwrite ones thoughts on the previous ones and parts put in-between lose the critical glaring they would get in a book, because in a book they would receive much more notice. With so many messages per second in a visual medium, it is easy to throw in any sort of messages that just get accepted without even being noticed. All television is ultimately training videos on how to behave shown so incessantly (4-10 hours a day viewing for most), it becomes so constant, people lose the ability to become aware of how much it is a part of their consciousnesses because it can become as natural and unnoticed as their breathing or heart-rate. If they don't agree with something, they change the channel, ignoring whatever, finding their constant fix of what they want to hear or experience, each "option" ultimately as which side of the same face your society will allow you to think about. Any content showing different faces, opposed to all your society finds acceptable "options", you will never see and never hear it was censored, except rarely when at all, that it was really bad or reverse propagandizing it, that you were only protected from its badness. No need to thank us, but you should.

More marginalized yet stronger. The less you are or can do as yourself, the more you become of others. If the will is not lessened, only the forms change to work through.

The most perfect and most forceful 7/10 split.

Everything big curves away in all of its dimensions the bigger it is or gets, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.

Velocity determines the certainty of where you must be further into the future as well as gives greater shape to where you must have been prior to that point. Moving slower makes past as well as future points less certain and defined. Predestined vs. choice, tradeoff in exchange for certainty of self and purpose.

Keep moving, nothing to see here.

Grow out or go out.

Always adding an extra dimension to resolve movement paradoxes at near light speeds for every object added (as a reference point).

Every time you slow down enough to turn around (look behind you), history bites you in the ass.

Beyond experiences, yours and others, nothing is real. What anyone can hope to achieve alone is nothing. What all combined can achieve other than happiness is inconsequential and unreal. The only power we have is to make others and ourselves suffer. Not doing so when able, our only possible noteworthy achievements.

Democratizing societies is often an excuse to divide them. Once different groups are made to give preferences to each other, make rules which benefit one subsection of that society at the expense of another or all others, it becomes easy to pick that group of society to give support to and buy influence with. Even if not giving money directly to the parties, rich outside countries can easily identify who belongs to which group when deciding who to do business with and thereby legally make them wealthy in the process, and businessmen within the country begin to take the hint as to which parties or ideologies are the most profitable, and will make them the most powerful because of outside countries preferring to deal with those.

People instinctively now, they are trained so well, automatically look for a profit angle on any idea they are exposed to, not any longer "is it true or not", but which is the more profitable opinion to take, believe, or propose, which position if argued or believed will please those in power most and advance their careers. This is no longer even conscious in most, simply automatic as an instinct of survival, and noticing it in themselves is not profitable nor advantageous to their self-images.

Those that are celebrated in history and those who are purposefully expunged from it serve the same function; one aspect is identified as useful and all others surrounding it get purged to create its pedestal. Should full competition ever be allowed, the greatest achievements would be surpassed constantly. By keeping most reverential and praising the past, they create the clotting needed to build up the monumental illusions of (unsurpassable) greatness at the cost of others potentials.

Instead of how to excel (to ones fullest potentials), this world is about how to conform to societies dumbed down expectations for what you should be, while still trying to find some subtle unnoticed way of accomplishing something meaningful. The competent always end up working for and  ultimately controlled by the less competent who inherited money to provide themselves with (the means to) control of what others create or invent.

It is true humanity is far more like animals now than it one day might be when having a longer term of existence. However Western ideas of biology (sex) as shameful, less evolved, that leads not to control but suppression of vital instincts and abilities. This makes people more easily controlled (by controlling socially their access to sex, at first the church which alone could give permission for two to be married, now politicians who can decide who can have sex with whom and under what conditions), more manipulated and aggressive, but more unbalanced. Denial leads to social problems (prostitution, etc.). Understanding and using the biology to develop the mind, not for the mind to suppress it. That is the controlling influence of the churches (past and its legacy on legal institutions), not progression (by denial) but retardation because it is gives more control.

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Give people, almost any group of people, more freedom of speech and they will ask their opponent groups to be silenced. Give them more power and they will use that power to weaken or control others they do not like or care for. Give them autonomy and they will work to suppress (often at any cost) others drives for more autonomy within their new regions. When people are this predictably bad, how can anyone help them work together as a whole? They see no whole, no commonality, only look for the means to take more from others so they will have more for themselves. No political party is ever able to benefit all of society equally as a whole as its first aim, always their group of backers first who put them there (in office) to increase their own standing over others within that society. Since even societies within themselves are crippled to treating their own members by their own governments truly and always equally, what hope is there that all societies might ever try to do so in regards to each other, especially (towards) weaker countries they can make dance however they wish at the drop of a hat?

Feeling out the limitations and possible movements in the socio-political environments, in the biology, the physical environment, and in consciousness, all at the same time equally and as much as possible, to define what I can do, what I might want, and how to obtain it once I come to a decision about it and what is worth doing given the time and situation at hand.

It is from a consciousness' point of view that the future creates the past through exceptions (which) experiences must fulfill for the past to make sense. To know the answers when reaching them, one must have a sense of what they are now. It seems like being propelled to a finality one must stand in concert with at all other times.

NOTE: This one above is almost identical to the one below written just before the beginning of the Pre-notes missed and not yet put anywhere. There are some key differences but recurrent of this theme, seems I end this up full circle: Anyone who spends much of their time trying to figure something (philosophically) out is inevitably wasting their time. To know when one is done, one must have had some sort of inclination, expectation, or template to measure against to know when the truth is reached or found. Without such a compass, the end would never be reached or any point along the way would be as much an end as any other. You don't deduce the answers, you either have them or you don't. Deduction is always fraught with error and without having a ready-made pre-existing list of answers to compare your results to, any answer will do just the same.

Tempus fugit gravity

We are defined by our circumstances and points of view to what we perceive around us to have to react to. The only real control we have in our lives is if we have the power to control (what we have to react to,) what environment we choose to place ourselves within. Once within an environment, choices are determined by what we perceive our options to be, what we think we might do or needs to be done. And from that, what we think we ought to wish to do in or with that situation. Situations always rule us unless we take control over whatever else might be found within our environments and/or change them completely. The environments, if choosable, are the first and only real controls we ever will have.

Many of the concepts about a 4D universe in 2D 3D 4D 5D Thinking Made Simple will turn upside down and inside out how people think about and perceive a 3D Universe plus time, yet in other cases will only turn perception on its ear.

People value most knowledge that is enclosed within and guarded by that which would destroy them, and risk anything and pay any price to get through that impenetrable fortress to obtain what others or God wish to keep them from knowing. Truths easily obtained are prized far less because they don't require struggling against something to obtain. The struggles are real, the truths are all the same and equally valuable or worthless.

What is designed to take me down I make my own knowing to run or avoid it is to be beaten by it. To know it, to accept its place in the scheme of things, yet remain resolute, that is more of a victory, whatever the cost, than living even much much longer but in fear avoiding what is sent your way that you run from every moment you choose not to confront it. You are at least as strong as whatever you choose to stand up to, and stronger than whatever cannot make you afraid.

Time is like a roomful of presents you are only allowed to open one a day.

Everything always as a whole

Left/right dimensions

Nationhoods decided always in own interests

1/2 pie vs. 1/2 pi, nature's magic number and why. Creator's first exposition. Electron 4 dimensions movement plane.

Another Australia in the sky. Creating stable gravitational 2D planes and 3D triplanes.

Wanted to be smarter. Knew risks. Knew tightrope. Others merely ground to push off of.

Basically now we only **** over poorer countries for fun and profit. We use our wealth to buy up all their land, resources, and make them dependent upon us for jobs for their very survival. However the economics of growth, growth, growth, will only require us to ever greater accelerate that and lose more and more moral qualms about it. Without embracing zero growth, each generation is destined to become more like animals (in how they view and treat less fortunate others) than the one before, yet more hypocritical saying how much they are "helping" others even as we require more and more people to assume more and more levels of bondage. Joy. The greater success of any model of civilization makes more and more people (generating larger populations) who will be dependent upon it (and think whatever it is or takes to keep delivering them the goods is right). If it is tilted toward perpetual growth, morality becomes a liability and eventually traded-in for less moral new and improved definitions of it to justify what they want and eventually by being irresponsible, what they will need.

What the Universe is is extremely simple. Interaction within it from an inside perspective can be simple as well. Trying to understand multiple points and times and perspectives at once, and things get a bit complicated. Away from here and now in all directions and in time, things get fuzzy and turned around, and no more so than in each person you come across standing next to you.

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why would anyone

Once caring

multi-D = potential

POV diffusion, both are.

Everything seeks that idea or rationalization which will allow it to dominate and grow. That which does not dies and becomes again potential. That which does not die is forever struggling to jump over imaginary chasms of time and grasping at any straw which will replicate themselves over time. It is sameness seeking to convert potential into more sameness.

Sliding sideways instead of forward.

Poo bear

Creator's breakfast

Verbs of transformation virtually non-existent, focused on things movement instead of all changes at once.

Knowledge = shared misconceptions in the sense that (people call) reality is a shared hallucination. Knowledge is the lowest common denominator (of belief) of what has, did, or could happen, a sameness of belief which seeks validity through lack of disapproval no matter how that lacking can be attained and other ideas suppressed.

When axis of spin is not at a single point but along an infinite curved 2D plane at once, without 3D perception in all directions away at once, vs. our top oriented as 2D planes of perception away from us forward, cannot be pictured due to limitations of our environments.

Peoples' perceptual worlds are limited to what they know about. If everyone in a foreign country or even a continent you would never have any interaction with or knowledge about it were all slaughtered, it would not be a source of perception or affect your life as long as your government can keep them (knowledge of it) from coming toward your metaphoric house's window and telling you about it, even if they died because of your government for your or its benefit, you are free of guilt as long as kept ignorant. This is the power of governments lies, to create an artificial reality where nothing bad happens that they can keep who matters (usually not you anyway) from learning what they are doing. All realities are artificial as long as ANY information is purposely suppressed from ANY public. That is only half the story though. People not caring to want to know is the other half.

Rotation (through movement) in (curved) 1D, a point, in 2D a line (passing through that point) intersecting it at 2 points, in 3D a plane intersecting it as a (curved) line, a ring, in 4D a triplane (3D universe curved around) intersecting it as a (curved) plane, a bubble.

Location defined by relative curvature of atoms in 4D sense compared with others.

How the internal, the hopes, dreams, ambitions, and desires, meshes up with the external, that source of endless limitations and triviality of the physical world, to work with and to try to make something out of it or make it sing with events in orchestration.

This is what politics has devolved into for the poor and politically unpowerful (most). One group you will screw you the worst but they stand with God, are only doing so because God tells them to, and only they can confront evil in the world, and you must give them more money as God does not deserve to be skimped on. Yet you have a choice, the Apologists who are kept around to keep the right wingers under control by having a way to take them out of power if they choose to ignore their money masters. The Apologists will do nothing to improve your standing if you are poor or less well off than most, still will lessen your benefits, dismantle the "safety net", but are nicer about it because they will make your life harder more slowly and will empathize with your increasing pain and suffering, but ask you to realize for them to get into power, they have to be willing to screw you for the benefit of getting any corporate money to obtain power in the first place, but will try to screw you over in a nicer way than the harsher group would. That is about all the choices any in any country will soon ever see when they obtain even that amount of choice.

Real meaning of "corporate law"- what corporations can do which you and even your government could not, but always wanted to. Nice that they could share the information as they pleased. Mandatory drug testing for any job at any time for any reason. Complete monitoring of all your activities and communications while at the office, including hiring private detectives to monitor you during your off-hours for suspicions for any reason. Until recently law enforcement agencies needed a reason for around-the-clock surveillance besides the standby, belonging to a political party not in the majority. Hack into you personal computers at home (RIOA). Scrutinizing your religious beliefs for employment related purposes. I had to fill out a psyche questionnaire for a menial position for a Southern corporation which included, "Do you believe in God?" and "Would you agree or disagree with the following statement, I am a good Christian?"

Beginning to outgrow training wheels don't even realize they have on.

Whatever life circumstantially throws your way, you don't have to believe it, accept it, or like it. All you are required to do is deal with it and think whatever you want about how you are made or expected to react. Rise above the situations and look down on them.

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What sucks the most is knowing even what I call my mind is stuck to, a pattern within it inseparable, and defined by this stupid world, primitive race, and circumstances. As much as my ego loves to say I was made for better things, me and my world are a matched set. Like so many others in other Universes or others' lives or others' circumstances, and all above at the same time, yet forever to be defined by (only) this world and here and now, know(ing) more yet doomed by necessity (of others) to always do less.

Consciousness is always reorganizing itself yet seeks always patterns (around which) to give it form and shape. All energy, matter, the same and shades of both, are basically just searches for new patterns.

No one is free. That said, I have little to complain about comparatively speaking (with what I know anyway, not what I can do, I can do less than others). What bothers me the most, as much as others can complain about the things they are kept from doing which are in their own interests, things called by them or their society as bad and complain of their lack of freedom to do these things, what really gets my goat is all the good things I could not do, not because I was not able, but because society is not yet ready for and would inevitably have stopped me long before getting out of the gate. That lack of being able to grow is why the present types of societies will be drastically changed or will self-destruct under their own inertia, and won't be missed.

I am now completely a product of my current circumstances. My mind grew so rapidly over the last 2 years in so many different directions, almost no other set of circumstances could have triggered, how I am now is been completely created and adapted to this new (extreme) environment circumstantially. So many different paths converged to create it, a vertical new dimension was inevitable (to be imagined) to sort it out, multiple overpasses to sort it (multiple paths convergences) all out.

People turn to violence when they know their concerns or suffering will never in their lifetimes be addressed or tried to be made right. Our pat answers for everything are "GET OVER IT!" instead of trying to think what you would do in their place, give up and accept what should never have happened which not only may never be made right, but never even be made to stop happening if it is still ongoing, and they are still increasingly being victimized. GET OVER IT! Actually I agree with that. Too many wrongs now have been done to too many people by how the world is for us to be able to make things right. To the African-Americans who must work for people made rich by buying, selling, trading, and treating their recent ancestors as a cross between cattle and prostitutes, we say GET OVER IT. To the Native-Americans whom we committed genocide on, broke just about every treaty and promise we ever made to them and literally stole everything they ever might have had, we say GET OVER IT. To the Native Hawaiians who had an internationally recognized state we basically stole outright by force, we say GET OVER IT. To the people of former banana republics who lost all the land and wealth of their countries they ancestors had lived on for centuries because we backed military dictators because they rewarded us by selling everything in their country for a song to us for their own personal bank accounts, making it all legal, while the people of those countries got nothing for it and more recently had their livelihoods stolen from them, we say GET OVER IT. They all f***in' well should get over it!!! Thinking we can even begin to address that growing list of wrongs our world societies continue to add more to everyday is absurd. Yet we should only expect them to get over it, or even have the right to ask such a thing, when we can prove to them that to their children or anyone else's, that we will finally stop doing such things that they will soon need to be told to GET OVER IT.

I know of conclusive proof that no Armenian massacre took place in Turkey at the beginning of the 1900's. Turkey has more wealth and influence than Armenia will ever have. Enough said. The future GWB is building, "interpretation" of the past goes to the highest bidder, just like the politicians votes, other peoples land, and just about anything else someone wants to take away from someone else. Dishonoring the souls of a million strangers is nothing compared to what they are willing to do to the living.

We are all prisoners of what we know or believe. Some kinds of knowledge are enabling, others are inhibiting or more confining.

The great memory dump of the Universe, cleaning out the cache and all people and beings merely temporary pattern buffers.

Making the world better is the easiest thing to do in the world, and each and every person always knows exactly how to do so. The only thing that is difficult is how to convince the people who benefit the most from the most horrible things about the world the way it is, that it is in the interests of their children as well to start making these changes now, not to put it off for another time no one may ever see. Doing as you should in the present, helping as many as you can now, trumps whatever you hope can be achieved further along which should not be attempted to be controlled by any now, and if you achieve it, it merely is paid for at the cost of others choices, hardly worth celebrating outside your own ego. There is a machine-like quality to how the world is becoming organized, simply control everything people need to survive, cut off all avenues for them to get around your obstacles, and make yourself the kind of people and the world the machine knows cannot be changed by even who runs it, to destroy the individuality of others to create the worlds they wish, while claiming to do so to enshrine and protect it and them.

Life in a streaming buffer

Everyone's job in every present is to make peoples' lives in the future better and more free than those who lived in the past. Don't believe the definition of freedom of anyone in the present. Their definitions are limited by and to past definitions, and because of such, by trying to define what freedom can mean for others and in the future, try to destroy it by robbing others of the right to redefine freedom for themselves.

Field attraction between and against

Sunday August 21st, 2005- Super Bonus Day number 800 counting leap year day. 800 days of living as if possibly no tomorrow, no fear, no planning for a future which may never come, but trying to do the most possible if today is all I get, and enjoy and appreciate it as if it is all I may get. Racked up a string of accomplishments in writing down the ideas, conceived and finished 2D 3D 4D 5D over the 2 years, graduated, tried my best to wake a few people up, though if they are asleep, they probably are happier that way. Reality which few have chosen to face has become grim and only getting darker at the moment until people start paying attention more. Tomorrow I head toward another country, beginning a new chapter on day number 801, still taking it, or trying to take it, one day at a time, taking nothing for granted and having as little expectations as possible to keep from knowing what is there to be seen beyond what I may prefer to see, yet wish to know anyway, and on many levels, need to.